So the term "skinning' means different things on different programs. In Kodi (and maybe Plex?) skinning includes the ability to alter the way that navigation works and other functionality type changes. It also includes the ability to change decorations, background images, etc. That's Kodi.
Brian, your well thought out and honest opinion is greatly appreciated.
So, with all this conversation, let me throw this out into the ether. Can we perhaps get someone who can make some changes to the Rapier Fusion TheaterView skin to see if we can make it a little better? Obviously you need someone to buy into this and make the changes. I have no idea who this would be or if they would be willing.
A few suggestions (and maybe they are already available, if so let me know)
1. Be able to move the bottom two rows of the main menu up, say options for 10%, 20% etc up to 50% if you want it in the middle of the screen. As mentioned earlier my bottom row is chopped off and setting size below 125% makes things small.
2. Offer a vertical option
3. All for the ability to change the colour of the cursor/scroll box or whatever it's called..
4. When moving the cursor over Music (without hitting enter on it) have an option to see in two columns, one on the left that shows recently imported Albums and on the other side recently played albums.
5. If the above is not possible, then how about showing random Artist or Album Fanart of some type.
6. Same as 4 above but for movies.
7. Same as 5 above but for movies but showing random movie covers from your library or fanart of those movies.
8. Same as above but a random photos from your library, maybe recent imports, or photos that change every few seconds
(almost like a slide show)
9. For Music, when I hit enter on Music from the main menu I have an option to either go direct to My Artists or have a another vertical menu that lists things such as Playlist, By Album, Favorites, etc
10. Most of the movie views are good. One change I would like to see is when looking at the various views I'm not sure what it's called by across the menu it shows Name and below it Name. The view shows 2 rows of 5 movies with a movie description on the right. I think a 2 x 4 option would be nice so we can get more text for the movie description and see some icons for video and audio formats.
11. There's a 3D movie view that just lists the cover art. It would be nice if we could also see the movie description here with the audio and movie tags such as DTS-HD MA etc
12. An option for an dark theme and an option for a light them. I'm getting tired of all the black and dark screens.
Ok, that's where I have to stop for now. I'm redoing parts of my NAS so can't properly go through all items right now.
Hopefully that helps!