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Author Topic: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos  (Read 156760 times)


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Lepa is correct that you will have to install the font to windows.  If that still doesn't work, you may have to completely shutdown MC and restart it.


  • World Citizen
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Thanks Lepa, that was my first font installation ever  ;D

And I got the solution for my second point: I just created tags in the tag editor (as shown on my screeenshots), but they must be in library (extras -> options -> library). ::)
Now it is working! Time to get my tags optimized like Lepa described.

Thanks again for the very good documentation!  :)


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I finished my Genre Icons font, if anyone is interested.


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Nice work!  Thanks!


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That is really excellent !! thanks. Am starting to play with it. It's great !
Hopefully it will bring some JRiver development Spotlight back to theaterview going forward


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Thanks Moe! Have you already utilized the new genre icons?


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Thanks Moe! Have you already utilized the new genre icons?

Not completely yet, it's in process.  It's my goal for the day to at least get it most of the way there.


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Okay, I've got my Genre Icons incorporated into tooltip, this is how it currently looks

The Genre Icon has a bit of randomness built into it based off the movie's duration via a custom field I created called [Random] (see this post for the code)

I like it, but I am a little afraid that the whole top section is looking a bit too busy.  Thoughts?  What I'd love to be able to do is move one of the rows either below or above the image.  Here's a Photoshop mockup job if @Matt is listening :)

But I digress, since neither of those is currently possible.

To save anyone who is interested in doing what I did, there are quite a few moving pieces, I'll try and break it down as simply as I can.

In my [Movie tooltip] custom field, the line that has duration/genre/year looks like this.

Code: [Select]
  <font size="150" color="#80C0C0"><b>[Duration]     [Genre Icon]      [Year]<//b><//font>
I decided to break each genre into it's own separate field, because it would otherwise be a very long, complicated expression.  Also, breaking it into smaller chunks it will be easier for me to make changes, should I ever decide to.

I made an Icon field for each Genre,  I named them as follows (I'll share the value of each of these at the end, that's where all the heavy lifting takes place).

[Action Icon]
[Adult Icon]
[Anime Icon]
[Comedy Icon]
[Documentary Icon]
[Drama Icon]
[Fantasy Icon]
[Horror Icon]
[Music Icon]
[Musical Icon]
[SciFi Icon]
[Short Icon]
[Thriller Icon]
[Western Icon]

So, the above mentioned [Genre Icon] has the following value

Code: [Select]
<font size="150">if(isequal([Genre],Action//Adventure,8),[Action Icon],if(isequal([Genre],Adult,8),[Adult Icon],if(isequal([Genre],Anime,8),[Anime Icon],if(isequal([Genre],Comedy,8),[Comedy Icon],if(isequal([Genre],Documentary,8),[Documentary Icon],if(isequal([Genre],Drama,8),[Drama Icon],if(isequal([Genre],Fantasy,8),[Fantasy Icon],if(isequal([Genre],Horror,8),[Horror Icon],if(isequal([Genre],Music,8),[Music Icon],if(isequal([Genre],Musical,8),[Musical Icon],if(isequal([Genre],Science Fiction,8),[SciFi Icon],if(isequal([Genre],Short,8),[Short Icon],if(isequal([Genre],Thriller,8), [Thriller Icon],[Western Icon])))))))))))))<//font>
Here is the value of the individual Genre Icon fields.  These are "tricky" because you have to figure out which icon corresponds to which character in the font (which isn't hard, just a bit tedious).  Anyway, here are all the field values.

[Action Icon]
Code: [Select]
<font face="GenreIcons01" size="150">if(isequal([Genre],Action//Adventure,1),if(isequal([Random],1,1),//,if(isequal([Random],2,1),0,if(isequal([Random],3,1),1,if(isequal([Random],4,1),2,

[Adult Icon]
Code: [Select]
<font face="GenreIcons01" size="150">if(isequal([Genre],Adult,1),if(isequal([Random],1,1),/[,if(isequal([Random],2,1),/\,if(isequal([Random],3,1),/],if(isequal([Random],4,1),^,if(isequal([Random],5,1),_,if(isequal([Random],6,1),`,if(isequal([Random],7,1),/],if(isequal([Random],8,1),/[,if(isequal([Random],9,1),/\,_))))))))),)<//font>
[Anime Icon]
Code: [Select]
<font face="GenreIcons01" size="150">if(isequal([Genre],Anime,1),if(isequal([Random],1,1),y,if(isequal([Random],2,1),z,if(isequal([Random],3,1),’,if(isequal([Random],4,1),“,if(isequal([Random],5,1),”,if(isequal([Random],6,1),y,if(isequal([Random],7,1),z,if(isequal([Random],8,1),’,if(isequal([Random],9,1),“,”))))))))),)<//font>
[Comedy Icon]
Code: [Select]
<font face="GenreIcons01" size="150">if(isequal([Genre],Comedy,1),if(isequal([Random],1,1),9,if(isequal([Random],2,1),:,if(isequal([Random],3,1),;,if(isequal([Random],4,1),<,if(isequal([Random],5,1),=,if(isequal([Random],6,1),>,if(isequal([Random],7,1),?,if(isequal([Random],8,1),‐,if(isequal([Random],9,1),9,:))))))))),)<//font>
[Documentary Icon]
Code: [Select]
<font face="GenreIcons01" size="150">if(isequal([Genre],Documentary,1),if(isequal([Random],1,1),!,if(isequal([Random],2,1),",if(isequal([Random],3,1),#,if(isequal([Random],4,1),$,if(isequal([Random],5,1),!,if(isequal([Random],6,1),",if(isequal([Random],7,1),#,if(isequal([Random],8,1),!,if(isequal([Random],9,1),!,#))))))))),)<//font>
[Drama Icon]
Code: [Select]
<font face="GenreIcons01" size="150">if(isequal([Genre],Drama,1),if(isequal([Random],1,1),%,if(isequal([Random],2,1),&,if(isequal([Random],3,1),',if(isequal([Random],4,1),/(,if(isequal([Random],5,1),/),if(isequal([Random],6,1),*,if(isequal([Random],7,1),+,if(isequal([Random],8,1),/,,if(isequal([Random],9,1),-,.))))))))),)<//font>
[Fantasy Icon]
Code: [Select]
<font face="GenreIcons01" size="150">if(isequal([Genre],Fantasy,1),if(isequal([Random],1,1),U,if(isequal([Random],2,1),V,if(isequal([Random],3,1),W,if(isequal([Random],4,1),X,if(isequal([Random],5,1),Y,if(isequal([Random],6,1),Z,if(isequal([Random],7,1),a,if(isequal([Random],8,1),b,if(isequal([Random],9,1),c,d))))))))),)<//font>
[Horror Icon]
Code: [Select]
<font face="GenreIcons01" size="150">if(isequal([Genre],Horror,1),if(isequal([Random],1,1),A,if(isequal([Random],2,1),B,if(isequal([Random],3,1),C,if(isequal([Random],4,1),D,if(isequal([Random],5,1),E,if(isequal([Random],6,1),F,if(isequal([Random],7,1),G,if(isequal([Random],8,1),H,if(isequal([Random],9,1),I,J))))))))),)<//font>
[Music Icon]
Code: [Select]
<font face="GenreIcons01" size="150">if(isequal([Genre],Music,1),if(isequal([Random],1,1),‑,if(isequal([Random],2,1),‒,if(isequal([Random],3,1),–,if(isequal([Random],4,1),–,if(isequal([Random],5,1),‑,if(isequal([Random],6,1),‒,if(isequal([Random],7,1),–,if(isequal([Random],8,1),‑,if(isequal([Random],9,1),‑,‒))))))))),)<//font>
[Musical Icon]
Code: [Select]
<font face="GenreIcons01" size="150">if(isequal([Genre],Musical,1),if(isequal([Random],1,1),‑,if(isequal([Random],2,1),‒,if(isequal([Random],3,1),–,if(isequal([Random],4,1),–,if(isequal([Random],5,1),‑,if(isequal([Random],6,1),‒,if(isequal([Random],7,1),–,if(isequal([Random],8,1),‑,if(isequal([Random],9,1),‑,‒))))))))),)<//font>
Music and Musical share the same icons, I didn't bother making separate ones.

[SciFi Icon]
Code: [Select]
<font face="GenreIcons01" size="150">if(isequal([Genre],Science Fiction,1),if(isequal([Random],1,1),o,if(isequal([Random],2,1),p,if(isequal([Random],3,1),q,if(isequal([Random],4,1),r,if(isequal([Random],5,1),s,if(isequal([Random],6,1),t,if(isequal([Random],7,1),u,if(isequal([Random],8,1),v,if(isequal([Random],9,1),w,x))))))))),)<//font>
[Short Icon]
Code: [Select]
<font face="GenreIcons01" size="150">if(isequal([Genre],Short,1),if(isequal([Random],1,1),—,if(isequal([Random],2,1),—,if(isequal([Random],3,1),—,if(isequal([Random],4,1),—,if(isequal([Random],5,1),—,if(isequal([Random],6,1),—,if(isequal([Random],7,1),—,if(isequal([Random],8,1),—,if(isequal([Random],9,1),—,—))))))))),)<//font>
[Thriller Icon]
Code: [Select]
<font face="GenreIcons01" size="150">if(isequal([Genre],Thriller,1),if(isequal([Random],1,1),K,if(isequal([Random],2,1),L,if(isequal([Random],3,1),M,if(isequal([Random],4,1),N,if(isequal([Random],5,1),O,if(isequal([Random],6,1),P,if(isequal([Random],7,1),Q,if(isequal([Random],8,1),R,if(isequal([Random],9,1),L,P))))))))),)<//font>
[Western Icon]
Code: [Select]
<font face="GenreIcons01" size="150">if(isequal([Genre],Western,1),if(isequal([Random],1,1),e,if(isequal([Random],2,1),f,if(isequal([Random],3,1),g,if(isequal([Random],4,1),h,if(isequal([Random],5,1),i,if(isequal([Random],6,1),j,if(isequal([Random],7,1),k,if(isequal([Random],8,1),l,if(isequal([Random],9,1),m,n))))))))),)<//font>
And that's about it.

If enough people like this but want some more Genre Icons made, I may be able to be persuaded if there is enough demand :)


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Hi Moe and thanks for all the nice work!

I use Size() instead of [Duration] for displaying Movie Runtime information.

For Atomic Blonde:

With [Duration] = "1:54:43"

With Size() = "1 hour 55 minutes"

It's certainly a matter of preference (and everyone has different preferences) but I find it more readable to my (old) eyes.

Keep up the good work!



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I like the full height image on the left.

I would stick with the layout in the first image of your last post Moe, but move the viewing Rating (R), Dolby Digitial, etc. down below the text, much like it is on Blu-ray covers. It is down the bottom on those cover because it usually isn't what people want to see first. I would also probably put the Duration, Genre, and Year immediately below the Title and Sub-title, and the movie rating (TheMovieDB, IMDB, etc.) below that. But anyone could tweak the layout to their desires.

I'm not totally convinced with your Genre icons either, particularly at the size you are using in that image. Icons are supposed to be used to impart information quickly without the need to read the words, so they don't need to be big, once they become recognisable. Also, with MC, it is easy to have a VIew by Genre, so unless you are just browsing all movies, you don't need to read the Genre as you go.

I was also concerned about the explosion of new Library fields that the solution relied upon. It would be nice to keep that to a minimum, or even none, so that all users could implement it quickly. Perhaps not none, as the four tooltip fields are required for an easy solution.

But excellent work all around. I had a plan to do some of this at some stage, but have never made time for it. Kudos to both Lepa and Moe.
What specific version of MC you are running:MC27.0.27 @ Oct 27, 2020 and updating regularly Jim!                        MC Release Notes:
What OS(s) and Version you are running:     Windows 10 Pro 64bit Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.572).
The JRMark score of the PC with an issue:    JRMark (version 26.0.52 64 bit): 3419
Important relevant info about your environment:     
  Using the HTPC as a MC Server & a Workstation as a MC Client plus some DLNA clients.
  Running JRiver for Android, JRemote2, Gizmo, & MO 4Media on a Sony Xperia XZ Premium Android 9.
  Playing video out to a Sony 65" TV connected via HDMI, playing digital audio out via motherboard sound card, PCIe TV tuner


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I actually had already done a lot of what you suggested, it does look better.  This is what I currently have.

I'm not totally convinced with your Genre icons either, particularly at the size you are using in that image.

Easy enough to change the size or not use them at all, I think they are kind of fun.

You could achieve what I did without really adding any new fields.  The expression in your tooltip would be about a mile long and very hard to work with (In my opinion).  I find it easier to break things up into smaller, more manageable pieces.  Your mileage may vary.


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Yep. Anything is possible.

Thanks for sharing everything. I might have to have a go at it all at some time.  8)
What specific version of MC you are running:MC27.0.27 @ Oct 27, 2020 and updating regularly Jim!                        MC Release Notes:
What OS(s) and Version you are running:     Windows 10 Pro 64bit Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.572).
The JRMark score of the PC with an issue:    JRMark (version 26.0.52 64 bit): 3419
Important relevant info about your environment:     
  Using the HTPC as a MC Server & a Workstation as a MC Client plus some DLNA clients.
  Running JRiver for Android, JRemote2, Gizmo, & MO 4Media on a Sony Xperia XZ Premium Android 9.
  Playing video out to a Sony 65" TV connected via HDMI, playing digital audio out via motherboard sound card, PCIe TV tuner


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Been trying to do with the movie template and I think that I settle to this for  a while. I'm not completely satisfied with the technical data icon stuff row as I can't seem to find perfect place where to put those but it's not too bad either.

For anyone who might be interested to try himself here couple of readily calculated templates to get you going. I'm using font provided by Moe (Link somewhere in this thread).

Get icon for aspect ratio. Checks for (2:35,1:85,1:78, 1:66 and 1:33)
Code: [Select]
<font face="ToolTip01" size="180" color="#9496a3">If(Math(below(trunc(Replace([Aspect Ratio],:,//) + .005, 2),1.38)),M, If(Math(below(trunc(Replace([Aspect Ratio],:,//) + .005, 2),1.68)),N,If(Math(below(trunc(Replace([Aspect Ratio],:,//) + .005, 2),1.80)),O,If(Math(below(trunc(Replace([Aspect Ratio],:,//) + .005, 2),1.87)),P,Q))))<//font>
Get icon for definition. (4K, 1080p, 720p, 576p and 480)
Code: [Select]
<font face="ToolTip01" size="200" color="#9496a3">If(IsEqual([Width],1920,5),¥,If(IsEqual([Width],1360,5),¤,If(IsEqual([Width],888,5),£,If(IsEqual([FPS],25,2),¢,¡))))<//font>
Get icon for file type. (mkv, dvd and blu-ray)
Code: [Select]
<font face="ToolTip01" size="170" color="#9496a3">If(IsEqual([File Type],mkv),î,If(IsEqual([File Type],ifo),W,If(IsEqual([File Type],bdmv),U,)))<//font>
Get icon for video compression (divx, hevc, h264, xvid, vc-1, mpeg2, mpeg1, mpeg4)
Code: [Select]
<font face="ToolTip01" size="150" color="#9496a3">If(IsEqual([Compression],div,8),ú,If(IsEqual([Compression],hevc,8),ü,If(IsEqual([Compression],h264,8),û,If(IsEqual([Compression],xvid,8),ă,If(IsEqual([Compression], vc-1,8),Ā,If(IsEqual([Compression],mpeg2,8),þ,If(IsEqual([Compression],mpeg1,8),ý,If(IsEqual([Compression],mpeg4),ÿ,))))))))<//font>
Get icon for audio compression (dts-hd, dts, ac3, pcm, mp3, flac, mpeg1/2, vorbis, truehd, opus)
Code: [Select]
<font face="ToolTip01" size="150" color="#9496a3">If(IsEqual([Compression],dts-hd ma,8),&,If(IsEqual([Compression],dts,8),#,If(IsEqual([Compression],ac3,8),z,If(IsEqual([Compression],pcm,8),/),If(IsEqual([Compression],mp3,8),*,If(IsEqual([Compression],flac,8),',If(IsEqual([Compression],aac,8),0,If(IsEqual([Compression],mpeg,8),z,If(IsEqual([Compression],vorbis,8),/,,If(IsEqual([Compression],truehd,8),x,If(IsEqual([Compression],opus,8),1,)))))))))))<//font>
Get icon for channels (mono, stereo, etc...)
Code: [Select]
<font face="ToolTip01" size="165" color="#9496a3">If(IsEqual([Channels],1,2),=,If(IsEqual([Channels],2,2),>,If(IsEqual([Channels],3,2),],If(IsEqual([Channels],4,2),?,If(IsEqual([Channels],5,2),^,If(IsEqual([Channels],6,2),‐,If(IsEqual([Channels],7,2),_,‑)))))))<//font>

Whole row of techical stuff icons on the screenshots is just above combined and separated by spaces. For color and size you can of course use whatever you like. In those examples the font size is adjusted so that all of the icons combined should be in similar size related to each other.

MPAA+Duration+Genre+Year+Country row:
Code: [Select]
<font face="ToolTip01" size="90" color="#9496a3">If(IsEqual([MPAA Rating],G),A,If(IsEqual([MPAA Rating],PG),B,If(IsEqual([MPAA Rating],PG-13),C,If(IsEqual([MPAA Rating],R),D,If(IsEqual([MPAA Rating],NC-17),E,If(IsEqual([MPAA Rating],NR),<//font><font face="ToolTip01" size="70" color="#9496a3">F,If(IsEmpty([MPAA Rating],),F,If(IsEqual([MPAA Rating],Approved),A,))))))))   <//font><font color="#9496a3" size="90"><b>|<//b><//font>   <font color="#9496a3" size="90">Size()   <b>|<//b><//font>   <font color="#9496a3 size="90""><i>Replace([Genre],;,  / // )<//i>   <b>|<//b>   [Date] /([Country]/)<//font>
TMDb+IMDb+RottenTomatoes row (I don't think I'm using any new fields apart from [Rating IMDb] and [Rotten Tomatoes]. Data has been fetched in addtion to MC with JRatings and perl script)
Code: [Select]
If(IsEqual([Awards],Oscar,8),If(IsEqual([Awards],Won,8),<font face="ToolTip01" size="110" color="#b59031">4 <//font><font face="ToolTip01" size="200" color="#FFFF00">@  <//font>,<font face="ToolTip01" size="110" color="#b59031">4 <//font><font face="ToolTip01" size="200" color="#a6a6a6">@  <//font>),)If(!IsEmpty([Critic Rating]),<font face="ToolTip01" size="110" color="#01CB73">; <//font>[Critic Rating]    ,)If(!IsEmpty([Rating IMDb]),<font face="ToolTip01" size="110" color="#E8B708">7 <//font>[Rating IMDb]    ,)If(!IsEmpty([Rotten Tomatoes]),<font face="ToolTip01" size="110" color="#ED1C08">8 <//font>[Rotten Tomatoes]% If(IsEqual([Rotten Tomatoes],,0),,If(IsEqual([Rotten Tomatoes],60,6),<font face="ToolTip01" size="150" color="#F13008">: <//font>,<font face="ToolTip01" size="150" color="#0FC152">9<//font>)),)
EDIT: Cleaned up ratings row


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Looking really good.

Have you tried putting a line break before the technical icons, just to separate them out a little more?  May help to make things look a little less crowded.


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Looking really good.

Have you tried putting a line break before the technical icons, just to separate them out a little more?  May help to make things look a little less crowded.
Will try more spaces, it's just that they will easily look too separated (been aching with this :D )
Problem with using the last row is also that if there are more stuff like larger synopsis or more fields to be shown then icons will go so down to a point you cannot see them anymore without scrolling. In that sense it would be best to use static field as up as possible...

I like the more space towards upper element. I added also little more space on horizontal level. To me in the first picture it is a little too much already. Have also experimenting from time to time using separator lines like in pic3.

EDIT: Edited first post to include some pictures and copy paste template of the theater view movie template


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterViev Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #65 on: July 04, 2019, 01:35:40 am »


thank you very much again for your efforts and detailed documentation! Together with MCRating, this looks really professional!

This is my setup: german and with the file path below, as this is handy for me.
Code: [Select]
If(IsEqual([Media Sub Type],Movie,1),<font size="180"><b>[Name]<//b><//font>
If(!IsEmpty([Tag Line]),<font size="150"><i>[Tag Line]<//i><//font>,)

 If(!IsEmpty([Oscar Winner]),[Oscar Winner],)   <font size="130">If(!IsEmpty([Critic Rating]),<font face="ToolTip01" size="130"><font color="#01CB73">;<//font><//font>  [Critic Rating] ,) If(!IsEmpty([IMDb Rating]),<font face="ToolTip01" size="130"><font color="##E8B708">7<//font><//font>  [IMDb Rating] ,) If(!IsEmpty([Rotten Tomatoes]),<font face="ToolTip01" size="130"><font color="#ED1C08">8<//font><//font>  [Rotten Tomatoes]% [RT],)<//font>   

 If(!IsEmpty([MPAA]),[MPAA],)  [Audio_Stream]   [Speakers]   [Aspect_Ratio]   [Resolution]

 If(!IsEmpty([Budget]),<b>Produktionskosten:<//b> [Budget],)  If(!IsEmpty([Gross Revenue]),<b>Einspielergebnis:<//b> [Gross Revenue],)   If(!IsEmpty([Gross Revenue]),<b>Ursprungsland:<//b> [Country],)

  <font size="120" color="#80C0C0"><b>[Duration] - [Genre] - [Year]<//b><//font>,)

<font size="140"><b><i><u>Inhalt                                                                                                 <//b><//i><//u><//font>
If(!IsEmpty([Description]),<font size="115">[Description]<//font>,)

<font size="140"><b><i><u>Credits                                                                                                    <//b><//i><//u><//font>
<font size="115">If(!IsEmpty([Director]),<b>Direktor:<//b> [Director]
,)If(!IsEmpty([Screenwriter]),<b>Drehbuchautor:<//b> [Screenwriter]
,)If(!IsEmpty([Producer]),<b>Produzent:<//b> [Producer]

,)If(!IsEmpty([Actors]),<b>Darsteller:<//b> [Actors],)<//font>

<font size="75">[Filename (path)][Filename (name)]

However, one thing is not perfect: the TMDb-Rating. I use "critic rating", as this is filled by the Movie Lookup of MC. But I have always the "TMDb xx / 10" shown. Is there a easy way to cut out the Rating by itselv? Something like left[] for getting the characters or so?


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterViev Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #66 on: July 04, 2019, 11:54:23 am »

If you want the word TMDb before the number, then this will work

Code: [Select]
listitem([Critic Rating], 0, // )
If you only want the numbers then this should do the trick

Code: [Select]
regex([Critic Rating], /#TMDB\s(\d\,\d)#/, 1)


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterViev Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #67 on: July 04, 2019, 03:15:21 pm »

Perfect! Thanks!

Btw, what kind of programming language is this? xml?


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterViev Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #68 on: July 05, 2019, 09:29:22 am »

This is JRiver's expression language, I don't know if it's based off of a different language though, I am not a programmer.  The second example solution I provided above was using a regular expression within the JRiver expression language.

Here is yet another way to get the TMDb rating numbers only

Code: [Select]
mid([critic rating], 5, 3)


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterViev Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #69 on: July 05, 2019, 09:58:08 am »

This is JRiver's expression language, I don't know if it's based off of a different language though, I am not a programmer. 
I believe it evolved when MrC asked for support of regular expressions.  I went looking just now for the old threads. This was as far as I got:,66146.0.html


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterViev Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #70 on: July 05, 2019, 11:04:32 am »

I posted this back in 2007  :o

A few years later, I wote up the expression page for the wiki, which was then handed over to MrC, and then most lately, to glynor.

We've just been given new 'ListLimit' and 'Rand(...)' functions. ListLimit is added to the list, but still needs a description and some examples, and Rand() still needs to be added. I may get to that in the near future if no-one beats me to it.

Since their inception, expressions have grown and evolved, always in a good way. They allow each of us to fine tune MC to fit neatly into our own personal use-case scenarios, and they are brilliant.

MrC, if I recall correctly, was instrumental in several expression function goodies... regex, and ifelse() are two that immediately spring to mind. ifelse() is just inspired, that gets a ton of use around here :)

This thread, btw, is fascinating. Much excellent work going on. No-one's stepped up to the Theater View plate yet, which is what I was waiting/watching for, as I'm getting lazy in my old age ;)
Something has to be possible in there surely? I wish I had some time to explore what, if any, possibilities there are in that particular playground. Maybe I can make some 'Me' time for that next month.... we'll see...


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterViev Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #71 on: July 05, 2019, 02:02:08 pm »

We've just been given new 'ListLimit' and 'Rand(...)' functions. ListLimit is added to the list, but still needs a description and some examples, and Rand() still needs to be added. I may get to that in the near future if no-one beats me to it.

While I was trying to figure out how to do something recently I ran across these two commands which aren't in the wiki (except for announcing that they were added in the release notes).  I have no idea what parameters, etc. they take though. 


It would be nice to get a full list of all commands, I bet there are more than this that aren't documented in the wiki and it would be nice to get all that info out.  (maybe this should be it's own thread though, feel free to split)

I tried adding ListLimit to the wiki the other day but I didn't have editing privileges, I've since requested them though.  But, I am going out of the country for 3 weeks (woohoo, Spain!) starting tomorrow so I don't know if I'll have time to get anything added. 



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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterViev Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #72 on: July 05, 2019, 02:16:48 pm »

This thread, btw, is fascinating. Much excellent work going on. No-one's stepped up to the Theater View plate yet, which is what I was waiting/watching for, as I'm getting lazy in my old age ;)
Something has to be possible in there surely? I wish I had some time to explore what, if any, possibilities there are in that particular playground. Maybe I can make some 'Me' time for that next month.... we'll see...


I've done some stuff with theater view.

While browsing I see

The purple icon with the title denotes that the movie has a commentary track audio stream available.  The orange R (on Titanic) denotes that the movie has a Rifftrax audio stream available

When looking at an individual movie, I see this

I'm still fiddling with it though, but so far, so good.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterViev Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #73 on: July 05, 2019, 02:20:55 pm »

Hell yeah, modifying theatre view is also on my list. I even bought an xml-reference book  :o But, as many know: after some dozens of pages, the attention is lost as my wife/kids capture my time….

Maybe I should restart this project.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterViev Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #74 on: July 07, 2019, 01:44:31 pm »

No-one's stepped up to the Theater View plate yet, which is what I was waiting/watching for, as I'm getting lazy in my old age ;)
Something has to be possible in there surely? I wish I had some time to explore what, if any, possibilities there are in that particular playground.
Come on marko, I have posted many theaterview images here... :) I know they are not much but anyway ;)

This is my current large single item view

Updated first post to include movie template



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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterViev Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #75 on: July 10, 2019, 07:59:01 am »

Started to twiddle a little with audio tooltip. Will also integrate same kind of style to theater view once I am satisfied with the results. Anyway this is what I have now.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterViev Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #76 on: July 10, 2019, 09:15:18 am »

Thanks for working on audio.

You probably need a different display for classical and non-classical. For classical Composer is typically primary and Artist secondary.

Media type (mp3, flac, DSD) is also relevant, as is number of bits and sample rate.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterViev Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #77 on: July 10, 2019, 09:38:41 am »

Thanks for working on audio.

You probably need a different display for classical and non-classical. For classical Composer is typically primary and Artist secondary.

Media type (mp3, flac, DSD) is also relevant, as is number of bits and sample rate.
My tooltip will already show different icons for different media types. Just happened to be ogg in the picture. My classical collection metadata is in such a bad shape that I haven't concentrated to that. Though it wouldn't be too hard to make totally different template for classical once all the logos are catched from the metadata.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterViev Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #78 on: July 10, 2019, 09:54:40 am »

Sorry -missed the ogg.

I would just start with a simple conditional that put Composer on the first line if genre contains "Classical" and Artist if it does not.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterViev Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #79 on: July 10, 2019, 03:39:18 pm »

Tried something in theater view also...


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterViev Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #80 on: July 10, 2019, 09:25:34 pm »

Impressive. Do you notice any slowdown at all when it comes to processing the expressions for these?

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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterViev Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #81 on: July 10, 2019, 11:04:57 pm »

Impressive. Do you notice any slowdown at all when it comes to processing the expressions for these?
I haven't noticed any at all. It's quite impressive how fast it is actually.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterViev Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #82 on: July 11, 2019, 04:45:57 am »

Haven't noticed any slowdowns and my calculations aren't that complicated anyway and the source data amount for calculation is also small as it only uses one file at the time.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterViev Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #83 on: July 11, 2019, 09:10:55 pm »

First take on TV shows. For better or worse trying to keep similar style for all the screens...


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterViev Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #84 on: July 12, 2019, 08:39:47 am »

First take on TV shows. For better or worse trying to keep similar style for all the screens...

Lepa, I'm curious as to which Theater View theme you're using, and how you get the spacing between sections. I really like that layout, I just haven't figured out how you're doing it. LOL


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterViev Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #85 on: July 12, 2019, 09:28:06 am »

Lepa, I'm curious as to which Theater View theme you're using, and how you get the spacing between sections. I really like that layout, I just haven't figured out how you're doing it. LOL
Skin seems to be Blue Puzzle and I'm using it at 80% size (1080p UI). Still making changes to screens but attached current series template anyway in case someone has better ideas how to do things. There are some custom fields I believe I'm using and a custom font also. For spacing I guess I'm just using line feeds  ;D

EDIT: updated template
EDIT2: updated template again (13.7)
EDIT3: Removed template. New link can be found from first post


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterViev Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #86 on: July 14, 2019, 10:24:32 am »

I tried to modify the look of movies in theatre view.
But I don't get it running…
I go to options-> theatre view -> Customize file info panel -> Movie Template and tried
- manage Template: Capiton -> regular / extended (with the code from my last post)
- add expression (with the code)

The first way did nothing, the second way showed the code, but only after entering the movie + cursor down + cursor right
What do I have to do for showing it without cursor moving?


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterViev Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #87 on: July 14, 2019, 10:44:45 am »

In practice you can't just copy paste whole Tooltip code to Theater View. You can take bits and peaces here and there though so you don't need to do every calculations again..
My template for example looks like this in attached image. S: and L: prefixes are just for me to see what items concerns small or large part of the template


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterViev Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #88 on: July 14, 2019, 11:32:40 am »


ok, I thought something like that...
But how do I get the movie description part always completely unfolded? Is it a matter of data length?


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterViev Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #89 on: July 14, 2019, 11:43:34 am »

Is it a matter of data length?
Corectomundo. Maximum length of one TheaterView item is hardcoded so if the description (or whatever data) you want to show is over that size then rest of the text will only be shown by entering the field

So her for example bio is over sized to be shown without interaction


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterViev Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #90 on: July 14, 2019, 11:54:10 am »

Thanks lepa !  ;)

Btw, you CAN copy the whole tooltip, but it won't be shown automatically due to the data length.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterViev Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #91 on: July 14, 2019, 12:02:48 pm »

Thanks lepa !  ;)

Btw, you CAN copy the whole tooltip, but it won't be shown automatically due to the data length.
Yes you CAN. But it isn't practical and hence I said that "In practice you can't just copy paste whole Tooltip code to Theater View."  ;D ;)

And it would be great if you are willing to share your screens when you are happy with it so we all can perhaps get improvement ideas to our own screens  :)


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterViev Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #92 on: July 14, 2019, 03:10:27 pm »

And it would be great if you are willing to share your screens when you are happy with it so we all can perhaps get improvement ideas to our own screens  :)

For sure! I'm just adopting the "rapier fusion" theme to my needs, with german translation.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterViev Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #93 on: July 16, 2019, 04:07:31 pm »

here is my setup, based on raper fusion with own pictures and german text. I removed the MPAA in theatre view, because we have a different system here in germany.
I have a 120 in. wide screen, sitting 110 in. away  8) ;D

Thanks again for your work an documantation!



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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterViev Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #94 on: July 17, 2019, 06:22:46 am »

Looking good Thorsten. Would you like me to add the German movie rating (FSK) icons to the font?  I can add them easy enough once I’m back from vacation.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #95 on: July 17, 2019, 02:04:35 pm »

This would be fantastic, Moe!

A friend of mine, who is also using mc for quite a time but mainly in explorer mode, was very surprised what it is capable of. Seems I have to set his system up the same way  :D


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #96 on: July 17, 2019, 04:09:31 pm »

Nice Thorsten! One thing I noticed that on small screen the ratings row will continue on second row if oscars were given.  So if you want you can do separate ratings row for large and small screen and decrease font size a little for small screen so everything fits in one row or even decrease font only when it would continue on the second row. Of course your current setup is fine. Just thought i could mention it if you haven't noticed the option in template.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #97 on: July 18, 2019, 11:07:35 am »

Thanks lepa!
How can I do different setting for preview and detail view? I tried it with "editing template" but it didn't work.

And another fault: the IMDB-rating in tooltip is of smaller font than the others. No clue why as there are no fond size changes, but I will add one......


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #98 on: July 19, 2019, 09:15:26 am »

Thank you to all contributors to this thread. My intern was able to get IMDb and RT ratings (using MCRatings), and then with the Tooltip font face set up Theater View in a very useful way. We'll address the tooltips themselves soon.

This is a huge leap forward to improving the look and feel of MC.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #99 on: July 19, 2019, 12:25:01 pm »

Yes, I wasn't aware what is possible with the mighty expression language  :o
I must admit, you have to work with it, and do a lot of trial and error at the beginning, but the help here in the forum is priceless.

If this tooltip stuff is officially well documented, this will reduce a lot of complaints about the HMI of mc.

This thread is for me by far the most fruitful the last months  :) :) :)
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