I should add, the crashing/freezing is probably related to security software, disk access problems, or a bad driver.
If you happen to have Malware Bytes installed, I know one user had similar trouble in the recent past with it and MC. Basically, the entire job of security software is to interfere with applications' disk accesses, to check them to make sure they're "safe". That's fine when you're opening a Word file, or even a MKV, because it just adds a tiny bit of one-time latency to the read.
But MC is a database-driven application. If every read and write to the database (MC's Library) has added latency, you can get into trouble fast. Worse, MC isn't a "high profile" enough application to warrant special handling by Anti-Virus vendors like other dedicated database applications might get (things like Access and MySQL, for example). But that's fine. As long as your application of choice isn't brain-dead, it should be fine if you exclude the database location and MC's main executables. Neither of them contain viruses, so it doesn't hurt anything to do so, and it'll improve performance no matter what.