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Author Topic: Just getting started with JRiver, some questions  (Read 7486 times)


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Just getting started with JRiver, some questions
« on: October 09, 2016, 09:58:42 am »

I'm currently trialing JRiver and had some questions if anyone can help.  I think its about time I move away from Kodi, I need something that just works at this point and there is too much fiddling going on with Kodi and external players.

1.  will it work playing 3d MKV's?  And can I assume that 3d ISO won't work?
2. Assuming number 1 will work, I assume I need Red october HQ for that? Are there recommended settings for Intel I3 6100 Integrated GPU?
3.  Will video clock work with bitstreaming? I know the audio might have pops or whatever, but i want perfect video and the ability to use Atmos or X tracks.
4. Library updates, how does that work exactly.  Is there a place to specify when it updates, is there a certain interval it uses?  Does it remove files automatically when I delete them from the drive?



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Re: Just getting started with JRiver, some questions
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2016, 10:48:26 am »

Holy Wow, I'm pretty impressed, this thing just seems to work.  Can someone tell me what are the options for remotes with this?  Like if I want to use it with a logitech harmony or anymote home device? 

Also, how do you toggle subtitles on and off?


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Re: Just getting started with JRiver, some questions
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2016, 10:54:30 am »

4. Library updates, how does that work exactly.  Is there a place to specify when it updates, is there a certain interval it uses?

MC has a feature called Auto Import.  You add folders to the Auto Import list and MC monitors those for new files.  When it sees them, it imports them automatically.  Normally this is triggered simply by dropping the file in place; it should import in 20 seconds or so.  I believe it has a fallback of doing a full scan once every 2 hours, in case it misses file system events to trigger the import.

Does it remove files automatically when I delete them from the drive?

Yes and no.  My recommendation is to manage your media primarily from INSIDE of MC.  Doing stuff in the file system and then having MC "clean up" as best as it can works OK, but it works better if you do these things from inside MC itself.  That way MC always knows what's going on and doesn't have to guess.

There are two settings that influence this behavior:

1.  Tools > Options > Library & Folders > configure auto import > tasks > Fix Broken Links
2.  Tools > Options > Library & Folders > configure auto import > tasks > update for external changes.

Fix broken links is set to "Yes (protect files on removable drives)" by default.  This mostly works ok, but I've had just enough problems with it that I now have it set to "No", and I like that better.

Update for external changes detects if the Tags inside your files change.  If this option is checked, MC will read any new or changed tags and reflect them in MC's database.  I have this option enabled and it works fine on the extremely rare occasions that I use an external tag editor to change tags in my files.



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Re: Just getting started with JRiver, some questions
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2016, 11:01:57 am »

Can someone tell me what are the options for remotes with this?  Like if I want to use it with a logitech harmony or anymote home device? 

I believe that MC works "out of the box" with Windows Media Center remote controls.  So, you can configure your Harmony or other remote to send those commands (WMC commands) and MC will work with them.

You can do more remote customization and programming in Tools > Options > Remote Control I believe.  I don't use the Windows version of MC very much, so I have no real experience with this part of configuring MC.

Also, how do you toggle subtitles on and off?

You can use the mouse to right click and select from the subtitles menu.  Or, the remote control is supposed to work for this as well, by pressing the up arrow repeatedly and then left or right to select what you want.  But I just tried this with the keyboard arrows (which should work like the remote) and I can't find subtitles among the various options.  This is probably a Mac thing though.  Give it a try and it should work for you.



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Re: Just getting started with JRiver, some questions
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2016, 11:22:30 am »

Is media center remote the only way?  I don't currently have an ir receiver. Do it all wifi.  Anymote can do kodi via wifi but I don't believe there is a jriver remote.  As for subtitles. I have a lot with forced subs so I'm just looking for a simple way to toggle them on off when needed preferable through a Logitech Anymote/ Blumoo type of remote setup.


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Re: Just getting started with JRiver, some questions
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2016, 12:26:12 pm »

Here's a wiki topic on remotes:

and here's a thread where people talked about what they use:,105329.msg732581.html#msg732581

Also try searching here.


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Re: Just getting started with JRiver, some questions
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2016, 01:19:01 pm »

couple of more questions.

My pc does double duty as my PC and the HTPC.  I remote into it often and I noticed when I remoted in just now and started media center, it changed the audio device to default instead of my reciever.  Is that just because I opened it over remote desktop?

2nd, is there any way to import photos or show photos videos from say onedrive?


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Re: Just getting started with JRiver, some questions
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2016, 01:32:11 pm »

In the Remote Desktop Client, check Local Resources | Audio and make sure it's set to "Play on Remote Computer"


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Re: Just getting started with JRiver, some questions
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2016, 03:30:19 pm »

So now I"m trying to figure out the library and how to have things go in the correct place.  With Kodi it was relatively simple, with this I'm a bit confused.  If I have a TV show, how do I let media center know that this folder is just tv shows?

For a folder with say videos and images such as the pictures you get from disney world where you get a lot of photos and a number of videos, how do I label those folders?  Obviously I don't want it dropping into the movies section.


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Re: Just getting started with JRiver, some questions
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2016, 04:03:06 pm »

^ MC uses the tags [Media Type] and [Media Sub Type] to determine what view items show up in.  You can adjust these values on files any time you want.  You can do one file at a time, or select thousands of files at once (like everything in a directory) and change their values.

To make this more automatic, you can set up your Auto Import rules to only import specific types of media.  I have auto import rules for TV shows and for Movies, set on different folders.  So they are automatically tagged when they get imported and appear in the proper views without my having to adjust anything.

It sounds like you might have some bulk tag adjusting to do.  You might benefit from using the Video > Files view for this.  Drill down through the folders until you find the folder you want.  Once all of the files are displayed, select all.  Then you can apply or change tags all at once.  Once you adjust them in the Files view, go back to Movies, or TV Shows, or whatever and verify that you see your changes.  You'll have everything fixed up in no time.

Then you can take a look at the Auto Import rules (if you have any) and adjust (or define) them as necessary.



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Re: Just getting started with JRiver, some questions
« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2016, 04:24:22 pm »

Thank you, but honestly I"m still not understanding it.  In Kodi, I set a folder to Movies and it imports movies, a folder to tv shows and it brings in tv shows, etc.  With this system, it says what type of files, videos, audio, images, etc.  So I'm not getting how it really knows what is what?

^ MC uses the tags [Media Type] and [Media Sub Type] to determine what view items show up in.  You can adjust these values on files any time you want.  You can do one file at a time, or select thousands of files at once (like everything in a directory) and change their values.

To make this more automatic, you can set up your Auto Import rules to only import specific types of media.  I have auto import rules for TV shows and for Movies, set on different folders.  So they are automatically tagged when they get imported and appear in the proper views without my having to adjust anything.

It sounds like you might have some bulk tag adjusting to do.  You might benefit from using the Video > Files view for this.  Drill down through the folders until you find the folder you want.  Once all of the files are displayed, select all.  Then you can apply or change tags all at once.  Once you adjust them in the Files view, go back to Movies, or TV Shows, or whatever and verify that you see your changes.  You'll have everything fixed up in no time.

Then you can take a look at the Auto Import rules (if you have any) and adjust (or define) them as necessary.



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Re: Just getting started with JRiver, some questions
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2016, 04:52:41 pm »

So I have things that are already imported, such as videos from Disney that got dropped in the videos shows section where tv shows should be, how do I move them out of there, I'm looking through the options and I really don't get it.

^ MC uses the tags [Media Type] and [Media Sub Type] to determine what view items show up in.  You can adjust these values on files any time you want.  You can do one file at a time, or select thousands of files at once (like everything in a directory) and change their values.

To make this more automatic, you can set up your Auto Import rules to only import specific types of media.  I have auto import rules for TV shows and for Movies, set on different folders.  So they are automatically tagged when they get imported and appear in the proper views without my having to adjust anything.

It sounds like you might have some bulk tag adjusting to do.  You might benefit from using the Video > Files view for this.  Drill down through the folders until you find the folder you want.  Once all of the files are displayed, select all.  Then you can apply or change tags all at once.  Once you adjust them in the Files view, go back to Movies, or TV Shows, or whatever and verify that you see your changes.  You'll have everything fixed up in no time.

Then you can take a look at the Auto Import rules (if you have any) and adjust (or define) them as necessary.



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Re: Just getting started with JRiver, some questions
« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2016, 05:03:13 pm »

Try this.  Highlight a video you want to change.  Now open the Tagging window with Edit > Tag .  In the window that appears on the left, go to the gear menu and choose "show all tags".  Now you can see the dozens of tags that MC uses for each media file.  Scroll down until you see the one called [Media Sub Type].  Change the Media Sub Type to what you want it to be.  This controls where MC shows this file. 

So, for example, to change one of your Disney videos, change the Media Sub Type from TV Show to Movie.  Click anywhere else to save.  Now go to your MOvies view and you should see that file there.

You can do this same thing to groups of files.  Just highlight the ones you want to change and you can change the Media Sub Type for all of them at once.

Good luck.



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Re: Just getting started with JRiver, some questions
« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2016, 05:58:38 pm »

Thank you, I will definately check that out, more immediate problem is this thing has crashed my computer at least 20 times today.  Is there any log to check or anything?


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Re: Just getting started with JRiver, some questions
« Reply #14 on: October 09, 2016, 06:01:14 pm »

An antivirus program could do that.  So could a bad driver.  Please see the "Weird Problems" link in my signature.


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Re: Just getting started with JRiver, some questions
« Reply #15 on: October 09, 2016, 07:21:53 pm »

Read through. None seem to apply.  No antivirus other than what comes in Windows 10 and latest video drivers. I've only been setting it up through remote desktop so maybe something is wonky with that although I couldn't see how. It seems to be rebooting while I'm looking at things in the library.


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Re: Just getting started with JRiver, some questions
« Reply #16 on: October 09, 2016, 11:02:04 pm »

Also check this thread out:

This is extremely useful!

Using auto-import rules, you can effectively achieve what you're looking for, and a lot more. Very easy to assign the media subtype of "Movie" to certain folders, or any other tag to virtually any location.


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Re: Just getting started with JRiver, some questions
« Reply #17 on: October 09, 2016, 11:04:14 pm »

No antivirus other than what comes in Windows 10

Windows 10 comes with Windows Defender installed as the default malware and anti-virus software. See
Windows 10 also comes with Windows Firewall, and software firewall that can prevent a program from doing what it is supposed to do. Windows Firewall should be set to allow MC processes including network and internet access. There are many discussions on solving firewall problems in the forum.

So I have things that are already imported, such as videos from Disney that got dropped in the videos shows section where tv shows should be, how do I move them out of there, I'm looking through the options and I really don't get it.

It sounds like Kodi uses the paradigm that a folder is associated with a media type. MC doesn't use that paradigm, although it does something similar as Brian described. Different types of media can be stored anywhere that MC has been told to look, and it is the [Media Type] and [Media Sub Type] tags that define to MC what the files actually are. If you wish to keep movies in a separate folder, you can do that. But you could just as easily put all media files under a top level folder such as D:\Media, and then have Auto-Import import all media types in or beneath that folder.

In practice it is easier to at least keep video and audio files under separate folders, as with Images, Playlists, Data files etc. Then set up MC's Auto-Import to import only those file types that you expect to put under those folders. when you set up Auto-Import you will have seen there are options to select which file types are to be imported. For example, AVI, MKV, 3D Blu-ray, etc. In fact I have separate Movie, TV Show, and Recorded TV folders, just for convenience. They all contain video files though. I could set Auto-Import to only import JRiver's JTV recording format plus MPEG Transport Streams the Recorded TV folder, since those are the only file types that should ever be in there.

But videos are still videos, and both TV and Movie files are video files, and could be in any of the video file formats that MC imports. So the [Media Type] is "Video" for both Movies and TV, and it is the [Media Sub Type] that defines what type of video it is. i.e. Movie, TV Show, Home Video, Educational, Music Video, Test Clip, Short, Trailer, etc.

With the "correct" [Media Sub Type] tags set, Views in MC are then used to show those media file types that you wish to see. The default views are a start, but you can edit and/or create almost any View you want. Plus you can group the results, sort them, choose how to display them, and so on.

It is just a different paradigm to Kodi. Once you get your mind around it, it is very flexible and powerful.
What specific version of MC you are running:MC27.0.27 @ Oct 27, 2020 and updating regularly Jim!                        MC Release Notes:
What OS(s) and Version you are running:     Windows 10 Pro 64bit Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.572).
The JRMark score of the PC with an issue:    JRMark (version 26.0.52 64 bit): 3419
Important relevant info about your environment:     
  Using the HTPC as a MC Server & a Workstation as a MC Client plus some DLNA clients.
  Running JRiver for Android, JRemote2, Gizmo, & MO 4Media on a Sony Xperia XZ Premium Android 9.
  Playing video out to a Sony 65" TV connected via HDMI, playing digital audio out via motherboard sound card, PCIe TV tuner
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