1. View buffering status - While in locations with sketchy signal, would be nice to see a buffering bar to know how fast song is buffering.
2. Adjust buffering - Would like to be able to manually lengthen the buffer - Though, auto-adjusting the buffer based on signal or throughput would be killer.
3. Option to buffer vs stutter - Seems like when the buffer runs out, it just keeps trying to play, so it stutters. I'd personally rather just wait for the buffer to fill than listen to a stuttering song.
4. Auto-reduce bitrate - When buffer can't keep up, lower the bit-rate. Would need to switch this on and off quickly.
5. Stream through VST - This is probably a long-shot. I use VST plugins for EQ and sometimes a little compression. Would be nice to be able to stream music that passes through the VST processing on the way out.
5a. VST setups per zone - Would be different in my car vs living room.