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Author Topic: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos  (Read 156609 times)


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #400 on: March 15, 2020, 12:20:34 pm »

How do I extract the "+Atmos" or "+DTS:X" information populated by Swag of tools in the compression tag?

I would like to add that information in my Theater view and also know how to connect the "+Atmos" or "+DTS:X" information to the corresponding .png in the Tooltip folder.
You could make new library field [HD Audio] which is calculated value from MC's compression field. That's easy to do using ListItem with separator +
Code: [Select]
ListItem([Compression], 1, +)Of course you don't have to create new field and just use that code anywhere you want to extract it but I think it is cleaner to create possible long expressions when you have done calculation already somewhere else and then you can just use human readable variable.

Code: [Select]
<font size="150"><img src="tooltip:container-[File Type]">  If(IsEqual([Dolby Vision],1,2),<img src="tooltip:Definition-DolbyVision">/  ,)<img src="tooltip:definition-[Definition]If(IsEqual([HDR],1,2),-hdr,)">If(!IsEmpty([Aspect Ratio]),/  <img src="tooltip:aspect-[AR-calculated]">,)  <img src="tooltip:speakers-[Channels]">  <img src="tooltip:audio-[Audio Codec]">If(!IsEmpty([HD Audio]),/  <img src="tooltip:audio-Replace([HD Audio],:,_)">,)If(!IsEmpty([Production Companies]),/  <img src="tooltip:studio-ListItem([Production Companies],0)"><img src="tooltip:studio-ListItem([Production Companies],1)"><img src="tooltip:studio-ListItem([Production Companies],2)"><img src="tooltip:studio-ListItem([Production Companies],3)"><img src="tooltip:studio-ListItem([Production Companies],4)">,)If(!IsEmpty([Publisher]),/  <img src="tooltip:publisher-[Publisher]">,)<//font><//font>


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #401 on: March 15, 2020, 01:13:48 pm »

Great, that worked out just fine, the part that got HD Audio populated with Atmos or DTS:X.

Now the hard part (for me)
How to connect the "ListItem([Compression], 1, +)" to a logo in the Tooltip folder.

This is my code and I would like to have "Audio-Dolby Atmos" if it is Atmos in HD Audio and  "Audio-DTS X" if it is DTS:X in HD Audio.
Both pictures are in Tooltip and are in .png format.

This I would like have the pictures at the end (after the channels) of the code below:

Code: [Select]
<img src="tooltip:Studios-[Studios]" height="80"> <font face="ToolTip01" size="180" color="#9496a3">If(Math(below(trunc(Replace([Aspect Ratio],:,//) + .005, 2),1.38)),M, If(Math(below(trunc(Replace([Aspect Ratio],:,//) + .005, 2),1.68)),N,If(Math(below(trunc(Replace([Aspect Ratio],:,//) + .005, 2),1.80)),O,If(Math(below(trunc(Replace([Aspect Ratio],:,//) + .005, 2),1.87)),P,Q))))<//font> <font face="ToolTip01" size="200" color="#9496a3">If(IsEqual([Width],1920,5),¥,If(IsEqual([Width],1360,5),¤,If(IsEqual([Width],888,5),£,If(IsEqual([FPS],25,2),¢,¡))))<//font> <font face="ToolTip01" size="170" color="#9496a3">If(IsEqual([File Type],mkv),î,If(IsEqual([File Type],ifo),W,If(IsEqual([File Type],bdmv),U,)))<//font> <font face="ToolTip01" size="150" color="#9496a3">If(IsEqual([Compression],div,8),ú,If(IsEqual([Compression],hevc,8),ü,If(IsEqual([Compression],h264,8),û,If(IsEqual([Compression],xvid,8),ă,If(IsEqual([Compression], vc-1,8),Ā,If(IsEqual([Compression],mpeg2,8),þ,If(IsEqual([Compression],mpeg1,8),ý,If(IsEqual([Compression],mpeg4),ÿ,))))))))<//font> <font face="ToolTip01" size="150" color="#9496a3">If(IsEqual([Compression],dts-hd ma,8),&,If(IsEqual([Compression],dts,8),#,If(IsEqual([Compression],ac3,8),z,If(IsEqual([Compression],pcm,8),/),If(IsEqual([Compression],mp3,8),*,If(IsEqual([Compression],flac,8),',If(IsEqual([Compression],aac,8),0,If(IsEqual([Compression],mpeg,8),z,If(IsEqual([Compression],vorbis,8),/,,If(IsEqual([Compression],truehd,8),x,If(IsEqual([Compression],opus,8),1,)))))))))))<//font> <font face="ToolTip01" size="165" color="#9496a3">If(IsEqual([Channels],1,2),=,If(IsEqual([Channels],2,2),>,If(IsEqual([Channels],3,2),],If(IsEqual([Channels],4,2),?,If(IsEqual([Channels],5,2),^,If(IsEqual([Channels],6,2),‐,If(IsEqual([Channels],7,2),_,‑)))))))<//font>

I Think I got it.....

Yup, I got the code string right but I can't get Swag of tools to extract DTS:X as it states in Swag of tools thread.
"- Update the "Compression" Tag with "+Atmos" or "+DTS:X" if the file contains it"

And I do think my test file contains a DTS:X track.
Hardware: Intel Core i5-8600K 16GB RAM, ASUS GeForce RTX 2080 8GB DUAL OC
Software: Windows 10 Home 64-bit, version 2004, JRiver MC 29, MadVr 0.92.17 (Beta 113), NVIDIA driver 457.09
Projector: JVC DLA-I X5500 (RS420, X570R) -
Screen: DNP Supernova 08-85
Processor: Anthem AVM 70
Power amp: XTZ A2-400 for Front & Center - XTZ A2-300 for Surround & Height channels
Speakers: Arendal 1723 S Monitor for Front & Center, Linn Unik for Front Height, Rear Height, Surround & Surround back. Elipson Planet M for Top Middle.
Sub: Arendal 1723 1S


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #402 on: March 15, 2020, 02:51:25 pm »

Nice! If you like use fonts also for HD Audio, you can do something like this. Also using IfElse structure might or might not be a little easier to read depending on your taste.

Following code should be same as yours above but using IfElse and global variable for aspect ratio, also displays 2.39:1 aspect ratio correctly.
I think that I have one disc with DTS:X but as I don't have multichannel setup so haven't paid so much attention...

Code: [Select]
<img src="tooltip:Studios-[Studios]"/ height="80"> <font face="ToolTip01" size="180" color="#9496a3">Save(Math(Trunc(Replace([Aspect Ratio], :, // ) + .005, 2)), gAR)IfElse(Compare(Load(gAR), <, 1), , Compare(Load(gAR), <, 1.38), M, Compare(Load(gAR), <, 1.68), N,Compare(Load(gAR), <, 1.80), O,Compare(Load(gAR), <, 1.87), P,Compare(Load(gAR), <, 2.36), Q,Compare(Load(gAR), <, 2.40), R)<//font>/  <font face="ToolTip01" size="200" color="#9496a3">IfElse(IsEqual([Width],1920,5),¥,IsEqual([Width],1360,5),¤,IsEqual([Width],888,5),£,IsEqual([FPS],25,2),¢,1,¡)<//font>/  <font face="ToolTip01" size="170" color="#9496a3">IfElse(IsEqual([File Type],mkv),î,IsEqual([File Type],ifo),W,IsEqual([File Type],bdmv),U)<//font>/  <font face="ToolTip01" size="150" color="#9496a3">IfElse(IsEqual([Compression],div,8),ú,IsEqual([Compression],hevc,8),ü,IsEqual([Compression],h264,8),û,IsEqual([Compression],xvid,8),ă,IsEqual([Compression], vc-1,8),Ā,IsEqual([Compression],mpeg2,8),þ,IsEqual([Compression],mpeg1,8),ý,IsEqual([Compression],mpeg4),ÿ)<//font>/  <font face="ToolTip01" size="150" color="#9496a3">IfElse(IsEqual([Compression],dts-hd ma,8),&,IsEqual([Compression],dts,8),#,IsEqual([Compression],ac3,8),z,IsEqual([Compression],pcm,8),/),IsEqual([Compression],mp3,8),*,IsEqual([Compression],flac,8),',IsEqual([Compression],aac,8),0,IsEqual([Compression],mpeg,8),z,IsEqual([Compression],vorbis,8),/,,IsEqual([Compression],truehd,8),x,IsEqual([Compression],opus,8),1,)<//font>/  <font face="ToolTip01" size="165" color="#9496a3">IfElse(IsEqual([Channels],1,2),=,IsEqual([Channels],2,2),>,IsEqual([Channels],3,2),],IsEqual([Channels],4,2),?,IsEqual([Channels],5,2),^,IsEqual([Channels],6,2),‐,IsEqual([Channels],7,2),_,1,‑)IfElse(IsEqual(ListItem([Compression], 1, +),Atmos),/  !,IsEqual(ListItem([Compression], 1, +),DTS:X),/  $)<//font>


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #403 on: March 15, 2020, 03:01:40 pm »

Great, Your code works as intended.
Thank you for spring cleaning my code.  :)

I'm in the hands of smarter people then me so when I find a string that works, I usually stick with it.

Yup, I downloaded some more DTS:X sample tracks from the internet and from them I can extract DTS:X.
So there aren't that many DTS:X movies after all, i think.

Hey, you even got the DTS:X logo to work!!!

Again thanx!
Hardware: Intel Core i5-8600K 16GB RAM, ASUS GeForce RTX 2080 8GB DUAL OC
Software: Windows 10 Home 64-bit, version 2004, JRiver MC 29, MadVr 0.92.17 (Beta 113), NVIDIA driver 457.09
Projector: JVC DLA-I X5500 (RS420, X570R) -
Screen: DNP Supernova 08-85
Processor: Anthem AVM 70
Power amp: XTZ A2-400 for Front & Center - XTZ A2-300 for Surround & Height channels
Speakers: Arendal 1723 S Monitor for Front & Center, Linn Unik for Front Height, Rear Height, Surround & Surround back. Elipson Planet M for Top Middle.
Sub: Arendal 1723 1S


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #404 on: March 15, 2020, 03:29:54 pm »

I'm also trying to have a .png for Atmos and DTS:X

This is the simple code that fetches the "Audio-Atmos.png" when Atmos is present in HD Audio, but the Audio-DTS X.png don't show up when DTS:X in present in HD Audio.
I might have something to do with the fact that the HD Audio for DTS:X is spelled with an ":"

Code: [Select]
<img src="tooltip:audio-[HD Audio]"height="70">,)
Hardware: Intel Core i5-8600K 16GB RAM, ASUS GeForce RTX 2080 8GB DUAL OC
Software: Windows 10 Home 64-bit, version 2004, JRiver MC 29, MadVr 0.92.17 (Beta 113), NVIDIA driver 457.09
Projector: JVC DLA-I X5500 (RS420, X570R) -
Screen: DNP Supernova 08-85
Processor: Anthem AVM 70
Power amp: XTZ A2-400 for Front & Center - XTZ A2-300 for Surround & Height channels
Speakers: Arendal 1723 S Monitor for Front & Center, Linn Unik for Front Height, Rear Height, Surround & Surround back. Elipson Planet M for Top Middle.
Sub: Arendal 1723 1S


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #405 on: March 15, 2020, 04:03:50 pm »

I'm also trying to have a .png for Atmos and DTS:X

This is the simple code that fetches the "Audio-Atmos.png" when Atmos is present in HD Audio, but the Audio-DTS X.png don't show up when DTS:X in present in HD Audio.
I might have something to do with the fact that the HD Audio for DTS:X is spelled with an ":"

Code: [Select]
<img src="tooltip:audio-[HD Audio]"height="70">,)
You need to use e.g. Replace() function to take out colon as windows doesn't allow it to be used for filenames so replace ":" with "_" and filename should be "Audio-DTS_X.png"
Code: [Select]
<img src="tooltip:audio-Replace([HD Audio],:,_)"height="70">,)


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #406 on: March 15, 2020, 04:06:51 pm »

It worked.

Hardware: Intel Core i5-8600K 16GB RAM, ASUS GeForce RTX 2080 8GB DUAL OC
Software: Windows 10 Home 64-bit, version 2004, JRiver MC 29, MadVr 0.92.17 (Beta 113), NVIDIA driver 457.09
Projector: JVC DLA-I X5500 (RS420, X570R) -
Screen: DNP Supernova 08-85
Processor: Anthem AVM 70
Power amp: XTZ A2-400 for Front & Center - XTZ A2-300 for Surround & Height channels
Speakers: Arendal 1723 S Monitor for Front & Center, Linn Unik for Front Height, Rear Height, Surround & Surround back. Elipson Planet M for Top Middle.
Sub: Arendal 1723 1S


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #407 on: March 16, 2020, 08:00:19 am »

Thank you team for all of the hard work on this.  I've been able to leverage your coding and to create a good movie Tooltip for all of the movies that I have.

I would like to to do a Tooltip - Audio, could one of the team that's already worked on it post the code so that could start with a good foundation?  I've looked through this thread a couple of times but have not been able to find a Tooltip - Audio sample.

What a resourceful group JRiver has of it's users that has created huge added value for this solution.  I tip my hat to the team (Moe, Lepa, etc) for their work.  It's really impressive.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #408 on: March 16, 2020, 06:04:34 pm »

I would like to to do a Tooltip - Audio, could one of the team that's already worked on it post the code so that could start with a good foundation?  I've looked through this thread a couple of times but have not been able to find a Tooltip - Audio sample.

Here's what I use for Tooltip - Audio. It's simple, not too flashy, but I don't have many fields that I use in my Audio so it fits my need.

Code: [Select]
If(IsEqual([Media Type],Audio,1), <font size="200" color="#f5f5f5"><b>[Artist]<//b><//font>
<font size="150" color="#1FB4FC"><b>[Name]<//b><//font>
<font size="120" color="#FFFF99"><b>[Album] /([Year]/)<//b><//font>
<font color="#38F678>[Genre]<//font>

If(IsEqual([File Type],mp3,1),<img src="tooltip:AudioMP3_white" height="32"> [Bitrate] kbps,) If(IsEqual([File Type],flac,1), <img src="tooltip:AudioFlacTrans" height="32"> [Bitrate] kbps,)
If(!IsEmpty([Comment]),<font color="#E54D03">[Comment]<//font>,)

If(!IsEmpty([Description]),<font color="#38f5f6">[Description]<//font>,)

If(!IsEmpty([Lyrics]),<font color="#ddff99">[Lyrics]<//font>,)


Hope that gets you started. Please share what you come up with. It may give me some inspiration to add more to what I have.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #409 on: March 17, 2020, 06:33:09 pm »

I've starting working on it and have added some additional data that I use (Country) and some minor rearranging for personal preference.

Question, where do you the color pallet #'s. 

<font color="#898989">[Genre]<//font>

Where does the #898989 come from?  Looking for some documentation that I couldn't find.

Should have an update tomorrow of my sample.



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What specific version of MC you are running:MC27.0.27 @ Oct 27, 2020 and updating regularly Jim!                        MC Release Notes:
What OS(s) and Version you are running:     Windows 10 Pro 64bit Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.572).
The JRMark score of the PC with an issue:    JRMark (version 26.0.52 64 bit): 3419
Important relevant info about your environment:     
  Using the HTPC as a MC Server & a Workstation as a MC Client plus some DLNA clients.
  Running JRiver for Android, JRemote2, Gizmo, & MO 4Media on a Sony Xperia XZ Premium Android 9.
  Playing video out to a Sony 65" TV connected via HDMI, playing digital audio out via motherboard sound card, PCIe TV tuner


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #411 on: March 17, 2020, 08:55:42 pm »

Here is my current music tooltip

Here is the code I use to achieve it.

Code: [Select]
If(IsEqual([Media Type],Audio,1),<font size="200"><b>[Artist]<//b><//font><font size="150"><br>If(!IsEmpty([AMG Album Pick]),<img src="R:\Tooltip\AMG_Album_Pick.png" height="23">  ,)<i>[Album]<//i><//font><font size="150"><br>If(!IsEmpty([AMG Track Pick]),<img src="R:\Tooltip\tpick.png" height="23">  ,)[Name]<//font>
<img src="R:\Tooltip\Separator.png" size="570x30">
<font size="125" color="#80C0C0"><img src="R:\Tooltip\MC.png" height="22">  [rating ★] <font color="#5b5b5b">||<//font>  <b>Track [1 of X]<//b>  <font color="#5b5b5b">||<//font>  <b>size()  <font color="#5b5b5b">||<//font>  [Genre]  <font color="#5b5b5b">||<//font>   [Year]  <font color="#5b5b5b">||<//font>  [File type]       <//b><//font>If(!IsEmpty([Band Members]),<br><img src="R:\Tooltip\Band Members.png" size="570x30"><br>[Band Members],)If(!IsEmpty([Music Collections]),<br><br><img src="R:\Tooltip\Collections.png" size="570x30"><br>[Music_Collections],)If(!IsEmpty([AMG Rating]),<br><br><img src="R:\Tooltip\allmusic.png" height="20">  [AMG ★ Rating Large] <font size="115">  [AMG Author]<//font>,)If(!IsEmpty([AMG Review]),<br><br><font size="125">[AMG Review Clean]<//font>,)

<font size="85" color="#7c7c7c">[filename]<//font>



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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #413 on: March 18, 2020, 10:26:55 am »

Here is my effort.  My code was pretty much borrowed from all and it's certainly not the most efficient, but it's a start.

I have custom fields for Gender (Female) and added in Country also.

I've attached the file (I like lighter backgrounds) which doesn't appear to be the most popular and an image.

Thanks for all of your help!


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #414 on: March 18, 2020, 11:11:59 am »

Here is my effort.  My code was pretty much borrowed from all and it's certainly not the most efficient, but it's a start.

I have custom fields for Gender (Female) and added in Country also.

I've attached the file (I like lighter backgrounds) which doesn't appear to be the most popular and an image.

Thanks for all of your help!

Looks great!! Now I'm inspired!  8)

What's the easiest way to fill the "Total Tracks" field?


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #415 on: March 18, 2020, 11:30:03 am »

Looking good, thanks for sharing.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #416 on: March 18, 2020, 01:45:49 pm »

Looks great!! Now I'm inspired!  8)

What's the easiest way to fill the "Total Tracks" field?

I created a new field called Total Track # and created it with a calculated filed with this expression:


I then copied the Total Track # field to Total Tracks.  It's not perfect if you have multiple disks and especially if you have multiple copies of the same album (which I try not to have).   I only copied it for those albums that didn't have Total Tracks in them already.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #417 on: March 18, 2020, 04:38:40 pm »

I created a new field called Total Track # and created it with a calculated filed with this expression:


I then copied the Total Track # field to Total Tracks.  It's not perfect if you have multiple disks and especially if you have multiple copies of the same album (which I try not to have).   I only copied it for those albums that didn't have Total Tracks in them already.

Brilliant!!! I couldn't modify the Total Tracks field, so I just used my new field in my code. Thanks for the tip!!


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #418 on: March 20, 2020, 01:56:13 am »

Moe, forgive the basic question, how do you incorporate the Allmusic data into your tooltip? I can see you call it as a png file but what are you doing to access and store it?


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #419 on: March 20, 2020, 10:03:20 am »

I am using MCUtils to get the AMG data,100449.0.html I believe that is what you're asking.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #420 on: March 20, 2020, 10:23:34 am »

I spent some time with MCUtils yesterday and was challenged with the solution based on the following variable:

You must manually look up each album (I have thousands of Albums) on AMG or Discogs and manually input the AMG ID or Discogs ID into the command line to looking the specific data for that one album. That's actually not really feasible for me.

I truly appreciate all of the programming work that JMone did for the solution and it does work but there is a lot of work to do in order to update a large collection of audio data and the command line utility can be a challenge to work with album by album.

I would love to see a solution that would gather the AMG or Discogs ID into the JRiver DB (with maybe an option to select yes or no to update per the import process - Like Album Art Lookup and then go out and gather that data specifically from AMG or Discogs.  I wish I had the programming skills to do this project but I don't have the skill set required  :(

Please let me know if I'm not clearly defining the challenges that I faced in using this utility.



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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #421 on: March 20, 2020, 12:16:58 pm »

Just for the record, MrC created MCUtils, not JMone.

MCUtulis can attempt to automatically fill in the AMG ID#. 

I believe the command is amg --search usematch,quotenames --inc rid

I highly recommend reaching out to MrC, his email is in the docs, and he can give you some pointers and help you get setup.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #422 on: March 20, 2020, 05:29:19 pm »

I am using MCUtils to get the AMG data,100449.0.html I believe that is what you're asking.

Yes exactly what I was looking for, thank you.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #423 on: March 21, 2020, 10:32:47 am »

Just for the record, MrC created MCUtils, not JMone.

MCUtulis can attempt to automatically fill in the AMG ID#. 

I believe the command is amg --search usematch,quotenames --inc rid

I highly recommend reaching out to MrC, his email is in the docs, and he can give you some pointers and help you get setup.

Thanks, I will do.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #424 on: March 21, 2020, 11:21:29 am »

I'm trying to get the actors pictures displayed properly and having some challenges.  I can clearly display their names (Actor field) and have looked at the various code to display the Actors pictures for my Movie - Tooltip but unable to get them to display.

I'm using MC Ratings 3.04 to get all of the images and they are in the directory f:\actors as .png files.

What is the code to get the actors displayed correctly (all of them or say 5 only)?



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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #425 on: March 21, 2020, 11:32:13 am »

<img src="f:\actors\ListItem([Actor],0).png"> <img src="f:\actors\ListItem([Actor],1).png"> <img src="f:\actors\ListItem([Actor],2).png"> etc...

[Actor] must of course match with filename so if [Actor] = "Tim Roth; Harvey Keitel; Steve Buscemi" you'll need "Tim Roth.png", "Harvey Keitel.png" and "Steve Buscemi.png" images. If you got some imdb index for actor in the filename that needs to be told also in expression


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #426 on: March 22, 2020, 01:40:36 pm »

Hi everyone,

I have a Different question: up to now, I use MC25. If I upgrade to MC25 (I already have the Licence), do I have to add all the special fields and tooltips again or will they be also "transformed" with the library?


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #427 on: March 22, 2020, 02:59:06 pm »

<img src="f:\actors\ListItem([Actor],0).png"> <img src="f:\actors\ListItem([Actor],1).png"> <img src="f:\actors\ListItem([Actor],2).png"> etc...

[Actor] must of course match with filename so if [Actor] = "Tim Roth; Harvey Keitel; Steve Buscemi" you'll need "Tim Roth.png", "Harvey Keitel.png" and "Steve Buscemi.png" images. If you got some imdb index for actor in the filename that needs to be told also in expression

Thanks Lepa, that worked great, I'm using the standard Actors field and had to change [Actor] to [Actors] but it all worked perfect!

Thanks everyone for your assistance.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #428 on: March 22, 2020, 04:15:20 pm »

Hi everyone,

I have a Different question: up to now, I use MC25. If I upgrade to MC25 (I already have the Licence), do I have to add all the special fields and tooltips again or will they be also "transformed" with the library?

It will transfer over.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #429 on: March 22, 2020, 08:20:17 pm »

Very impressed with the work done on this utility, well done and any many thanks to all involved.

Need a couple of pointers though. I have the AMG Review and Rating data coming in, but how do I pull in the Artist Bio?

The Tag has been created but can't see how to populate it.



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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #430 on: March 22, 2020, 09:32:19 pm »

In your MCUtils config file did you add artistbio?

Amg::Option: include         = artistbio

Also, if you have questions regarding MCUtils, reach out to MrC, he'll get you all set up (email is in the docs)


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #431 on: March 23, 2020, 01:13:31 am »

yep got it thanks again.

Now have too much info in the tooltip there a way to navigate it? The bio fills the window.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #432 on: March 23, 2020, 01:35:59 am »

Now have too much info in the tooltip there a way to navigate it? The bio fills the window.
No there isn't. You must choose what is enough. My approach for tooltip is to show mainly track specific things


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #433 on: March 23, 2020, 02:04:45 am »

Yep fair enough.

And I think I'm correct in saying they only apply at the file level? I can't have one when I hover over an artist or an is for tracks (files) only?


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #434 on: March 23, 2020, 02:17:53 am »

Yep fair enough.

And I think I'm correct in saying they only apply at the file level? I can't have one when I hover over an artist or an is for tracks (files) only?
You are correct. It would be nice though to see grouped tooltip but that it could be a little hard to implement rules what show with different set of files. If group e.g. consist of audio and videos etc


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #435 on: March 23, 2020, 02:58:38 am »

Shame, bringing in this AMG data is like eating chips, can't stop.

I'm always flicking between MC and AllMusic, so having them on a single pane of glass is brilliant.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #436 on: March 23, 2020, 03:20:19 am »

Nice unintended side effect though, all metadata available and viewable in JRemote.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #437 on: March 23, 2020, 06:14:07 am »

Shame, bringing in this AMG data is like eating chips, can't stop.
;D You've probably also already added links but if not here you can see instructions for creating links;topicseen


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #438 on: March 23, 2020, 01:10:08 pm »

It will transfer over.
Ok, will try it, thanks!


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #439 on: March 23, 2020, 05:55:59 pm »

You've probably also already added links

Indeed, yet another MC rabbit hole I can't resist. Working from home is getting busier...


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #440 on: March 24, 2020, 08:55:11 am »

Greatday to all,

Thanks to you all I've successfully implemented Actor Images within my Movies template.

I've got one general folder for the pictures as provided by MC ratings.
This scraping does works very nice.

Next step would be adding the actor's name and their role to the thumbnail.
MC ratings has this cool option, but I'm not able to figure out how to delimit the actors role from the [Actors] field, which is added as between [].

I've seen some you have done it in some way :-)

Could you please shine me a light which expression to use within the template and/or which expressions to be added to new tag fields ?

Another thanks !


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #442 on: March 24, 2020, 05:03:01 pm »

Many thanks dear Moe,

Great post you've pointed out  :D
Zybex made a great piece of work.
The update of his MCR is massive and due some reason I most have missed it.

I'm trying to get it done but guessing I'm doing something essentially wrong during the process.
I've made a new reaction to this post.

Another thanks sir !


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #443 on: March 25, 2020, 09:41:29 am »

Just for the record, MrC created MCUtils, not JMone.

MCUtulis can attempt to automatically fill in the AMG ID#. 

I believe the command is amg --search usematch,quotenames --inc rid

I highly recommend reaching out to MrC, his email is in the docs, and he can give you some pointers and help you get setup.

I just went to locate MrC through JRiver and he does not have an email defined and it appears that he has not been on in years.  See attached file.

I've got perl installed and and mcutil configured but getting some weird error messages.  Also all of the documentation that I've seen (I have the 3-15-2020 version (changes.txt file)) installed.

Is there potentially someone else for more data on MrC that you might be able to assist me on?  Trying to find the correct resources and people.




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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #444 on: March 25, 2020, 09:49:45 am »

His email is found in the MCUtils download package.  I will send you a pm with his email.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #445 on: March 26, 2020, 11:20:59 am »

His email is found in the MCUtils download package.  I will send you a pm with his email.

Thanks much, he was of great help and up and running better with AMG integration


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #446 on: March 29, 2020, 02:29:11 pm »

Since it's cold and rainy out and we're pretty much in lock down around here, I finally decided to play around with this this afternoon.  I've had some success getting @moe's movie tooltip to work using the font, but am really more interested in getting the TheaterView Info Panel to work and it looks like I grabbed @lepa's newer version that's using images.  Is it possible to download all the images at once (perhaps in a zip file) or only 1 at a time?  Looking at @moe's site, I don't see any sort of download all feature and there are quite a few files to grab.  Thanks for all the work, guys!

Edit: I just downloaded a bunch of the image files and put the in Data\Tooltips and still don't see most of the icons.  So I must either be missing some custom fields or don't have something set correctly (it looks like the file names @lepa uses aren't on @moe's site).  I am seeing the MPAA rating icons and the separators, but that's about it.  I added a new row that uses the font and that works, so I clearly don't have the correct set of .png files and may be missing a few custom fields.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #447 on: March 30, 2020, 10:24:45 am »

I guess we haven't formed any standards for filenames. I'm using prefix to indicate to which group image belongs and after that mostly the value of the tag the image is referring.
<img src="tooltip:container-[File Type]">                 => "container-mkv.png"
<img src="tooltip:label-[Publisher]">                       => "label-Atco Records.png"
<img src="tooltip:studio-[Production Companies]">   => "studio-Warner Bros. Pictures.png"

Some other prefixes/field mappings I'm using

aspect-[AR-Calculated] = 1.33, 1.37, 1.66, 1.78, 1.85, 2.35, 2.39 (e.g. aspect-1.78.png)
audio-[Audio Codec]    = aac, truehd, opus etc (e.g audio-aac.png)
audio-[HD Audio]        = atmos, DTS:X (e.g. audio-DTS_X.png)
country-[Country]       = USA, England, English... etc (e.g country-English.png)
speakers-[Channels]   = 1,2,4,5,6,7,8 (e.g speakers-6.png)
definition-[Definition]  = 480p, 576p, 720p, 1080p, 4K (e.g definition-1080p.png)



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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #448 on: March 30, 2020, 10:56:47 am »

I guess we haven't formed any standards for filenames. I'm using prefix to indicate to which group image belongs and after that mostly the value of the tag the image is referring.
<img src="tooltip:container-[File Type]">                 => "container-mkv.png"
<img src="tooltip:label-[Publisher]">                       => "label-Atco Records.png"
<img src="tooltip:studio-[Production Companies]">   => "studio-Warner Bros. Pictures.png"

Some other prefixes/field mappings I'm using

aspect-[AR-Calculated] = 1.33, 1.37, 1.66, 1.78, 1.85, 2.35, 2.39 (e.g. aspect-1.78.png)
audio-[Audio Codec]    = aac, truehd, opus etc (e.g audio-aac.png)
audio-[HD Audio]        = atmos, DTS:X (e.g. audio-DTS_X.png)
country-[Country]       = USA, England, English... etc (e.g country-English.png)
speakers-[Channels]   = 1,2,4,5,6,7,8 (e.g speakers-6.png)
definition-[Definition]  = 480p, 576p, 720p, 1080p, 4K (e.g definition-1080p.png)

Yeah, I looked at your script more closely later last evening and saw that you're doing that.  I guess the question is are there any plans / efforts to consolidate some of these scripts and sets of logo files so we have a standard we can all follow?  Right now, it's really tough to take only someone's script and make it work because it's relatively difficult to figure or find the matching set of image files.

It would be really cool if we can get to a point where we have a set of image files, a "library" of TheaterView templates and Tooltip templates, a list of custom fields that need to be added, and a list of metadata programs that are needed to gather all the data to make everything work.  I don't think we're actually all that far from that, and it would definitely help of JRiver is able to include some of this in the standard install.

Edit: I took a few minutes and renamed (well, copied) some of the files I downloaded to match your naming scheme and the images are now appearing.  There's a ton of potential here to give Theater View a nice facelift, so it will be interesting to see where this ends up going.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #449 on: April 04, 2020, 03:23:59 pm »

Could someone help me out to have country flags instead of the countries names for subtitles and audio language.

I have used Swag of tools to extract country names for subtitles and audio language and they are presented properly in Theater view.

My Library fields for these are: "Subtitles" and "Audio language"

I figure I need the countries flags in .png in a folder and then an expression pointing to these flags.

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