Thanks for your suggestion. I'd like to stick to the "system volume" setting though. In fact, I do bitstream, namely .dsf files.
The only difference in the two Zones I use is: the audio output device. On one zone it's the exaSound ASIO driver and on the other on it's the "Default Audio Device". Both volume option and start-up volume are equal across those zones.
I'm a bit confused about this. I understand why one would want to use the ASIO driver provided by a high end DAC manufacturer, of course. I do not understand why anyone would want to use system volume (unless there are no other possibilities of course) -- keep dirty OSs out of the chain as much as possible I'd think.
I can see why certain formats or network devices might be limited to bitstreaming ... but why would one want all content bitstreamed? Lots of functionality is lossed like gapless playback right?
Also, I don't understand what the plugin does that "internal volume" does not do. Why add a layer of processing - or is this just what the manufacturer recommends using? Is it also 64bit? I'm not sure what your default audio device is, but it if its a on board one you still have to choose between WASAPI or ASIO or something else. I think it would at least be worth trying a no bit-streaming zone using internal volume.
If I was to set-up the OPs system without any knowledge or reading their website. I'd set-up first one zone using the Exosound Driver, Internal volume, no bitstreaming. A second one with bit streaming filtered on the file type that might need it. (using a zone switch rule).
What am I missing? thx, I'm curious