How many seconds? Try counting.
If by this do you mean how long does it 'hang' for, it depends.
First time I saw it (MC 22) it'd 'hang' for about 30 seconds every 2 minutes, repeatedly. That was really annoying

That just went away, possibly by a windows update, possibly just went away. This was in the 'spring' of this year. I think.
On the forum the issue was caused by a failing drive.
You've seen it (or at least something similar) when a network share was unavailable.
Yesterday I saw it on MC 22 and 23 (both latest versions). They each had libraries loaded for which the media files were missing (USB drive not plugged in) they would either hang after a few 10's of seconds or (more likely) when I clicked on the File | Library (to try and delete the active library). I never saw MC recover from that; ended up killing the process. Uninstalled MC 23 to 'remove the active library'. Re installed MC 23 and restored a MC 22 backup from another PC. Restored the settings then restored the library. I then had to clean up the library as I was back where I started MC running with a library but no media files. When I deleted a whole string of podcasts that came from the restore MC 23 hung for a few 10's of seconds while it was deleting the podcast entries, it recovered when the deletion was finished. This makes me think it's some form of choked or bocked thread in MC. I have seen just one other (data analysis) program that does this; you get the 'white screen of wait' when a thread's maxed out or 'stuck'. You leave it long enough and that will recover as long as you don't touch it; not so easy to do on MC as it's interactive by nature.
Currently MC 23 is working fine for me (but I un-install and re-install it yesterday to get rid of references to it's current library and start from scratch).
MC 22 is also working I think I did something along the lines of making a directory structure on the laptop that matched the (top) location of the media files that came from the restore (even though all the media files didn't exist). This allowed MC to function well enough for me to delete the library and import the media files on the laptop into a new library. I've since moved the media files on the laptop and MC 22 still works (it doesn't do the hanging thing) it just displays the expected 'something went wrong with playback' message as it couldn't find the media file.
I don't load MC Server on the laptop. It's a top of the range i7 laptop with 16GB RAM and SSD so it has plenty of resource. I only play audio files.
I can supply a backup file that caused the problems yesterday if you need it.