Following a prompt from Sandy B Ridge to check this post:'ve decided to give EPG Collector a go. I'm brazenly stealing Sandy's UK guide and modifying it with some local Australian experience, note
italics, and chopped the UK satellite stuff and out of date info.
[EDIT at 1 April 2014:
Details are provided in the instructions below to initiate a command line executable that automates the process + various updates have been included to account for improvements relevant to MC19 (if you're using an older version you might notice some differences) ... Enjoy ..

[EDIT at 1 August 2015:
Further detail is provided at the bottom of this post assuming that the user wishes to use the themoviedb and thetvdb scraping function within EPG Collector. This is a development to EPGC that has been added since this guidance was first written. Also, thanks to some good sleuthing and suggesting from RoderickGI, MC reads xmltv standard series, season and episode formats so that it aligns with EPGC. More detail on this can be found over at sourceforge
Get EPG info working in Australia (Season + Episode). Note, EPGC has its imperfections when it comes to gathering TV show data -
How to Force a theTVDB ID as the Default within EPG Collector?. One to be aware of.]
EPG Collector Instructions for the UK Lucky CountryThe EPG Collector developer site is here
Download the EPG Collector files from you'll need the .NET framework installed to make the software functional.
For info, I went into the version folder (v4.1) and downloaded the relevant files individually including the software installer and the fixpack. If you just go for the download button all you get is the latest offering. The fixpack works by unzipping the files into the program folder and the relevant fixed files are copied straight over the top.Install EPG CollectorLaunch the installer and then run the fix pack (if relevant for the version selected). Initially I installed to a non-default location but this gave me execution problems when scanning channels. I re-installed to the default location and things have worked fine so far.
I found by trial and error that the channel settings for my area were out of date thanks to:
I can't find it now but I was able to get details of the changed frequencies for my area. Using that info, I navigated to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Geekzone\EPG Collector\Configuration\TuningParameters\dvbt
and found my home town .xml and manually edited the frequencies that have changed by switching the read status in file properties and using a text editor. It's pretty self evident once you're in there. If you don't do this check, then you may not get all the channels during the tuner scan step that's covered later. Read further down this thread to find relevant detail that reviews the impact of the Digital conversion across Australia. Note that the standard channel config files from EPG Collector should be viewed with caution until that process is complete and the config files have been updated.Run EPG CentreThis is the user interface for the command line tool (EPG Collector) that actually gets the data. This is the bit that you need to set up for your configuration.
Create Collection parametersGo to File -> Create Collection parameters...
For free to air TV, select Custom ParametersThis opens the configuration window.
TuningThe first tab (Tuning)
will need to be set up to suit your requirements, so at Delivery System work the dropdown boxes as follows:-
Cycle through the details noted below for your area's frequencies:
Country --> Australia
Area --> State - City/Town (of your choice)
Frequency --> Pick the Freqs to suit your viewing choice
Collection Type --> EIT (Event Information Table -
The other Collection Type option you can select is MHEG5.
If you do this, make sure that you navigate to the Advanced tab and set the Country to Australia. If this is left unmarked, the program defaults to NZ and it will use:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Geekzone\EPG Collector\Configuration\MHEG5 Parser Format NZL.cfg
For Ozzie conditions, this file is required (located in the same spot):
MHEG5 Parser Format AUS.cfg
Click "Add" and repeat until done.OutputCheck that the radio button is selected for "Create an XMLTV file"Set the Path for the output file to somewhere sensible (you'll need to remember where because you need to put this into MC later)
Tick the boxes for the two 'create episode tags ...' options
[I can't find this detail in v4.1 with EIT so have ignored it.]AdvancedSet the Country to Australia as noted above to ensure that MHEG5 will function if that collection type is setChannelsClick on start scan.
This step takes time so grab a cuppa. Loads of channels should appear
(if they don't, check your firewall exception settings and make sure EPG Centre and EPG Collector are whitelisted). What I do is click on 'exclude all' and then untick the excluded box for the channels that I actually want (and can tune).
Click on Save as and make sure that you save it as the default settings (called EPG Collector.ini).
Move EPG Collector.ini to a noted location for later use.Run EPG CollectorDo this via EPG Centre (look for the Earth globe icon or the command line) to check that the configuration works. Again this takes time, so here's your chance to finish that cuppa...
Set Up MCNext, you need to set MC to use this file.
Load Program GuideNavigate to Devices > Television > TV Options > Load Program Guide
Set this to XMLTV, Next...
Load XMLTVIn the Load XMLTV .... Box, put in the location of the xmltv file ...
Refer details provided in the thread below to configure an excecutable to automate the process - link provided here:
, then Next...
Channel MatchMost of the channels should have auto matched to the xmltv file. You can correct any stragglers here. Next...
Setup Auto LoadMake sure the 'Automatically load...' box is ticked.
Set a daily download time that suits your viewing preferences. Consider a time when you're not using the system.Then, Finish.
Get Movie & TV InfoTo add themoviedb and thetvdb lookup functionality, follow these additional steps:
1. Open EPG Centre and load the configuration file that you've setup...
File > Change Collection Parameters
2. Navigate to Output > XMLTV Options > Format of episode tag and select "Valid season and episode numbers only"
3. Then navigate to Lookups and enable (by check box) Movie Lookup and TV Series Lookup
4. I'd suggest setting "Type of image to download" to None to minimise data download as this is a function that MC can do more than adequately. If you take this step, manually create the following folders (this should be made unnecessary in later versions of EPGC-
C:\Users\[-your local user-]\AppData\Local\Geekzone\EPG Collector\Images\Movies
C:\Users\[-your local user-]\AppData\Local\Geekzone\EPG Collector\Images\TV Series
5. Now navigate to Lookups > Miscellaneous and set "Lookup matching method when multiple results returned" to Nearest.
6. For initial set up only, while you're in the vicinity, check the box marked "Reload all metadata". This forces set up of local databases that have TV and movie info that EPGC uses when it's doing a match on the OTA EPG data.
7. Now give the whole thing a whirl, i.e. Run > Collect EPG Data...
8. Once that's done you should have 2 files in C:\Users\[-your local user-]\AppData\Local\Geekzone\EPG Collector\ viz. TV Series Database.xml and Movie Database.xml that are full of data.
9. Now return to Lookups > Miscellaneous and uncheck the box marked "Reload all metadata". This minimises data download to changed info rather than a wholesale update.