Huh? The "remedy" is to not use DSF files. Do you have ISOs or DFFs that you can test? If my theory is correct, this is just a problem with DSF files which is well known. If Glynor's theory is correct, it's a DAC problem. There are other possibilities as well. Until you test a DFF or ISO file, you won't know.
I don't have a obviously solution, but here is some more information.
DSF files may have some glitch in them depending on how they were created, but that is not common. A simple test would be to download a couple of the free DSF files and try them, or to use MC to create DSD files from PCM files as a test. Certainly, DSF files like those from HDTracks and other download sites do not have unwanted bits that cause a click. If, in fact, the problem is in the actual files, playing consecutive DSF files would produce clicks at the end of each file, which is not, I believe, what is being reported. I would be surprised if it is the DSF files themselves, although it is possible.
The clicks seem to happen when transitioning form DSD to PCM. Playing silence at both the end and the beginning of a track can sometimes correct the problem. The issue, I believe, it how the DAC recognizes the DoP format, or, in this case, the end of the DoP format.
From pictures of the box the S16 comes in, I believe the unit comes with a CD. Does that CD have an ASIO driver on it. If so, that might be a better choice than the WASAPI driver.
FYI - DSF and DFF files contain the same bits other than the header. They are comparable to wav and uncompressed flac - same music bits, different headers. There should be no difference in playing DSF and DFF files.