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Author Topic: JRiver track progress bar, when it's used as a DLNA server and control point  (Read 28753 times)


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I've been trying to use JRiver as a DLNA server and control point with the Auralic Aries Network Renderer.
It generally works fine, but the one issue that troubles me is that JRiver's track progress bar (and that of JRemote as well) always gets stuck in the beginning of each track, resetting itself to the beginning. Then, after about 30 secs, it catches up with the Renderer, and after that shows progress correctly.
Is there a trick for fixing this behavior?
Thank you,
- Alex


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Please download the Dmra tester from my sig, and post the test log here.
Author of Whitebear Digital Media Renderer Analyser -
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Thank you! Here is Renderer info captured by your tool. Let me know if I've missed anything

Device Description Url
Friendly Name   Living Room uPnP
Manufacturer Name   AURALIC
Model Name   ARIES
UPnP Device Type   urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1
UPnP Media Renderer version   1
Unique Device Name   uuid:lightningRender-bc-34-00-a0-08-0b
Service Url for ConnectionManager
Service Url for RenderingControl
Service Url for AVTransport
AVT:SetNextAVTransportURI (gapless play)   Supported
AVT:SyncPlay (synchronous play)   Feature not available on this DMR version
RC:GetVolume action   Supported
RC:SetVolume action   Supported
HTTP User Agent (client)   ??
Play test file result   Play failed => Start Ok / Time out / Subscribe error / Muted



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Thanks for the report. Your player has a problem with Event Subscriptions. Therefore in MC you need to right click on the player and select the "Disable Eventing" feature. (sorry I don't have MC on this tablet so I can't remember the exact title of the menu item).
Author of Whitebear Digital Media Renderer Analyser -
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Thank you. Setting the DLNA controller to "ignore transport events" helped somewhat, although the progress bar is still jumpy, and prone to fall behind. I guess this is the best that can be had in this respect.
Sorry for changing the topic, but would you happen to know why the DLNA server (JRiver) would stop playing all of a sudden, just by itself. This happened to me several times, during testing Auralic Aries. I may be wrong, but I think each time it happened with VERY short tracks (well under a minute). It's as if JRiver lost understanding of which next track it should push to the Renderer. Could it be because there is not enough time to communicate with the Renderer during short tracks?


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As mentioned, the player does not support the UPNP eventing model, so you should report that to the manufacturer. This means that MC must fallback to the polling model, which wastes a lot of network bandwidth and is therefore not as responsive.

Your other issue sounds like a "SetNext" problem. Your player claims to support that feature (gap less play). But try right clicking on the player in MC and selecting "disable SetNext" support...

Author of Whitebear Digital Media Renderer Analyser -
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It actually does play gaplessly, so what would disabling setNext buy me?
Could you recommend a nice renderer supporting resolutions up to 24/96, which would play nicely with JRiver?
The thing is the JRiver/JRemote combination is so nice, no other products approach it even remotely.
So I'd rather keep them as constants in my hi-fi equation.
Thank you for your help!


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It actually does play gaplessly, so what would disabling setNext buy me?
Thank you for your help!
You said yourself "it's as if MC lost understanding of which track it should push next" -- that sounds to me like a problem with SetNext...
Author of Whitebear Digital Media Renderer Analyser -
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Thank you. Setting the DLNA controller to "ignore transport events" helped somewhat, although the progress bar is still jumpy, and prone to fall behind. I guess this is the best that can be had in this respect.
Sorry for changing the topic, but would you happen to know why the DLNA server (JRiver) would stop playing all of a sudden, just by itself. This happened to me several times, during testing Auralic Aries. I may be wrong, but I think each time it happened with VERY short tracks (well under a minute). It's as if JRiver lost understanding of which next track it should push to the Renderer. Could it be because there is not enough time to communicate with the Renderer during short tracks?

Same two problems here with a new Aries Mini, although the sudden stops are not only on short tracks. Have contacted Auralic support and linked to this thread. I'm on a Mac, so I can't use Andrew's DMRA Tester, but I will try his suggestion to "Disable SetNext" and see if it helps and what that does to gapless play (would hate to lose it, was one of the main reasons for my purchase of the Aries Mini).

No luck so far. Checking "Disable SetNext" prevented JRiver from going to the next song completely. Not only weren't songs played gaplessly, at the end of the first song, playback is just stopped. With "Disable SetNext" unchecked, songs are played - gaplessly -, but the random sudden stopping persists. Could it be a buffering issue? The first answer of the Auralic support was "Try switching the Aries back to open home and see of it works with JRiver as the library." That's rather cryptical, so I asked for clarification.

I'm on the last version of JRiver for Mac 20 and JRemote 3.22. Tonight, I will try with the trial version of JRiver for Mac 21.


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Honestly I do not often say this. But really it sound like your renderer is totally broken. You need to ask the manufacturer to fix this.

Author of Whitebear Digital Media Renderer Analyser -
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Thanks Andrew, I'm in contact with Auralic support to solve these issues.

BTW, this also happens with JRiver for Mac 21. And the stops occur even when using Auralic's own Lightning DS app instead of JRiver/JRemote. So, the problem seems to be with the Aries Mini.


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All is well. After a tip from Auralic support, I did a hard reset und a new setup of the Mini. Now everything works.

Well, JRemote still seems to have some problems with the progress bar, even with "Ignore Transport Events" activated. But no more stops.


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Hey, I just got a couple new devices which support DTS Play-Fi and I've been trying to figure out the best way to use them.  Fortunately I found that MC can see them as DLNA renderers, but I'm running into a similar issue to the OP, that MC can't seem to see the status the progress bar doesn't move and it always fails to play the next track.

I downloaded the DMRA tester but it doesn't see them at all.  Any suggestions?


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Hey, I just got a couple new devices which support DTS Play-Fi and I've been trying to figure out the best way to use them.

What are the devices?

Author of Whitebear Digital Media Renderer Analyser -
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I've got an Anthem MRX1120 and a Paradigm PW AMP.


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If the DMRA can't see the devices then either they aren't UPNP compliant (which is unlikely since there are two different devices) or you have a routing issue on your Lan.

Check that they all have ip addresses on the same subnet as the router (e.g ip addresses assigned using DHCP), check that the router is able to route UPNP discovery, and make sure you have no firewall or AV software interfering with the network traffic.
Author of Whitebear Digital Media Renderer Analyser -
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Well, MC can see them as can the Play Fi app.  And MC can play to them, but I have the OP's problem of no progress logged while playing to them and thus the next track never starts.


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Well, MC can see them as can the Play Fi app.  And MC can play to them, but I have the OP's problem of no progress logged while playing to them and thus the next track never starts.

If you are not willing to fix your Lan issues, then the DMRA cannot test the devices, and so I cannot help you..

Author of Whitebear Digital Media Renderer Analyser -
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They do all have IP addresses, they are on the same subnet, and my router supports routing as evidenced by DMRA being able to see my MC server.

Plus as noted MC can see these PlayFi devices as renderers, and can play to them, however it doesn't show any progress and doesn't continue playing the next song.


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Ok, if you think there is not a routing or firewall issue then there must be something non standard in the device of service descriptions. The DMRA uses Windows SSDP discovery, which is quite intolerant of non compliant DDDs and SCPDs. The only way forward that I can think of is to run WireShark while the DMRA is searching, and post the log, to see what is failing.

Author of Whitebear Digital Media Renderer Analyser -
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I kind of suspect they're not standard, but the fact that they showed up and "work" in MC gave me some hope.

Interestingly (I haven't had a chance to try wireshark) I did download Bubble UPNP and they do show up in there... eventually (it took 1-2 minutes).  

Code: [Select]
[cling-96 (179)              ] INFO     - 18:01:57.35  - f                           : Sending device descriptor retrieval message: (c) GET
[cling-97 (180)              ] INFO     - 18:01:57.76  - c                           :

        Manufacturer: Phorus
        Manufacturer URL:
        Model name: Phorus-Renderer
        Model description: Phorus-Renderer
        Model number: 1.0
        Model URL:
        Serial number: ####
        UDN: ####

[main (1)                    ] INFO     - 18:01:57.79  - d                           : added Renderer device: MRX1120

And that led to these:

Code: [Select]

The referneced XMLs are attached.


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Ok. Thanks for sending the DDD and SCPDs. I will need to analyze them by hand. So I will get back later..
Author of Whitebear Digital Media Renderer Analyser -
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I kind of suspect they're not standard, but the fact that they showed up and "work" in MC gave me some hope.

Interestingly (I haven't had a chance to try wireshark) I did download Bubble UPNP and they do show up in there... eventually (it took 1-2 minutes).

Actually the SCPDs seem to be quite standard. However the DDD does contain a few anomalies as follows:

  • It contains two elements hostIpAddress and hostPortNo which are not in the default UPnP device v1.0 namespace. And BTW this default namespace is not declared as an xmlns attribute.
  • It contains the element qq:X_Pla_SofwareCapability where the namespace qq is not declared as an xmlns attribute
  • It contains the element dlna:X_DLNADOC where the namespace dlna is not declared as an xmlns attribute
  • It declares the UDN = uuid:### which is invalid syntax and also not unique

Any of the above points would explain why Windows UPnP Discovery fails to discover the device. I think that MC does not check the DDD so probably that is why MC can still see the device.

The last point (UDN = uuid:###) is probably why Bubble takes so long to find the device, and may well explain your other issues with MC. Every UPnP device MUST have a globally unique UDN / UUID that follows the accepted UUID syntax. This is the ONLY way for Control Points to differentiate between multiple UPnP devices on a LAN. If the device does not have a valid and unique UUID then messages destined for one device will be mis- routed to another. And the SSDP discovery / rediscovery and alive notification process will be munged up.

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Well, it does have a UDN, I just deleted it, I guess I'm slightly paranoid about posting serial numbers on the internet.  It's formatted as [a-z0-9]{8}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{12}.


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Well, it does have a UDN, I just deleted it, I guess I'm slightly paranoid about posting serial numbers on the internet.  It's formatted as [a-z0-9]{8}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{12}.

Ok. Then that is not the problem.

My other points still apply...

Author of Whitebear Digital Media Renderer Analyser -
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Good Morning,

As a new user to JRiver/JRemote i am having exact same
issue and as my main use is as a DLNA server on a Play-Fi
network it's rendering it unusable. I am a big fan of the
interface and this is the only, (but rather critical issue) I have.

MC can see all renderers  but is unable to keep elapsed track time
(Sticks/skips between 0.00 and 0.05) updated and so will only ever play one track and then stops.

I have enabled/disabled and every combination of  "ignore transport events" and "disable set next support"
but no luck. Am running MC 21 on a Mac, connecting to Playfi enabled DLNA
speakers. ASUS RT-N66 router. I can use any other DLNA server without issue, JRiver
is the only one having this track time issue.

Thanks in advance for any ideas


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Ok. Even though the other poster cannot get the DMRA to detect his renderers, can you please try it on your setup?

Download the DMRA from my sig, and post the renderer report(s) here.

Author of Whitebear Digital Media Renderer Analyser -
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Im currently running on a mac so dont think i can use the DMRA ?

Was having the same issue on a windows 10 machine so will do the DMRA on this


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Hi again

Please see below. If i ran incorrectly I apologize. Please let me know and I can redo. Thanks once again for your help. Much appreciated.

DMR Report (by Whitebear) for Phorus-Renderer

Device Description Url=
HTTP Server Header=Linux/2.6.34, UPnP/1.0, Portable SDK for UPnP devices/1.6.19
Friendly Name=Kitchen
Manufacturer Name=Phorus
Manufacturer Url=
Model Name=Phorus-Renderer
Model Number=1.0
Model Url=
Serial Number=000000000001
UPnP Device Type=urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1
UPnP Media Renderer version=1
Unique Device Name=uuid:3d62cbc4-32f8-4fbc-8618-60b606028233
Unique Product Code=000000000001
X_DLNADOC Element=DMR-1.50
Service Url for AVTransport=
Service Url for RenderingControl=
Service Url for ConnectionManager=
RC:GetDeviceCapabilities action=NOT Supported
AVT:GetMediaInfo action=Supported
AVT:GetPositionInfo action=Supported
AVT:GetTransportInfo action=Supported
RC:GetTransportSettings action=NOT Supported
AVT:SetNextAVTransportURI (gapless play)=Feature Available
AVT:SyncPlay (synchronous play)=Feature NOT available on this DMR version
RC:GetVolume action=Supported
RC:SetVolume action=Supported
AVT:Event Subscription=Fail
RC:Event Subscription=Fail
Play test file result=Play failed => Start Ok / Time out / Muted / Subscribe error

Media Center DLNA Server Advanced Settings

Enable bitrate Field=Checked
Filter international characters=Off
Include session ID=Off
Playstation 3 Compatible=Off
Present Caption Resources=Checked
Present Small Artwork=Off
Present Subtitle Resources=Checked
Skip Child Count=Off
Use flat URLs=Off
Use full URLs=Off
WMC Compatible=Off

Declared Supported Audio, Image & Video Formats


Evaluated Supported Audio Formats

audio/x-flac   FLAC   Fuzzy   *   *   *   Yes
audio/flac   FLAC   Fuzzy   *   *   *   Yes
audio/mpeg   MP3   Fuzzy   *   2   *   No
audio/vnd.dlna.adts   AAC_ADTS   Fuzzy   *   2   *   No
audio/mp4   AAC_ISO   Fuzzy   *   2   *   No
audio/3gpp   AAC_ISO   Fuzzy   *   2   *   No
audio/aac      Undefined            
audio/x-hx-aac-adts      Undefined            



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Thank you for the report.

It shows that there are at least six bugs in the player as follows

  • It does not support GetDeviceCapabilties which is a mandatory method, and one critical to the functioning with MC
  • It does not support GetTransportSettings which is a mandatory method
  • It does not support Event subscriptions on the AVTransport service, which is critical to  the functioning with MC
  • It does not support Event subscriptions on the RenderingControl service, which is critical to  the functioning with MC
  • It claims to be DLNA v1.5 compliant. It is not. Because it does not support the mandatory L16 linear PCM audio format
  • Further to the above, it does not offer the supported formats with DLNA.ORG_PN attributes for L16, MP3, M4A, AAC, etc. (less critical issue)

These are critical errors in the player, so you should inform the manufacturer, and tell them to have them fixed.

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Thank you very much for taking the time to check this out. Not the 'quick fix' i was hoping for (!) but will take up with manufacturer.

Thanks again. Much appreciated.


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Thank you for the report.

It shows that there are at least six bugs in the player as follows

  • It does not support GetDeviceCapabilties which is a mandatory method, and one critical to the functioning with MC
  • It does not support GetTransportSettings which is a mandatory method
  • It does not support Event subscriptions on the AVTransport service, which is critical to  the functioning with MC
  • It does not support Event subscriptions on the RenderingControl service, which is critical to  the functioning with MC
  • It claims to be DLNA v1.5 compliant. It is not. Because it does not support the mandatory L16 linear PCM audio format
  • Further to the above, it does not offer the supported formats with DLNA.ORG_PN attributes for L16, MP3, M4A, AAC, etc. (less critical issue)

These are critical errors in the player, so you should inform the manufacturer, and tell them to have them fixed.

What a mess...

GetDeviceCapabilities and GetTransportSettings are trivial to implement.

The Computer Audiophile

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Hi Guys - I just received three Play-Fi devices. They all work within the Android Play-Fi app using any UPnP server. MC can see the devices as UPnP renderers, but can't send any music to the devices. When attempting to play music, nothing plays.

DTS says Play-Fi devices all work the same.

Question: Anyone know if streaming UPnP to these is possible?

Here is some info from one of the devices.

DMR Report (by Whitebear) for Phorus-Renderer

Device Description Url=
HTTP Server Header=Linux/2.6.34, UPnP/1.0, Portable SDK for UPnP devices/1.6.19
Friendly Name=Play-Fi Device (0348BA)
Manufacturer Name=Phorus
Manufacturer Url=
Model Name=Phorus-Renderer
Model Number=1.0
Model Url=
Serial Number=000000000001
UPnP Device Type=urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1
UPnP Media Renderer version=1
Unique Device Name=uuid:3d62cbc4-32f8-4fbc-8618-60b6060348ba
Unique Product Code=000000000001
X_DLNADOC Element=DMR-1.50
Service Url for AVTransport=
Service Url for RenderingControl=
Service Url for ConnectionManager=
AVT:GetDeviceCapabilities action=NOT Supported
AVT:GetMediaInfo action=Supported
AVT:GetPositionInfo action=Supported
AVT:GetTransportInfo action=Supported
AVT:GetTransportSettings action=NOT Supported
AVT:SetNextAVTransportURI (gapless play)=Supported
AVT:SyncPlay (synchronous play)=NOT Supported
RC:GetVolume action=Supported
RC:SetVolume action=Supported
AVT:Event Subscription=Succeeded
RC:Event Subscription=Missing Notification
Play test file result=Play failed => Start Ok / Time out / Muted

Media Center DLNA Server Advanced Settings

Enable bitrate Field=Checked
Filter international characters=Off
Include session ID=Off
Playstation 3 Compatible=Off
Present Caption Resources=Checked
Present Small Artwork=Off
Present Subtitle Resources=Checked
Skip Child Count=Off
Use flat URLs=Off
Use full URLs=Off
WMC Compatible=Off



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Hi Chris,
Did you try setting the MC DLNA server as suggested in the section after "Media Center DLNA Server Advanced Settings"?



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Can you post the whole DMRA renderer report (as an attachment) please?
Author of Whitebear Digital Media Renderer Analyser -
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The Computer Audiophile

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Hi Chris,
Did you try setting the MC DLNA server as suggested in the section after "Media Center DLNA Server Advanced Settings"?


Forgive my ignorance, but I'm not sure what you're saying. I thought that section was just reporting what the MC settings are current.

Can you post the whole DMRA renderer report (as an attachment) please?



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Forgive my ignorance, but I'm not sure what you're saying. I thought that section was just reporting what the MC settings are current.

AndrewFG's program also makes setting recommendations.  Some of the settings require a right click on the media renderer name in MC.  The settings helped me resolve issues I had with PS Audio's Bridge I and then Bridge II.  The program is very helpful!!


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Bad news. Sorry but that is not the full report. There is a lot of information missing about your renderers supported media formats.

Alternatively if that really IS the full length of the report, then it shows that your renderer is so badly broken that it cannot even report its supported media formats.

In addition, the following two lines do anyway explicitly show that your renderer is broken..

RC:Event Subscription=Missing Notification
Play test file result=Play failed => Start Ok / Time out / Muted

Author of Whitebear Digital Media Renderer Analyser -
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Perhaps, I am the only one experiencing this issue with my setup...

My JRemote progress bar is mostly dysfunctional on current iOS platform, and huge lag on Android?
Progress bar pegged to the right - with values equal? (except for + - sign)!

I am using a wired MC client (laptop)/MC server (PC) setup ...with JRemote(s) controlling the client.
Playlist under 1,000 tracks.
All software up-to-date as of posting.

It appears (Track) "Duration" field update does not happen... or lags?
 - after transition to new/different track - on both platforms??

Duration field update - does not appear to occur - upon executing pausing action (on my system), but
"full track stop" and "start" action - fixes my display/track progress issues for that specific track only?

However, normal - next track - transition will display same issue.
Perhaps my issue is related to this thread?



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Perhaps, I am the only one experiencing this issue with my setup...

My JRemote progress bar is mostly dysfunctional on current iOS platform, and huge lag on Android?
Progress bar pegged to the right - with values equal? (except for + - sign)!

I am using a wired MC client (laptop)/MC server (PC) setup ...with JRemote(s) controlling the client.
Playlist under 1,000 tracks.
All software up-to-date as of posting.

It appears (Track) "Duration" field update does not happen... or lags?
 - after transition to new/different track - on both platforms??

Duration field update - does not appear to occur - upon executing pausing action (on my system), but
"full track stop" and "start" action - fixes my display/track progress issues for that specific track only?

However, normal - next track - transition will display same issue.
Perhaps my issue is related to this thread?
Don't think this is related.
We fixed a bunch of duration/progress issues recently.
Are you using the "latest" MC builds or "stable"


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Don't think this is related.
We fixed a bunch of duration/progress issues recently.
Are you using the "latest" MC builds or "stable"

MC build v22.0.65 on both client and server
JRemote app is current on both iOS (3.24) and Android (21.0.1)

Thanks so much- UncleMilt


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MC build v22.0.65 on both client and server
JRemote app is current on both iOS (3.24) and Android (21.0.1)

Thanks so much- UncleMilt
The client MC is connected to the server MC with library server (loading the MC servers library on the client)??
What format of audio files?
What are the client settings (when connected to a library server) under Media Network Options.


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The client MC is connected to the server MC with library server (loading the MC servers library on the client)??
What format of audio files?
What are the client settings (when connected to a library server) under Media Network Options.

Client MC is loading MC Server Library (large lib)

File formats include:
   flac, m4a ,ape ,mp3 & aif
Client options:
  Auto sync with server is [off]
  Play local file [on] but no local files present
  Show playback zones [on]
  Audio conversion if necessary
  Encoder MP3 high bw




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Client MC is loading MC Server Library (large lib)

File formats include:
   flac, m4a ,ape ,mp3 & aif
Client options:
  Auto sync with server is [off]
  Play local file [on] but no local files present
  Show playback zones [on]
  Audio conversion if necessary
  Encoder MP3 high bw

What's the rendering device? You mentioned it was DLNA...


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What's the rendering device? You mentioned it was DLNA...

Rendering device is the laptop (ASUS w i7 and SSD) running MC as client?


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Rendering device is the laptop (ASUS w i7 and SSD) running MC as client?
Ok, so you are not using DLNA.
What are the current build numbers of MC on the client and on the server?

Try different settings for the Media Network Client Options when connected to a library server under audio conversion (like none and always).


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Ok, so you are not using DLNA.
What are the current build numbers of MC on the client and on the server?

Try different settings for the Media Network Client Options when connected to a library server under audio conversion (like none and always).

MC build is 22.0.65 for both server and client.
I will test under suggested settings and report back


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Ok, so you are not using DLNA.
What are the current build numbers of MC on the client and on the server?

Try different settings for the Media Network Client Options when connected to a library server under audio conversion (like none and always).

....changing Client Options (when connected to a Library Server) from "convert if necessary" to  "Don't convert audio" SOLVED my track progress bar issue on JRemote for android and iOS!
Thankyou Bob!


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....changing Client Options (when connected to a Library Server) from "convert if necessary" to  "Don't convert audio" SOLVED my track progress bar issue on JRemote for android and iOS!
Thankyou Bob!

Are they any negative repercussions from selecting "Don't convert audio?"  I don't up-sample or use signal processing of any type.  Does DSD over PCM still work?  Never truly understood this option.  Thanks!  I suppose I could just try it.


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....changing Client Options (when connected to a Library Server) from "convert if necessary" to  "Don't convert audio" SOLVED my track progress bar issue on JRemote for android and iOS!
Thank you Bob!
I'd like to check this out a bit more.
Are you using Windows on both the client and server PC's or Mac's, linux or some combinations of them?
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