To get out of that view, all you needed to do was press the "Backspace" key, or the Back button on your remote, or press the left arrow a couple of times, or press enter when the Cover Art is highlighted, or as you found, click on the Cover Art. Note that pressing enter or clicking on the Cover Art can leave you in a bit of a loop though, since MC remembers how you got to a page, and will step back one step at a time with the backspace or left arrow keys. I usually use the backspace or Back button, as it provides the quickest navigation.
It isn't Display View, which by the way you are actually using every time you watch a program. I'm not sure what you would call the view, other than a detailed Movie View.
To get there, all you needed to do was be viewing the movie information, as per your second image, then press the down arrow to highlight the description text, then press enter. You can do that for all sorts of detailed displays when looking through movies. Try arrowing down to some of the other fields below the description field, and pressing enter. If you select the "mpaa rating" field, for example, you will get a list of all movies that have the same mpaa rating. Neat huh?
I use all the Ctrl-1 to 6 keyboard shortcuts all the time. They make it easy to move from Standard to Theatre View and back, when doing maintenance or testing something. On my Workstation MC Client I quite often Detach the Display to have a small windowing playing something while I am doing stuff. I don't use Ctrl-5 very often though, or Ctrl-2 either...
MC is big, isn't it!