When a song is played, the CPU usage with spectrum analyzers is 3-4% without 1-2%.
When I resizing the window, the CPU usage jumps to 14 to 15%. After the action it takes about another 20 - 30 seconds with the very high CPU usage. If the mouse touches in this time window, the window jumps with flickering somewhere on the monitor, or makes any undesired actions. It has improved nothing.
Copy - Paste is not possible. It seems as if this happens only within Media Center without the clipboard. Example:
I mark the artist in the list and copy it (it does not matter whether right-click or Ctrl+C) -> My clipboard is empty. But I can paste the copied item within Media Center anywhere. It's the same om inverse case.
MediaCenter 19.0..85-1.on OpenSUSE 13.1 x64