It's exactly what i said : MC is probably full of great features but absolutly awfull to use and uggly

Why i hate ITunes ? because :
- syncing things it's just a stupid way to manage music (it's only my personal opinion) why ? because i never suceeded in choosing what i want to sync or not in the itunes library.
- i lost my music several time because syncing doesn't work always in the good way i "hope"
- because Itune manage the music library on the HD like a pig in a farm, putting files everywhere
I can understand that maybe i got all these problems because i don't know how to really use it. But it's simply not my way to do things, it's not my logic at all.
The best way to manage my audio files is simply to manually copy/delete the music on my devices. I recently stopped to use IDevice from apple because of that : you have to use itune!

i tryed some other apps that can drag&drop files between my mac and any IDevices but there is always a time coming when these apps crash your device and the content

Only ITune doesn't crash the IDevice after a long time of use.
What i expect from MC ? communicating (maybe syncing if it works well) with my android phone.