Panel is free, comes with MC, has configurable Views, and on a desktop PC and Tablet, has the side-by-side display you want, in the Playing Now screen. Play with it. Learn to customise Views for it, as they are used for Gizmo, JRemote (iOS), and JRemote2 (Android) as well. See the attached image.
JRemote2 runs on Android, available from the Play Store, and has more features than Panel.
On a tablet I believe it also has the side-by-side View you want. I don't have a tablet to check, but this image in the Wiki shows it. On a phone the same thing is shown in two screens, only a swipe away from each other. You can still do what you want on a phone though. i.e. Sort by Artist. See a list of what will be played. Select and different track in the list and have it play.
EDIT: This image is the iOS version. The Android version doesn't have the side-by-side layout on a tablet yet. Sorry for the misinformation.

Jim, you need some more, and better, images for the various remotes. The Panel ones in particular don't do it justice. There is an image of the very initial version, showing Lighting, Web Play, etc. The "More screenshots" aren't really a good advertisement.