I would love to have a richer experience on startup, but it takes time and money. Probably lots of money to do a decent job.
Would you like to do it in your spare time?
I'm still amazed the only videos I've seen on MC are linked on another forum. Why don't JR produce any videos on MC?
http://www.audiocircle.com/index.php?topic=121419.0These are simple 'screen cam' videos shot in real time with a running commentary. These don't take long to produce and can convey a huge amount of information on a given topic in just a few minutes of video. They would save the JR staff spending quite so much time in the forum reading/answering questions so actually free up staff time in the long run.
I'm amazed that there is no 'getting started/walk through' a bit like this
http://www.computeraudiophile.com/content/436-jriver-media-center-17-detail/ available from JR yourselves. I feel you really really are missing a trick here.
Yes, these take some time and money, but honestly, how much? Please consider doing the business analysis and consider the advantages to the customer. You maybe are a bunch of talented techies at heart rather than cutting edge businessmen, but consider using those technical brains to analyse the take up of trial version to paying customers to see if you can increase the conversion percentage by providing more guidance/information to trial users.
I try and contribute to the forum with topics that I know about and have honestly considered doing a number of videos for you but my knowledge is not up to sniff and I may be giving out more dis-information that information

Topics worthy of more help to new users (5 minute videos?):
1) Installation
2) Licensing/registration
3) Tagging fundamentals
4) The benefits of the database and introduction to views
5) Integrating streaming audio services (eg spotify) into MC. The limitations and why there are limitations.
6) Integrating streaming video services into MC (eg YouTube, Amazon, Netflix). The limitations and why there are limitations.
7) How to set up a client
8 ) MC remote control (IR and via an app)
9) Configuring your audio device
10) Setting up TV recording
11) Migrating from iTunes
12) Migrating from WMC.
13) Upgrading MC, the update channels and MC rapid development philosophy
14) Volume control
Advanced topics
1) Zones
2) Custom views
4) File, copy, move, rename etc.
5) The 'secret' tagging window
As has been mentioned already the forum and the wiki does have this information but it's scattered all over the place and has many different people's ideas and points of view together with multiple version of MC. Handy for the experienced user but very confusing for the new user and could well turn many of them away due to the steep learning curve with insufficient initial guidance.