First of all, a big THANK YOU for your great iMon display solution and the not so easy update to 64-bit. If I understand it correctly you managed the MC 64-bit to iMon 32-bit conversion with a socket to a helper "service". A really creative solution.
I still have some ideas about what could be altered:
While playing, the first line scrolls artist: title until the last character of title has scrolled out, like having 15 blanks after title. Then it restarts left-justified with artist. As the first letters of artist scroll out immediately, it is difficult to read the artist name. It might be easier to read if you add some spaces at the beginning too.
In the second line there are h:mm:ss/h:mm:ss. In the 32-bit version, if I remember correctly, it was something like nn/nn h:mm/h:mm. Is there a possibility to bring back the title number?
When idle, just the time is displayed centered in the first line. Here it would be helpful if the position of the time changes sporadically. This could prevent burn-in. (My display unfortunately already has several pixels with reduced brightness.)
As I am a software developer too, I could assist you in realizing this wish list, if you like.