More options on tabs in standard view, in fact a similar implementation than in web browers :
- Manually tabs reordering (by drag and drop)
- Close a tab with middle button. Linked : option to not display red X close button (for more place for tabs on medium size screens and for cosmetic taste)
- Possibility to save and recall all open tabs (i.e. "session favorites"), and to start MC with a saved session.
- Lock a tab. If a locked tab is active when a view is selected in the left panel, the view is opened in a new tab.
- Basic mouse gesture would be very handy (right clic + drag left = previous, right click + drag right = next. And why not other stuff...)
- Option to prevent modification of rating in list in standard view. Or at least a message to ask for confirmation. It's too easy currently to change rating by mistake.
Slideshow launched automatically after idle time of keyboard and mouse when music is playing. (I think of the standard view at least. I don’t know well the theatre view)
- Slideshow could include album or artist arts, other images from MC, visualizations, or a mix of the 3 (and why not : videos (particles?) with muted sound ?...).
- Users could set options for the slideshow : types of media picked, time between transitions.... A sort of playlist for the visual part of music listening.
- Rights management on the medias and functions of MC. Users and groups management. Several authentication levels for clients. MC would enter in another media server dimension with rights management. The big topic for the end of the post !

Thanks. Great software !