JRiver and users have worked very hard over the past couple of MC releases to get the captions to work correctly under a variety of situations. You might find that Resetting the Templates to their default settings, and restarting your customizations from there to be beneficial.
In addition, use the Standard View maintenance view we started to create. Add expression columns in the file list for various
TVInfo() series values. It provides much functionality and may help you understand what the caption expressions are doing. Have file list columns for Name, Series, Season, Episode, Disc #, and a bunch of columns with various TVInfo() values, and finally, two using the default Caption for TV Shows (one you leave alone for comparison, one you modify to test with). This way, you can experiment but setting up your values for Name, Series, etc. and watch live what happens in the expression columns.
The default TV Show caption looks like this, broken apart for readability with some
pseudo-code added to help you read it, and the font settings marked in
teal. The Watched checkmarks are in
red, and these you can delete if you don't want them. So discover how the stuff in
blue works, using the maintenance view above.
first output...If([AllSameSeries],
then <font alpha="50"> Delimit(
Delimit(Watched(2), , / ),
else TVInfo(NameDisplay)Delimit(Watched(2), , / ))
endifand then output...<font alpha="50"> TVInfo(DateNoTime)</font>