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Author Topic: Restore windows library into MC21.0.4 - query + feature request  (Read 5462 times)


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This is a spin off from:

I want to restore a MC library backup created from the Windows version into MC21 21.0.4 for Linux.
I assume I will need to alter file paths for Linux format.

1) How can I do this? (do I need to hack the file/s to alter file paths?).

2) Feature request - Can you get the library format to be portable across different operating systems? A user should be able to specify the root of each library entry for each OS. When parsing the library, if the folder root is not found a dialogue popup should appear asking for the new root perhaps...



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Re: Restore windows library into MC21.0.4 - query + feature request
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2015, 03:43:21 pm »

point 2) has been raised a few times recently, some links in to let you follow the trail,_Move,_and_Copy_Files is the tool to use for point 1)


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Re: Restore windows library into MC21.0.4 - query + feature request
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2015, 06:34:10 pm »

point 2) has been raised a few times recently, some links in to let you follow the trail,_Move,_and_Copy_Files is the tool to use for point 1)

Thanks however..

with point (1) I mean is there a way to hack the library files? I don't want to touch the media. By the look of it that tool alters your media resources?
Also for that tool do you need to load the library to make it run? (in which case it's no go either
Also at present if I go to Tools -> Library Tools it states no "No files selected".



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Re: Restore windows library into MC21.0.4 - query + feature request
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2015, 07:32:33 pm »

Thanks however..

with point (1) I mean is there a way to hack the library files? I don't want to touch the media. By the look of it that tool alters your media resources?
Also for that tool do you need to load the library to make it run? (in which case it's no go either


One of the options in rename tool is to update the database without moving files.  That only affects the library and doesn't move anything.  

Also at present if I go to Tools -> Library Tools it states no "No files selected".

Try selecting some files first.  Once you're satisfied with how the tool is working after a few tests, select them all.


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Re: Restore windows library into MC21.0.4 - query + feature request
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2015, 08:31:36 pm »

One of the options in rename tool is to update the database without moving files.  That only affects the library and doesn't move anything. 

Try selecting some files first.  Once you're satisfied with how the tool is working after a few tests, select them all.

Thanks but I don't seem to have any files, it seems I have to load the library first, which can't seem to do anyway (ch1cken and egg):

The tool won't load at all from the menu....
Or perhaps I am supposed to go back to windows and do it from there?


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Re: Restore windows library into MC21.0.4 - query + feature request
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2015, 05:58:07 pm »

Bumping many thanks...


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Re: Restore windows library into MC21.0.4 - query + feature request
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2015, 09:35:41 pm »

Let's make sure I understand:

You want to take an MC library created with Windows MC and import it into MC for Linux.  The path names are all wonky because of backslashes and UNC paths.  I think I understand that.

I read your original thread also and I'm having a tiny bit of trouble understanding, but.... Your restore doesn't complete?  So you can't import the library backup at all?  If that's true, I think I have a solution for both.


1.  On Windows MC select all files in the library from some convenient view.  Maybe test this process with a small group of files to make sure it works.
2.  File > Export Playlist .  Use MPL as the export format.
3.  Take that MPL file and open it with some text editor that you like, either on Windows or on Linux.  Emacs maybe?  :P :P
4.  Do a simple find and replace turning \ into / .  That should fix your wonky paths.
5.  Optionally, do another find and replace to get rid of leading UNC paths and replace them with the proper path where your files will be located on the Linux machine.
6.  Save this file and transfer it to the Linux machine.
7.  Open a new library and choose File > Import Playlist .  Choose your file.

I *think* that will do it, as MPL seems to have everything from the database in it.

You shouldn't need this weird workaround.  I thought library backups were cross platform.  But you seem to have an issue and I hope this work around is successful.

Good luck.



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Re: Restore windows library into MC21.0.4 - query + feature request
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2015, 01:27:11 pm »

sort of similar issue..
I want to take an MC 21 library created with Windows MC and import it into MC for Windows 2012R2.  The path names are all wonky because of backslashes and UNC paths.  I think I understand that.

I read this thread also and I'm having a tiny  bit (a lot) of trouble to restore to the new location ? different drives  I  can import the library backup?  However the paths are not the same.  This does not seem to be working or an easy task.

Does JRiver offer paid support for remote assistance where you really need expert help and the FORUM just don't cut it.   This would the great help to me and I know of others would be very interested in such a service!!
or  possibly any MC21 expert for on the side work  would be interested.......


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Re: Restore windows library into MC21.0.4 - query + feature request
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2015, 03:39:44 pm »

sort of similar issue..
I want to take an MC 21 library created with Windows MC and import it into MC for Windows 2012R2.

I don't know anything about Windows server, so I can't offer any personal advice, there are some forum members who provide special personal tech support on a pay basis as I recall (I am not one of them).

But just FYI: JRiver is unsupported on any flavor of Windows Server, so there won't likely be any official support for your use case.


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Re: Restore windows library into MC21.0.4 - query + feature request
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2015, 03:51:24 pm »

I want to take an MC 21 library created with Windows MC and import it into MC for Windows 2012R2.  The path names are all wonky because of backslashes and UNC paths.  I think I understand that.

What's the issue?  Backslashes should be used on all versions of Windows as far as I know.  Is it because the original library has UNC paths and the new machine has local disks or something?  If so, you should be able to use RM&C to change the UNC paths into a drive letter, or letters.

I  can import the library backup?  However the paths are not the same.  This does not seem to be working or an easy task.

Even if the paths are wrong, you *should* be able to import a backup made with another MC library.  Have you tried restoring the MC Library backup?  What happened when you did?

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