Here's a zip of a few 'utility' type views I use to help tidy up my collection. The list of views is reasonably self explanatory and may be of use to some forum members
Util_ Album Art Review.jvi - Displays the sizes of existing artwork
Util_ Album Artist.jvi
Util_ Dates.jvi - Displays the date field so gaps can be filled/mistakes corrected
Util_ Duplicate Tracks.jvi - Helps identify duplicate tracks in a collection
Util_ Genre Review.jvi - Displays the existing genres so gaps can be filled/mistakes corrected
Util_ Multi-Disc.jvi - Displays albums containing the word 'disc'
Util_ Recording Format Review.jvi
Util_ Sample Rate Review.jvi - Displays the sample rates of tracks for review
Util_ Separators.jvi - Lists tracks with various separators
Util_ The (Album Artist).jvi - Lists album artists starting with 'The' (so they can be changed to Album Atrist, The)
Util_ The (Atrist).jvi - Lists artists starting with 'The' (so they can be changed to Atrist, The)
They need to be put in a folder called "Saved Views" that's under your library folder which is usually here on a Windows machine:
C:\Users\**Your Username**\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 22\Library\Saved Views
(You can't 'browse' for them so they have to be in that folder)
One there they can loaded from Customise Views... | Load a View. . . which is at the bottom of the 'Settings' list.
Enjoy and please consider sharing some of your handy views.
PS Thanks Jim, I did dabble with Dr Who a while ago, but didn't use it beyond a quick 'look and see'. Maybe I should revisit it. . .