Note: For a trouble-free experience with this skin, you must be using MC 33.0.52 or higherTop ToolbarThis skin has no dynamic components at all. The popup will look this way at all times, regardless of the current standard view skin. It's designed to sit along the top of the screen offering the ability to rate the previous or current track, as well as adjust the volume, along with the expected transport controls, and other useful information via tooltips.

Top Toolbar has been produced on a screen using a 1920 x 1200 resolution @ 100% on Windows 10 Pro. Feedback from users on other platforms and/or resolutions, good or bad, is especially appreciated.
For the curious, the initial release and testing thread
can be found here.
The attached archive contains an mjp file. Extract and double click this mjp file. MC will automatically download and install the skin.
Thank you, and enjoy
Update 13/10/2024:
Added "Pressed" state images for the volume up/down, and minimize/maximize buttons.
Added "font size" rules.
Update 20/10/2024:
The "Mute" button now updates to correctly reflect the muted or unmuted state of the volume.
Added some additional info to the tracks shown when clicking the playlist button.
Update 10/11/2024:
The player control buttons, along with the playlist button, at the left end, have been updated. The new icons, created from scratch, better fit the rest of the skin theme. The skin has had to be made 20 pixels longer to accommodate these new buttons. It is now 1560 pixels wide.
Update 22/12/2024:
Updated font size instructions following the change in MC build 33.0.52
Changed the colour of the elapsed/total time indicator
Added Mac specific font instructions for the elapsed/total time indicator.
Redistributed space used by components to use space freed up by the recent font size changes.
Update 22/12/2024:
Added Mac and Linux specific font face (Ariel) plus font sizes in all text items. Windows uses Segoe UI at size 12.
Update 08/02/2025:
Just cosmetics...
Found an extra colon in the 'next' button tooltip, now removed.
Removed the redundant (due to duplication) 'Last Played' line from the track details tooltip.
Redistributed the space allocated per entry (again

). The progress timer position should appear more balanced now, and (hopefully) the filetype/play history info should
never truncate.