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Author Topic: Load and Save Views not working properly  (Read 997 times)


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Load and Save Views not working properly
« on: January 21, 2010, 11:47:32 am »

I created some custom views recently which I cannot load correctly.

I was searching in the forum and found that thread
The statement is that the views would be found if located in the saved views folder below the library folder. As I moved my library I needed to also copy the saved views folder. So, in that folder I have stored my jvi files. When saving a new view it is stored correctly in exactly that folder. But, when loading, I can only select the new views (and files).

And: I can decide where to store views but I cannot decide from where to load them - what's the logic behind this? Also, in the registry I could not find a key to set the load path.

Is there a way to make my old views reusable?


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Re: Load and Save Views not working properly
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2010, 12:04:09 pm »

If you have the .jvi files, although we are discouraged from doing so by Microsoft, you could try placing them in [MC install directory]\Data\Saved Views\

If that does not work, have a read of this post that describes a lot of the complexity of the saved views system we currently have.

There may be something there that will be of help to you.


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