On a serious note (which is hard for me).... I firstly tip my hat firstly to the actual JRiver team. They work really well as a team and produce a fantastic product for a very reasonable price. I love the continual updates. Every week or so we get a new version with incremental updates that is a result of the feedback from the users of this community (you just do not get this dev cycle from any of the other commercial SW providers out there).
My second hat tip is to those that contribute these ideas, suggestions, and the support of newer users on this forum. Many of these are Old Hats represented by the Beta Team. From my perspective, it is great to see such a wide range of interest and expertise that not only helps other users, but also helps directed the development of MC. I also love that each of the regular contributors have their own expertise and area of interest and are happy to contribute their tips and techniques in their areas of knowledge, and between the group I thing we cover most topics pretty well.
Finally, how good is it we have a forum where all of this is done in a collegiate manner!?
Vote 1 - Pedro!