That someone Hendrik's talking about would be me!

I mainly (well, almost exclusively) use Gizmo as a remote to my multi-zone setup both home and at the cabin. And I do not see in any other way what's playing anywhere, if I don't pick up a computer and use VNC to log on to the media server. And that's really defeating the purpose of having the possibility to control it with a phone. To me it's not redundancy at all, it's just a message saying I'm connected to the server. Which isn't a problem to know because if you're not connected to the server it will error out! So here's a bit more of my explanation:
All I see when playback is stopped, is the "You're on the bus" and below that there is a button with "Resume playback" on it. When I press that I see the name of the playing track and the button, and I would like to see that without starting playback first. Come to think of it I would like to see all the transport buttons, just like when playing, instead of a rather unhelpful message telling me I'm on the bus. If I can see the track name and other info I think it would be rather self-evident that I'm on something! Just like a lot of people in Colorado are now...legally!

Another thing that can be very annoying, at least to me, (OK, a bit outside the Playing Now screen part, but still...) is that a short press on a track in an album logically should have added that track to Playing now (or at least play that track), but that it does is to play that full album, starting on the file you click. That can be rather annoying, especially when it's a Podcast series with 500 short podcasts or when I have spent ten minutes adding tracks to a Playing now by clicking and holdning on separate tracks from a bunch of albums and then touches a single track by accident... For me it should work like double clicking in MC, so I can choose either in Gizmo or MC a setup to interpret a short click on a file in Gizmo as "add to playing now" or "play", and with that track only. Would that possible?