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Author Topic: Is there a way Batch Normalize an mp3, and maybe Transcode to a USB thumb drive?  (Read 4819 times)


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Is there a way Batch Normalize an mp3, and maybe Trans-code to a USB thumb drive in MC?

This is for use in my Wifes car stereo on a trip to NJ we are making next month.

Today I replaced the front speakers in her car and noticed when listening to the media files the volume from one file to the next is not even, they play fine in MC but not on her stereo.

if it can't be done in MC can it be done by another program?

Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
Model Trains, Internet, Ham Radio, Music
Fayetteville, NC, USA


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In theory Handheld Sync allows you to normalize the volume, using the Volume Leveling DSP tool.  I say "in theory" because I've read a long thread about some people that had a problem with this function producing strong clipping in some of their songs.

If you want to give it a try, set up a Handheld Sync definition.  Then, go to  (handheld sync) Options > Conversion > DSP Settings > Output Format > (checked) .  You'll have to turn on "Apply DSP" first in Options > Conversion > Apply DSP  > (checked) .

Now, when you run a sync, it should use the DSP to normalize the volume of your songs.  Maybe try it with a dozen or so and see what the results sound like?

Good luck,



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You can also select all the songs, right-click on them and Library Tools > Convert Format. The Convert Format window will pop up on the lower left. Press Options, check Apply DSP, press DSP settings..., check Volume Leveling. Also set where you want to convert the audio to.


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In theory Handheld Sync allows you to normalize the volume, using the Volume Leveling DSP tool.  I say "in theory" because I've read a long thread about some people that had a problem with this function producing strong clipping in some of their songs.

If you want to give it a try, set up a Handheld Sync definition.  Then, go to  (handheld sync) Options > Conversion > DSP Settings > Output Format > (checked) .  You'll have to turn on "Apply DSP" first in Options > Conversion > Apply DSP  > (checked) .

Now, when you run a sync, it should use the DSP to normalize the volume of your songs.  Maybe try it with a dozen or so and see what the results sound like?

Good luck,


I don't think I can Sync to a USB thumb drive.
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
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Fayetteville, NC, USA


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^ You should be able to sync to any drive that your computer sees as a file system.  If it becomes a drive letter, you can sync to it.  You can even sync to folders on your hard drive.  I do this (syncing to the hard drive) when I need to copy to devices that MC can't see directly.  Like Android phones.

But for a USB thumb drive you should be able to sync directly to it.



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I don't think I can Sync to a USB thumb drive.
Sure you can.


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I will try both ways in the next few days then and see what happens...
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
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They Both Work, Thanks....
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
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There has always been something wonky with the R128 handling.  So, it's not so much that it's broken for transferring to handhelds, although it may well be, but that it's either broken, or simply doesn't work well, for all tracks.  Whether you convert, via DSP, or just playback with volume levelling, there is still a wide variation of volume between tracks, eg they don't R128 normalise perfectly. You can see this, either by analysing the waveforms of converted tracks, or by monitoring playback with a DSP visualiser.  I've reported this before, and was actually thinking of doing so again the other day when I noticed it once again, but as I've already reported it I didn't want to waste my time.

Having said that, it does do a decent job with MOST tracks, but there are plenty of tracks where it doesn't.  Haven't yet been able to figure out why.  If I process the problem tracks externally, they behave, so it's something happening inside MC that is tripping the process up.


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I did have about 20 temp files left over in the folder after the convert that I had to delete. so there may be about 20 files with an issue of some sort.
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
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Fayetteville, NC, USA


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Here's an example... three songs, all 'audio analysed', played one after the other and monitored in a R128 DSP visualiser.  The big drop in the signal is the transition between each song.

"R128 visualiser"

This is actually three different remasters of the same song.   The target for normalised playback is the -23 LUFS line.  You can see that the first song hits the target, the second is played back too loud and the third is played back too soft.

The R128 data for the three are similar:

1. Level -14.0 LU, True Peak +0.4, Range 4.4 LU
2. Level -14.2 LU, True peak +0.1, Range  4.3 LU
3. Level -12.7 LU, True peak -0.4, Range 4.3 LU

And yet the playback ranges vary by +/- 3dB, which is quite audible.

Maybe it's something peculiar to MY library only, but as others have noticed inconsistencies, I doubt it.  Or maybe it's a weakness with R128 but, again, I doubt it.  It does mean that transferring music to my iPod for car use still involves me jumping on the volume from time to time to adjust.

I've seen worse swings in volume than shown here, but would need to dig through the library to find examples...


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I just got done installing the rear speakers in my wife's car.

Front 2.5 hours, rear 1.75 hours, I had to rip 1\2 the car apart to replace the rear speakers.

Not sure I would want do do that job everyday.

As A Note: I can still here Volume differences from one track to the next, I would need to listen more to figure out if it helped at all.
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
Model Trains, Internet, Ham Radio, Music
Fayetteville, NC, USA


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after listening to music in the car for the past two days I can say that the Normalize did not do to well. one track blasting out today, and the next I could hardly hear.
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
Model Trains, Internet, Ham Radio, Music
Fayetteville, NC, USA
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