Action Window is a good idea. I do have some concerns though:
1. I frequently switch between "File Properties / Detailed Info" and "File Properties / Playlists" view. In the "pre-Action Window days", I could toggle between these with one click. Now, it takes at least three clicks to navigate back and forth. This makes me grumpy, as I need to do it all the time.
2. Perhaps an MRU would help here? Or, better yet, a Favorites list that I can control myself.
3. The "File Properties / Detailed Info" seems to only be displaying a subset of the file properties. In particular, custom fields are not shown. Do I need to change some configuration option, or is something not yet implemented here?
4. This is, perhaps, related to #1, but I am not totally comfortable with having multiple levels of Action Window things. I think one-level list would be better, but would that get too long? Don't know.
5. Someone suggested a back button to help with multiple levels. I think this would certainly help if no feasible way can be found to flatten the list.
6. I still want to be able to open multiple instances of the Action Window. If this is out of the question, then say so and I'll pipe down about it.