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Author Topic: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file  (Read 4323 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« on: March 12, 2022, 03:38:06 pm »

I have a few albums that show many copies of songs, yet only one copy exists. I have manually removed them, but they keep coming there a way to rescan them?

the attached images should be self explanatory:



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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2022, 07:39:39 pm »

I had this same problem a few weeks ago and nothing I did fixed it until......

In MC I deleted the offending ghost file sending it to the recycle bin (I only had one duplicate for each).  This fooled MC into thinking it was gone.  It also sent the actual file to the recycle bin.  Do NOT have MC send the actual file.  Just the ghost files.  Then I restored the actual file using the recycle bin in Windows Explorer.  This is how you trick the program.  It thinks the ghost files have been deleted and the real files are just temporarily not connected.

Before doing this, do a back-up and make sure that in Options>Library & Folders>Configure Auto Import> that you select Fix broken links: (Yes protect files on missing drives) is selected.


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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2022, 11:06:42 am »

Hey there Dawgincontrol - wow, I just followed you on Cloudplay. I look forward to digging into your playlists.....i

Thanks for replying. How do I get at these ghost files? and what even are they? and how do I stop this from even happening? you would think there would be a way to rescan the library for missing files?

This is a growing issue and is now happening to anything new I add to the Library.


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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2022, 11:11:31 am »

The most common cause is two auto import entries pointing to the same location.  Edit your auto import settings to see.


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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2022, 03:25:36 pm »

nope - and it keeps rescanning it seems.....also attached is my recent albums view. See how the Springsteen album shows most recent? I imported that a while ago and haven't touched it. It now has way more copies.....


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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2022, 04:45:01 pm »

I notice the slashes on the file location go this way / (the Neil Young album attached) instead of the proper windows way \ (the Bruce Cockburn album attached)

That makes me wonder if this has something to do with the fact that these files originate on a Mac. I am ripping vinyl on my mac. The files get placed in an iDrive sync folder, which syncs with my windows machine and that location is the library location ......that's the only thing I can think of....




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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2022, 08:21:41 pm »

another clue. look at this - the offending files appear when I chose "File not in the library"?
Is there a way to just rescan my library and it fixes all this? the thing is, there are not multiple files, so why is it doing this???
and this is now happening on anything I add to my library......



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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2022, 08:44:46 pm »

I figured out my ghost files by looking at the "Date Imported" tag which you can do in "Files" in standard view. 

But since you are saying yours happens when you are adding them to your library that may not work.  My problem started in a Rename, Move, Copy operation glitch.  Yours seems to have a different root problem.

I have to think it may be part of the sync operation your using.  I'm not that familiar with Mac.  I'm thinking the drivesync is somehow the problem.  And you're correct about the backwards slashes.  That's strange.


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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2022, 09:03:39 pm »

Thing is, I have been using this sync method for a while now. Months…..


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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2022, 09:47:27 am »

If you know when it started, restore Media Center to that point in your back-ups or download and install an earlier version before the problem showed up. 

Either or both together may fix it.  If so, let Media Center support know.


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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2022, 02:46:18 pm »

I am hoping Media Center support chimes in on this thread.....I really do not want to restore my library......feels like I shouldn't have to. The files are not duplicated in windows explorer - this should work.

Also, they should be aware of this bug (it's a bug, right?)

thanks for the help.....and the playlists  ;D


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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2022, 08:18:03 pm »

I tried restoring to previous dates. it was better but I still had the issue on some albums so I restored back to today.

I'd really love some help from the JRiver folks......why do I have duplicate entries when there is only one file??? and it keep sgrowing......where there was 3 copies now there is 6!
and why do the slashes go like / when they should go like \

How do you clean/rescan/correct the library?

do I have to delete my library and create a new one? I have done so much customization and I was at the point where I could just enjoy.....that will be a huge drag to redo......Also, hard to trust that this won't just happen again.....

any things I can try? I have scoured the settings for anything to try.......



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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2022, 12:03:09 pm »

After trying many, many things, I think I finally fixed my issue for now. I ended up doing the following:

- moving the files to another location on my hard drive C:\temp
- deleting the albums from my library and choosing the permanently deleting from disk
- importing the C:\temp folder into my library - (get this, they came in as C:/temp)
- did a rename, move & copy files point them to the C:\ location of my library
- the files all copied in with the correct path, slashes going \ way

Seems to be holding dupes so far......we'll see what happens when I get some new music......

example of the final result


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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2022, 01:36:32 pm »

Glad you found a solution.  I still don't know about the backwards slash or what would cause that.

Good job figuring out a solution.


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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2022, 01:39:50 pm »

Also glad you figured out a solution.  I've been puzzled.

I wanted to ask if you ever used the "Portable Library" feature to convert between OS's?

We check a filename for duplication on import, so the framework simply should never import the same file again.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #15 on: March 16, 2022, 01:40:39 pm »

You are dawgincontrol, maybe I need to be dawgwithabone  :)
I can’t stop till i sort these things out like a dog with a bone.

Perhaps the JRiver folks will learn how to prevent this. Feels like the fact that the files paths were blatantly wrong and would keep duplicating (Some tracks showed 20 times, yet there was only one file) seems like a unique bug in the system.


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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #16 on: March 16, 2022, 01:43:27 pm »

Also glad you figured out a solution.  I've been puzzled.

I wanted to ask if you ever used the "Portable Library" feature to convert between OS's?

We check a filename for duplication on import, so the framework simply should never import the same file again.

I have not used the portable library…..
If you want to dive deeper into what I was doing (most of it is on this post - I hope I explained myself well enough) I’m happy to answer any Q’s


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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #17 on: March 16, 2022, 01:50:14 pm »

I have not used the portable library…..
If you want to dive deeper into what I was doing (most of it is on this post - I hope I explained myself well enough) I’m happy to answer any Q’s

I can't explain the problem.  Like I said, we should be checking for a duplicate filename.

It might just be a one off.  But if you ever figure out how to reproduce it, please share.

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #18 on: March 16, 2022, 02:17:30 pm »

Duplicates are one thing, but the fact that the file location was C:/ when it’s a windows machine is odd too.

In essence, I create the files on a mac (ripping vinyl) and the folder they go in syncs with the folder that holds my MC library on my windows machine. It’s a pretty slick, hands off setup until recently.

Here’s hoping it was a one off as well. I’ll let you know if not :)

Thanks all.


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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #19 on: April 02, 2022, 09:20:59 am »

I hate to say it, but is happening again. Whenever I rip an album on my mac, the files sync to my windows machine that is my MC server, they come in with the location of C:/ and every time I restart the server or auto import runs, they duplicate......I guess i will have to apply my fix again, and perhaps I won;t have the files sync, but it sure was convenient......

here's the latest example:



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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #20 on: April 04, 2022, 02:29:13 pm »

Duplicates are one thing, but the fact that the file location was C:/ when it’s a windows machine is odd too.

In essence, I create the files on a mac (ripping vinyl) and the folder they go in syncs with the folder that holds my MC library on my windows machine. It’s a pretty slick, hands off setup until recently.

Here’s hoping it was a one off as well. I’ll let you know if not :)

Thanks all.
Can you elaborate on the process you are describing here?
What do you rip with on Mac?
Where do you save the files?
How do you "syncs with the folder that holds my MC library on my windows machine"? How does the windows MC get these files?


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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #21 on: April 04, 2022, 02:39:37 pm »

Sure. Actually I have learned that it has nothing to do with my sync process. It’s real simple actually……

The files originate on a Mac, whether I rip an album or rip a CD or download a file, I do that on my Mac. Then I transfer the files to my Windows machine which is running media center server. I can do that via a file sharing application, or a USB disk or syncing……anything. The idea is the file originates on the Mac and is transferred to the PC.

Then, I import those files into my media centre library or I just drop them into the folder that auto import is watching, and they come into MC with all the slashes the wrong way. And if I do another import, they duplicate.

This should be very easy for the admin’s to replicate. Just create files on a Mac and transfer them to a Windows machine, and add them to the MC library.

I was actually going to do another post and title it:“Does anyone transfer files from Mac to a PC running media centre” And ask if they experienced the same behaviour……

I hope that all makes sense…..



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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #22 on: April 04, 2022, 03:26:16 pm »

Sure. Actually I have learned that it has nothing to do with my sync process. It’s real simple actually……

The files originate on a Mac, whether I rip an album or rip a CD or download a file, I do that on my Mac. Then I transfer the files to my Windows machine which is running media center server. I can do that via a file sharing application, or a USB disk or syncing……anything. The idea is the file originates on the Mac and is transferred to the PC.

Then, I import those files into my media centre library or I just drop them into the folder that auto import is watching, and they come into MC with all the slashes the wrong way. And if I do another import, they duplicate.

This should be very easy for the admin’s to replicate. Just create files on a Mac and transfer them to a Windows machine, and add them to the MC library.

I was actually going to do another post and title it:“Does anyone transfer files from Mac to a PC running media centre” And ask if they experienced the same behaviour……

I hope that all makes sense…..
It sounds really simple but I can't see how it's getting the path wrong.
The path isn't part of the filename on the storage medium you are transferring the files with.
The path is only determined when you import the files into the PC.

Do you have portable library configured in MC on the PC?
Where on the PC are you storing the files? Local hard drive? Network drive??


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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #23 on: April 04, 2022, 04:08:31 pm »

Was your MC library originally created on the Mac, and then you moved it to Windows by restoring a Backup?
If so, you may want to check if your platform.jmd file says "mac" instead of "windows" (open the file in notepad). This is known to cause such issues due to the slash/backslash thing.


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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #24 on: April 04, 2022, 05:11:41 pm »

It sounds really simple but I can't see how it's getting the path wrong.
The path isn't part of the filename on the storage medium you are transferring the files with.
The path is only determined when you import the files into the PC.

Do you have portable library configured in MC on the PC?
Where on the PC are you storing the files? Local hard drive? Network drive??

Hey there - I do not have a portable library configured and and I am storing the files on the PC locally.

have you tried this? take a file from a mac, copy it to a windows machine and import it? I feel like there's no way that this has been an issue no one has reported, so it must be me, right? but can you try? can anyone try?


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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #25 on: April 04, 2022, 05:14:39 pm »

Was your MC library originally created on the Mac, and then you moved it to Windows by restoring a Backup?
If so, you may want to check if your platform.jmd file says "mac" instead of "windows" (open the file in notepad). This is known to cause such issues due to the slash/backslash thing.
where is that file? can't find it


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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #26 on: April 04, 2022, 05:20:54 pm »

I found the file.....and it says windows


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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #27 on: April 05, 2022, 08:13:59 am »

Hey there - I do not have a portable library configured and and I am storing the files on the PC locally.

have you tried this? take a file from a mac, copy it to a windows machine and import it? I feel like there's no way that this has been an issue no one has reported, so it must be me, right? but can you try? can anyone try?
I do that all the time.
All of my new discs are all ripped on Mac MC and copying them to PC or linux just works.
What format are you ripping to?



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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #28 on: April 05, 2022, 10:09:42 am »

I found the file.....and it says windows
Just to make sure: you may have more than 1 library, or backups, with that same file. The usual location on the Server would be something like:
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 28\Library\platform.jmd


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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #29 on: April 05, 2022, 10:13:33 am »

Just to make sure: you may have more than 1 library, or backups, with that same file. The usual location on the Server would be something like:
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 28\Library\platform.jmd

I do that all the time.
All of my new discs are all ripped on Mac MC and copying them to PC or linux just works.
What format are you ripping to?

ok, so there goes that theory - I figured it wasn't everyone. just me. (and maybe others)

I am ripping vinyl to ALAC using VinylStudio Pro, but I also tried to copy an old mp3. Basically, any music file I take from the mac and copy to windows, it imports with the slashes this ///// way

I even updated to MC 29......

What I have started to do is connect via a share to the mac from the windows machine and import. Then I do a move/copy/rename, and bring them into the local folder on my windows machine. That gets me the proper \\\\\\\

Side note - this whole process has taught me that it is much better to import music and do the move/copy/rename rather than just drop it into the auto import folder. I have so much more control over the filenames and folders that way......I had a mess with 'various artists' and 'multiple artists' as well as other stuff..........I have turned Auto Import off.......

So, I am good - I just wanted to report the issue in case others are having......if I figure out what it is, I'll update this post



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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #30 on: April 05, 2022, 12:54:04 pm »

ok, so there goes that theory - I figured it wasn't everyone. just me. (and maybe others)

I am ripping vinyl to ALAC using VinylStudio Pro, but I also tried to copy an old mp3. Basically, any music file I take from the mac and copy to windows, it imports with the slashes this ///// way

I even updated to MC 29......

What I have started to do is connect via a share to the mac from the windows machine and import. Then I do a move/copy/rename, and bring them into the local folder on my windows machine. That gets me the proper \\\\\\\

Side note - this whole process has taught me that it is much better to import music and do the move/copy/rename rather than just drop it into the auto import folder. I have so much more control over the filenames and folders that way......I had a mess with 'various artists' and 'multiple artists' as well as other stuff..........I have turned Auto Import off.......

So, I am good - I just wanted to report the issue in case others are having......if I figure out what it is, I'll update this post
One last question, was your windows PC MC connected to a non-windows MC library server when you were doing those imports?


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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #31 on: April 05, 2022, 04:23:25 pm »

One last question, was your windows PC MC connected to a non-windows MC library server when you were doing those imports?

I am 99% sure that's a no, but I'll make sure when I import next time.....I do have the mac setup as a renderer. but I'll make sure it is not connect in any way next time I import


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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #32 on: April 05, 2022, 07:42:20 pm »

Wait, hold the phone......I have 6 platform.jmd files.....for MC28 and 29, I am using 29 now
I do use Mac, Linux and windows

the first one says: [Platform]=Apple
the second one says: [Platform]=Windows
the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th say [Platform]=Linux

logic tells me to change the last one to Windows? but I'll await feedback.......

and once again, thanks everyone!



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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #33 on: April 05, 2022, 08:15:34 pm »

OK, I couldn't wait :)

I change that last file in C:\Users\iania\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 29\Library to be Windows, and it works now - no more /////// !!!!!

Thanks all and thanks zybex for pointing me to the solution.
my library did actually originate on a LINUX machine......


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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #34 on: April 06, 2022, 04:09:35 am »

Good :)

@Bob: MC duplicate detection should convert and handle all paths internally with the same slash type, so that \\nas\audio\artist matches //nas/audio/artist, and c:\stuff matches c:/stuff
The [Platform] tag should only matter for the UI display, I think.


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Re: Album shows duplicate tracks when there is only one file
« Reply #35 on: April 06, 2022, 04:25:20 pm »

Or when someone moves from Linux to windows, or any OS to a different OS, update that file.....
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