Keep in mind that in-place editing is very powerful. You can create a view scheme with whatever columns you want and tag essentially fullscreen.
Viewschemes and column view editing are fine for certain things - e.g., when you already know that you want to edit or view certain tags, or when you have a new batch of files and you have schemes set up for processing them, but in v12 you could end up having to navigate through several levels of the tree to get to a viewscheme which has the tags you want, or have to reset your columns in 'customize current view', only to then have to either navigate back or reset your columns in order to get back to where you were, when in 11.1, it's all there in the AW!
If you are casually browsing your files and something occurs to you that you either want to know or change or add in the tags, the easiest way with 11.1 is to go to the AW - there is the definitive repository of ALL the tags that a file could *possibly* have in a clearly organized structure, and you are completely free to manipulate those tags *as you see fit*! The effectiveness of this setup means that I use it regularly and often. The inaccessability and uncategorised sprawl of the v12 AW tagging window means that it's usefulness is seriously crippled, imo, and I'm still looking at the new beta release threads hoping to see 2 entries:
Changed: All tag fields now available through the AW tagging window (irrespective of media-type)
Changed: AW tag fields now accessible through categorized menu system
If I ever see those, I'll buy the program! And if I see this:
Changed: AW tag fields now accessible through categorized menu system (Customizable)
I'll jump for joy into the bargain!