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Author Topic: scrobbling w/ JRiver  (Read 5502 times)


  • Guest scrobbling w/ JRiver
« on: July 07, 2017, 05:15:03 pm »

Good evening,

I am currently testing JRiver and just beginning to get acquainted with its many capabilities. I barely started, but have been already impressed and practically made up my mind about purchasing a license.

Firstly though, I would like to inquire about a small detail I noticed with regards to JRiver's scrobbler function.
There is a slight difference in how JRiver's scrobbler and's own desktop app scrobble when it comes to timestamps.

1) Timestamps submitted by JRiver refere to the time of when a track finished playing, whereas
2)'s own scrobbler displays a time when the track started playing which I find more intuitive.

To paint an example, let's assume I am listening to a 20-minute movement of a symphony. What does, it displays the track as 'Scrobbling now' and after 20 minutes have passed and the track stopped playing, it will change the 'Scrobbling now' to '20 minutes ago'. That's the oposite of what JRiver does, in this case the page will show '1 second ago' (and so forth). So it reads more like when the track finished playing.

When I see a situation like that, I naturally begin to worry about possible data conflicts. Among many things, collects total time played for weekly/yearly statistics and I would like to know whether this way of submitting scrobbles that JRiver uses doesn't impact other statistics (like time played) negatively.

I hope I am posting this in the right subforum. If there's a problem with that, please let me know.
If something's unclear, I will be happy to clarify.

Thanks for this wonderful media player.


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Re: scrobbling w/ JRiver
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2017, 05:18:34 pm »

Welcome to the forum.  Good to hear it's working well so far.

I wasn't aware of the time difference you've found.  I don't know of any problem with it though, and has gotten a lot of use here.

In general, we don't consider a track played until it's reached the mid-point, since playing a few seconds and then advancing to the next track isn't really playing.


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Re: scrobbling w/ JRiver
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2020, 02:22:56 pm »

hm ... I can totally follow the original post and want to suport the request.

... and I do not see, why jriver wouldn't like to implement this freedom for a user to decide when a track is considered -played-

thats like -trakt- for movies, I would totally like to have that for my library ...
it gives lot of options to smart playlists, so for example, to analyse tracks to find out why they had not been fully played ...
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