*** Some Newer Presets for MilkDrop2:
It appears that some our fellow MD2 enthusiasts are continuing to create new presets and tweak and morph others, so I scraped what I could see into a .rar file, cleverly named 'Newish-Milkdrop2-Presets.rar' and available for your downloading pleasure here:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=16GupAFz3SghlXxS6ou_eSAI9-1nivplrSome are pretty cool, here's a teaser:

OOH, big teaser.
It sounds like some dj's have managed to layer MD2 output with other video to do some cool stuff- find them on youtube. Sadly, they, like us, are hoping for a kindly programmer to update the code, to no avail.

Oh, I didn't mention that these were on the old winamp site, made by flexi and other smart people who can comprehend the MD2 preset code. I think we can say that even today, "[product name here] whips the Llama's A$$".

By the way, if you like, you can make a folder in the presets folder ie: Presets/New/ and dump these in there while you see which ones you like. To open them, with MD2 running, hit the "L" key. Then, use the numpad '8' key to navigate up to the new folder (or to go up a level, go to the very top; "[ ..] Parent Directory". When you have the highlight where you want it, hit numpad '5'. Same to navigate to any directory, just get the highlight where you want it and hit numpad "5" on any preset to start playback.
Number ROW '1' for help.
You can also hit 'a' to do a random 'mashup' and see what you get.
Enjoy the non-productivity!
*** note: I made a small file on how to migrate MilkDrop2 when you upgrade Media center. This doesn't have all the presets and program files, just directions & .reg files needed to get MD2 working. (3rd link below) ***
While we wait for some smartie to put together a one-click installer for the MilkDrop2 Visualization Engine, I thought I'd pull together all the steps and files, as they were scattered far & wide. All credit to the original authors, especially Paul1970 for the original port and Doof, on whose write-up this readme is based.
I put the files up on GoogleDrive. I made the ReadMe a separate file, so you can download it first. The main file is about 160MB and includes the appx. 50K presets originally uploaded by Arcturus, as well as the main plug-in and the support files mentioned in the ReadMe. The additional presets are in a separate folder, so you can install some or all of them at a later date if desired.
Here is the ReadMe File:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_sgqMslW6DkY3BuRF9iYlJNbkEHere is the main file:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_sgqMslW6DkWXdFYWlKOW5SUmMUpgrading MC? Just get this:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_sgqMslW6DkY1I5aENCU0ZPT28That's all I can think of at the moment-- I hope this helps someone and please post if you notice omissions or errors. I'll attach a screenshot of a few of the presets for kicks.