Never been vaccinated in my life, had the flu and tonsilitis many times in my youth, but found the cause was dairy milk, so cut that out and never had flu or sickness of any kind for the past 55 years, except for the odd cold. Eat little meat, mainly fresh homegrown fruit and veg, low carb, no pharma drugs (except for a tooth extraction) no antibiotics, plenty of exercises in gardening, cycling and hiking, lots of sun, injuries treated with natural remedies herbs, tinctures, poultices and homoeopathy, 1 to 3-week maintenance detox fast a couple of times a year, herbal tea, wine or homebrew IPA beer:) No arthritis or any other degenerative diseases, no aches or pains, eyesight better than in my youth when I had to wear glasses, everything works great, so I'm just keeping to this path.