MC will happily use the structure you have, but you'll have to use some expression rules to have MC place files within this structure for new files (e.g. that come from rips).
The difficult one is your single-album Album Artist, as you won't have a count of albums by any given artist or album artist at the time of file creation (you could make such a rule, but this is far more trouble than it might be worth for you at this point). There is really no benefit to this exception rule, other than in Explorer to avoid an extra double-click in your drill down. Toss the exception.
To use a Sampler type categorization, again, you'll have to have a rule, but it will need to be based on some value you set for some field prior to ripping (to trigger the rule's condition). You could use a Compilation field, for example.
For your Magyar stuff, again, another condition to test for.
Your time might be better spent using a simple Album Artist (auto)\Album folder rule, and spend your time doing the more complex views and filtering in MC.