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Author Topic: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos  (Read 156324 times)


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #550 on: May 07, 2020, 12:22:48 pm »

Is there a tutorial somewhere for MCUtils? If it's easier, I'd love to try it out but it seems clunky to me.

There really isn't a cohesive tutorial that I am aware of for MCUtils.  It's definitely not easier than MCRatings, it's command line only.  That said, once it's setup you can run some simple codes (I have a little cheat sheet of stuff that I simply copy/paste in) and it does all the work for you. 

The easiest way to get up and running, if you're not familiar with this kind of stuff, is to contact MrC, his contact info is in the MCUtils docs.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #551 on: May 07, 2020, 12:42:00 pm »

You can always tell MCRatings not to update the actor field on save. That's what I had to do for my actors field.

Hmmm, I've tried doing this but didn't get it to work.
How did you do that and not have MCR update the actor field (but all other fields) in MC and still create actor images?
Was it right click on actors field and then select revert?

Can't get it to work!?
Hardware: Intel Core i5-8600K 16GB RAM, ASUS GeForce RTX 2080 8GB DUAL OC
Software: Windows 10 Home 64-bit, version 2004, JRiver MC 29, MadVr 0.92.17 (Beta 113), NVIDIA driver 457.09
Projector: JVC DLA-I X5500 (RS420, X570R) -
Screen: DNP Supernova 08-85
Processor: Anthem AVM 70
Power amp: XTZ A2-400 for Front & Center - XTZ A2-300 for Surround & Height channels
Speakers: Arendal 1723 S Monitor for Front & Center, Linn Unik for Front Height, Rear Height, Surround & Surround back. Elipson Planet M for Top Middle.
Sub: Arendal 1723 1S


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #552 on: May 07, 2020, 12:50:13 pm »

About MCUtils. Yes, now that my configuration is finished I just select files I want to be affected and run tmdb "command" and everything will be taken care of (or some other .bat which I have created for special updates (ratings only and such) ). I can understand though that configuring mcutils can feel a little scary at first if you are not familiar with ini files and such.

In short you extract the package to somewhere, install perl and ImageMagick and create configuration file config.txt in the $User\.mcutils folder. In config file you set your connection to MC parameters and every field you want change from default configuration. If you are satisfied with default settings you only need to set those connection parameters here. Then you can start running scripts.

That's the minimum short version.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #553 on: May 07, 2020, 01:50:50 pm »

Hmmm, I've tried doing this but didn't get it to work.
How did you do that and not have MCR update the actor field (but all other fields) in MC and still create actor images?
Was it right click on actors field and then select revert?

Can't get it to work!?

This is exactly what I told you before.

Go into MCRatings.

Go into settings, and the Field Mapping tab.  Find the Actors field.

All the way to the RIGHT of the Actors field, there's a checkbox for Overwrite.  UNCHECK IT.

Now MCR will not overwrite your Actors field.  No other field is affected. And as I also told you before, it will still download Actor images.  As I said before, the downloading and the overwriting are NOT related.

I also told you that Actor images will not be re-downloaded, unless you delete the existing images first.  That fact has not changed.

Please try.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #554 on: May 07, 2020, 01:58:53 pm »

Great theater view and tooltip MGD_King!
It got me thinking and I will try out some new ideas, specially having actor images in toooltip. That looked nice!

I have create some resolution icons and if anyone is interested in using them they are in the attached zip-file.

Those look pretty nice.  Thanks!


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #555 on: May 07, 2020, 02:17:36 pm »

([;]?\K[\w\s]+)(?=\s\[)   (Omit the "\K" if you want to keep the semicolons to insert into another list.
You can try getting this to work with MC's regex function.
Thanks wer,
Tried to do something with this as it might come handy in some other things.
Code: [Select]
Regex(Joe Actor [as Ben];Ben Actor [as Joe],/#([;]?[\w\s]+)(?=\s\[)#/,1)In engine everything is catched but in MC I get only first one to be displayed so I guess I need to study regex little more at some point so I can understand better what I am doing. I somewhat get the above expression but don't really understand regex concept so well that I am able to fix this or whether MC even supports this kind of capturing. I tried ,2 but that didn't get me the second name but just an empty result

...and thanks arcspin for sharing the resolution icons.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #556 on: May 07, 2020, 02:46:06 pm »

Regex is a dirty nasty business with lots of contextually overloaded operators, so it can be hard to understand.  I'll try to explain a bit.


Anything grouped in parenthesis is called a "capture group" so this expression has two capture groups:
([;]?\K[\w\s]+)  and  (?=\s\[)

The second one is easier to understand, so let's do that one first. ?= is the indicator for a "positive lookahead".  In other words "you're looking for a string that must be followed by something".  In this case, the something is \s\[   Positive lookaheads constrain matching, but are not included in the capture results.

\ is a special character (as many are) in regex. It can mean quote as in take the next character literally, or it can mean the exact opposite, interpret the next character as special.

\s is the regex shorthand for a space
\[ means a literal [ character

Why was something so asinine adopted?  s in regex is just an s. You don't need to escape it. So if you DO escape it, it must mean something special, right? [ is a special character in regex. So if you escape it, you must mean to use it literally, obviously.  ::)  So 'tis clear as is the summer sun!

Therefore (?=\s\[) all together means "you're looking for a string that must be followed by a space and a ["

And so what about the first capture group:  ([;]?\K[\w\s]+)  ??

We read from left to right, so we're looking for a string that:
starts with an optional semicolon:    [;]?   [ ] means any character inside here, and the ? afterwards means optional.  (As you've seen, ? can have other meanings depending on context.  :o )

\K means drop this from the capture. It's used to make the match, but not included in the match. So we're using the optional ; to make the match, but not including it in the capture.

[\w\s] means any word character (alphanumeric), followed by whitespace.  The + means at least 1 but as many as available.

So this capture group means: find an arbitrarily long string of letter, numbers, and whitespace that is bounded on the left by an optional semicolon.  (The semicolon must be optional because the first element in an MC list doesn't have a leading semicolon!) All other elements do, and the semicolon tells you where name 2 starts after name 1 has ended.

So in total ([;]?\K[\w\s]+)(?=\s\[) means:
Find a string of letters, numbers, and whitespace, that is bounded on the left by a semicolon if one exists, and must be followed by a space and a [ character.

Think about it in simplest terms, and that is the description of an Actor name without the role information inside the string that MC uses as a list.

Yes, the regex syntax is absurd, but did that make sense?


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #557 on: May 07, 2020, 03:19:21 pm »

Yes, that made sense ;D Actually I interpreted it somewhat same way using some online editor ( So I can read regex a little with some cheat book help but am not that good at it so I could currently create too complicated things myself but your explanation helped to confirm what I already suspected and also helped to understand terminology better.

One question though. If these capture groups catches this kind of sequences many times from the source text are all these "captures" considered as one match or multiple matches? So in MC everything would be assigned to variable [R1]?
Joe Actor [as Ben];Ben Actor [as Joe] => Match is "Joe Actor;Ben Actor" or are there two matches "Joe Actor" and "Ben Actor" [R1] and [R2]

I tried with MC and using that "ignore from match" \K I got empty return value, losing it would give first item only
Regex(Joe Actor [as Ben];Ben Actor [as Joe],/#([;]?\K[\w\s]+)(?=\s\[)#/,1) Returns empty
Regex(Joe Actor [as Ben];Ben Actor [as Joe],/#([;]?[\w\s]+)(?=\s\[)#/,1) Returns "Joe Actor"

Anyway should really try to learn this stuff at some point as it would be useful also at work

Thanks for your explanation it really helped to get some understanding so it is easier to start learning


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #558 on: May 07, 2020, 04:02:34 pm »

One question though. If these capture groups catches this kind of sequences many times from the source text are all these "captures" considered as one match or multiple matches? So in MC everything would be assigned to variable [R1]?

I don't know. You might have to charm Mr. C in to explaining.  All that R1..R9 stuff is made up on the part of MC.  A standard regex engine returns all matches, at least if they are non-overlapping. Overlapping matches is another den of iniquity for regex. Some regex implementations (like Microsoft's) allow you to specifically flag to return overlapping matches, where as other platforms require in-code iteration.  This particular situation with the Actors field does not involve overlapping matches, but I mention it for completeness so you won't be misled in the future. To understand an overlapping match, consider "give me all the strings of 3 digits, from the following input:

Depending on how you code your regex, you would get one of two results: "123" or "456".  But the correct answer would be: "123" "234" "345" "456" because all those meet the definition. Those are overlapping matches, and accessing them is platform dependent.

Your first problem is that you're using run mode 1. In looking at the documentation of MC's Regex() function, it says all captures (at least up to 9) will be placed in variables R1..R9.  But it states flat out that only one capture will be returned if you use run mode 1-9.  So you should be using run mode -1, which produces no output, but leaves the captures in the variables. At least supposedly.

I tried using this Regex() function, and I was only getting incomplete results in R1, while the others were empty.  I haven't spent any time diagnosing it, so I'm not sure if there's something wrong with MC, or if there is some special syntax required, i.e. the regex itself must be changed to work properly with MC.

Later it gives an example to extract captures from R1, R2, R3.  But the example uses 3 capture groups.  So you might have to re-write a regex to make it compatible with getting multiple results in MC.  I haven't spent any time playing with this.

I think Brian (blgentry) has worked a lot with MC's Regex() function so he could probably explain.

If you get stuck with it, I could look at it more when I get some time.



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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #559 on: May 07, 2020, 04:11:02 pm »

Your first problem is that you're using run mode 1. In looking at the documentation of MC's Regex() function, it says all captures (at least up to 9) will be placed in variables R1..R9.  But it states flat out that only one capture will be returned if you use run mode 1-9.  So you should be using run mode -1, which produces no output, but leaves the captures in the variables. At least supposedly.
I think that mode 1 will display [R1] automatically but all the captures (1-9) should still be accessible using R-variables. -1 mode just don't display any capture without R-variables.

Anyway thanks for the explanations I think that I understand this regex vs MC regex now much better and can start digging a little deeper (also when time permits)


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #560 on: May 09, 2020, 01:39:59 pm »

new(ish) valign property gives some possibilities for multiline images... See if you can spot one  ;D


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #561 on: May 09, 2020, 02:02:37 pm »

new(ish) valign property gives some possibilities for multiline images... See if you can spot one  ;D
I'm assuming you mean the image on the far left of the first 2 lines of text.  Interesting that the new feature allows that to happen, but it looks pretty nice.  It's awesome to see the JRiver team putting so much effort into these new features and extensions to the expression language.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #562 on: May 09, 2020, 02:08:49 pm »

I'm assuming you mean the image on the far left of the first 2 lines of text.  Interesting that the new feature allows that to happen, but it looks pretty nice.  It's awesome to see the JRiver team putting so much effort into these new features and extensions to the expression language.
Yeah, I splitted the image in half (not exactly half...) and set upper one to be aligned bottom and the lower one as top. I think that they aligned pretty nice. Removed "name" label afterwards as it looks no better without it


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #563 on: May 09, 2020, 03:50:05 pm »

That's clever splitting the image in half.  Standard web site stuff but I wouldn't have thought to do it in theater view. Well done.

But the big question is Lepa, will your tooltips ever be FINISHED?  When do you just sit back and enjoy them?  ;D


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #564 on: May 10, 2020, 06:56:47 am »

Currently sitting back...  8)
I don't actually use tooltips to anything, sometimes it's just speedier to test stuff there.
Mostly satisfied with my theaterview appearance now. Some things are just not possible with MC so there is only so much one can do


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #565 on: May 20, 2020, 06:07:44 pm »

Going back to the question about regex on the [Actors] field...

I looked into this some.

MC will not return matches in this situation using a standard Regex syntax (MC now uses the Boost regex engine instead of Microsoft, but it's using only a quasi-Boost syntax).  This means your regex must be (almost) completely rewritten to work with the MC Regex() function.

This can be done, but it means you cannot test your work in an online Regex tester.   The syntax you have to use in MC, with multiple redundant explicit capture groups, will not work with a regular Regex engine.

But the big problem is that MC's Regex() function doesn't work well when the string is variable length, because you have to structure your regex to return the EXACT number of matches present.  An Actors field might have 3 elements, and it might have 9, or anything in between.  An MC expression that will return 3 matches will ONLY return 3 matches. An MC expression that returns 9 matches (the maximum) will return nothing at all if you use it against a list that has less than 9 elements.

This can be overcome with using If or IfCase expressions, but that is clunky and unmanageable.  I've asked Matt if Regex() could be improved...


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #566 on: June 01, 2020, 12:44:34 pm »

Can someone help me out with an expression.

I would like to, in theater view, be able to see how old a movie is. For example Jaws is 45 years old and I would like that to show that right next to the release year: (45 YO)
I have the field "Date (Release)" populated with the release date and we know the current date.

What would the expression be to have it calculate how old, in years, a movie is and have that year counter add another year when it passes the release date. (Next year, June 18, Jaws would be 46 YO)

Best regards,

Hardware: Intel Core i5-8600K 16GB RAM, ASUS GeForce RTX 2080 8GB DUAL OC
Software: Windows 10 Home 64-bit, version 2004, JRiver MC 29, MadVr 0.92.17 (Beta 113), NVIDIA driver 457.09
Projector: JVC DLA-I X5500 (RS420, X570R) -
Screen: DNP Supernova 08-85
Processor: Anthem AVM 70
Power amp: XTZ A2-400 for Front & Center - XTZ A2-300 for Surround & Height channels
Speakers: Arendal 1723 S Monitor for Front & Center, Linn Unik for Front Height, Rear Height, Surround & Surround back. Elipson Planet M for Top Middle.
Sub: Arendal 1723 1S


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #567 on: June 01, 2020, 01:56:47 pm »

This doesn't handle leap years correctly, so you might get the anniversary a day off in some cases, but it's close enough:
Code: [Select]
Math(int((Now()-Field(Date /(Release/),0))/365.25)) YO


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #568 on: June 01, 2020, 02:02:37 pm »

Thank you,
However the output is "0 YO" for every movie

Can it have something to do with the year/date format in Europe/Sweden?
Hardware: Intel Core i5-8600K 16GB RAM, ASUS GeForce RTX 2080 8GB DUAL OC
Software: Windows 10 Home 64-bit, version 2004, JRiver MC 29, MadVr 0.92.17 (Beta 113), NVIDIA driver 457.09
Projector: JVC DLA-I X5500 (RS420, X570R) -
Screen: DNP Supernova 08-85
Processor: Anthem AVM 70
Power amp: XTZ A2-400 for Front & Center - XTZ A2-300 for Surround & Height channels
Speakers: Arendal 1723 S Monitor for Front & Center, Linn Unik for Front Height, Rear Height, Surround & Surround back. Elipson Planet M for Top Middle.
Sub: Arendal 1723 1S


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #569 on: June 01, 2020, 02:44:25 pm »

Do you get just a number when you put just this:
Field(Date /(Release/),0)

If not then that field is a Text field, it should be a date field.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #570 on: June 01, 2020, 02:49:11 pm »

Yep, I get numbers.
For the movie Jaws I get 27563

I attach a screen shoot from my Library field as well.
Hardware: Intel Core i5-8600K 16GB RAM, ASUS GeForce RTX 2080 8GB DUAL OC
Software: Windows 10 Home 64-bit, version 2004, JRiver MC 29, MadVr 0.92.17 (Beta 113), NVIDIA driver 457.09
Projector: JVC DLA-I X5500 (RS420, X570R) -
Screen: DNP Supernova 08-85
Processor: Anthem AVM 70
Power amp: XTZ A2-400 for Front & Center - XTZ A2-300 for Surround & Height channels
Speakers: Arendal 1723 S Monitor for Front & Center, Linn Unik for Front Height, Rear Height, Surround & Surround back. Elipson Planet M for Top Middle.
Sub: Arendal 1723 1S


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #571 on: June 01, 2020, 02:51:49 pm »

You can try with your local format - change the dd//MM/yyyy as needed:
Code: [Select]
Math(int((Now()-ConvertDate([Date (Release)], dd//MM//yyyy))/365.25)) YO
You can also try 365,25 instead of 365.25. It's working for me.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #572 on: June 01, 2020, 03:11:27 pm »

The different suggestions of writing the code does not work for me.

I will try out some more variants in the morning
Hardware: Intel Core i5-8600K 16GB RAM, ASUS GeForce RTX 2080 8GB DUAL OC
Software: Windows 10 Home 64-bit, version 2004, JRiver MC 29, MadVr 0.92.17 (Beta 113), NVIDIA driver 457.09
Projector: JVC DLA-I X5500 (RS420, X570R) -
Screen: DNP Supernova 08-85
Processor: Anthem AVM 70
Power amp: XTZ A2-400 for Front & Center - XTZ A2-300 for Surround & Height channels
Speakers: Arendal 1723 S Monitor for Front & Center, Linn Unik for Front Height, Rear Height, Surround & Surround back. Elipson Planet M for Top Middle.
Sub: Arendal 1723 1S


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #573 on: June 01, 2020, 08:41:12 pm »

I would like to, in theater view, be able to see how old a movie is. For example Jaws is 45 years old and I would like that to show that right next to the release year: (45 YO)
I have the field "Date (Release)" populated with the release date and we know the current date.

I was just going to suggest that you pull the year out of the Release Date and subtract that from the year extracted from Now, for which the following expression works fine.

Math(Formatdate(Now(), Year) - Formatdate([Date (release),0], Year)) YO

It outputs "45 YO".

But then I read this:

What would the expression be to have it calculate how old, in years, a movie is and have that year counter add another year when it passes the release date. (Next year, June 18, Jaws would be 46 YO)

So you do need to use something like Zybex's expression, but you need to use the raw format of the Release Date field. i.e. [Date (release),0]

Math(int((Now()-[Date (Release),0])/365.25)) YO

That works fine and again outputs "45 YO", or "44 YO" if you haven't hit the anniversary in the current year, yet. Or for jaws, "45 YO" and on or about June 18, "46 YO".

Of course, as above, it is approximate, as it only roughly takes into account leap years, using the 365.25 days per year average. If you want it more accurate, so that it switched when the anniversary date was hit, that would be a bit more work. It could be done with an If function though. i.e. If we haven't hit the anniversary date yet, subtract the years and take off one more year, otherwise just subtract the years.
What specific version of MC you are running:MC27.0.27 @ Oct 27, 2020 and updating regularly Jim!                        MC Release Notes:
What OS(s) and Version you are running:     Windows 10 Pro 64bit Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.572).
The JRMark score of the PC with an issue:    JRMark (version 26.0.52 64 bit): 3419
Important relevant info about your environment:     
  Using the HTPC as a MC Server & a Workstation as a MC Client plus some DLNA clients.
  Running JRiver for Android, JRemote2, Gizmo, & MO 4Media on a Sony Xperia XZ Premium Android 9.
  Playing video out to a Sony 65" TV connected via HDMI, playing digital audio out via motherboard sound card, PCIe TV tuner


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #574 on: June 01, 2020, 10:32:24 pm »

Thank you RoderickGI,
Your first suggestion do output 45 YO for the movie Jaws (and the corresponding year for other movies as well) but your second suggestion still only output 0 YO.

45 YO
Code: [Select]
Math(Formatdate(Now(), Year) - Formatdate([Date (release),0], Year)) YO
0 YO
Code: [Select]
Math(int((Now()-[Date (Release),0])/365.25)) YO


I attach the code in a screenshot so I will be sure I haven't messed it up.
Hardware: Intel Core i5-8600K 16GB RAM, ASUS GeForce RTX 2080 8GB DUAL OC
Software: Windows 10 Home 64-bit, version 2004, JRiver MC 29, MadVr 0.92.17 (Beta 113), NVIDIA driver 457.09
Projector: JVC DLA-I X5500 (RS420, X570R) -
Screen: DNP Supernova 08-85
Processor: Anthem AVM 70
Power amp: XTZ A2-400 for Front & Center - XTZ A2-300 for Surround & Height channels
Speakers: Arendal 1723 S Monitor for Front & Center, Linn Unik for Front Height, Rear Height, Surround & Surround back. Elipson Planet M for Top Middle.
Sub: Arendal 1723 1S


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #575 on: June 02, 2020, 12:47:06 am »

Are you sure you have values in the [Date (release)] field? Because I get an output of "0 YO" when the is no value in that field.

You could try the version;

Code: [Select]
Math(int(Math((Now()-0)/365.25))) YO
But the extra "Math()" in there shouldn't be required.

Also, I didn't put any validation around that, for example to test if there is a value in the [Date (release)] field. You might want to do that using an If() function. For example;

Code: [Select]
If(Compare([Date (release),0],>,0),Math(int((Now()-[Date (Release),0])/365.25)) YO,No Release Date)
That will output "xx YO" if there is a Release Date, and "No Release Date" if there isn't. If you want a blank output if there is no Release Date, just delete the words "No Release Date" in the expression.

BTW, I am just testing in an Expression Column. As you are placing the expression into the File Info Panel you probably should use the later version and take out the "No Release Date", unless you want to see that as a reminder. You could then set the field to "Hide when value is empty" and then the age wouldn't display. I tested all this and it works in the File Info Panel.
What specific version of MC you are running:MC27.0.27 @ Oct 27, 2020 and updating regularly Jim!                        MC Release Notes:
What OS(s) and Version you are running:     Windows 10 Pro 64bit Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.572).
The JRMark score of the PC with an issue:    JRMark (version 26.0.52 64 bit): 3419
Important relevant info about your environment:     
  Using the HTPC as a MC Server & a Workstation as a MC Client plus some DLNA clients.
  Running JRiver for Android, JRemote2, Gizmo, & MO 4Media on a Sony Xperia XZ Premium Android 9.
  Playing video out to a Sony 65" TV connected via HDMI, playing digital audio out via motherboard sound card, PCIe TV tuner


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #576 on: June 02, 2020, 01:53:14 am »

So you do need to use something like Zybex's expression, but you need to use the raw format of the Release Date field. i.e. [Date (release),0]

Math(int((Now()-[Date (Release),0])/365.25)) YO

That's exactly what I proposed on the first reply above  ;D

This doesn't handle leap years correctly, so you might get the anniversary a day off in some cases, but it's close enough:
Code: [Select]
Math(int((Now()-Field(Date /(Release/),0))/365.25)) YO

Both functions are the same, only I used the Field() equivalent. Strange that it's failing for arcspin.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #577 on: June 02, 2020, 02:25:05 am »

Thanks for the feedback,

Yes, the Date (release) has values in the form of: yyyy-mm-dd

RoderickGIs first suggested expression does output “45 YO”, as per my previous post.

I will try out your suggested expressions tonight when I get back home from work.

Again thanks for trying to trouble shoot this YO-problem, it is of course not vital but a nice touch in regards of fine tuning my Theater view.
Hardware: Intel Core i5-8600K 16GB RAM, ASUS GeForce RTX 2080 8GB DUAL OC
Software: Windows 10 Home 64-bit, version 2004, JRiver MC 29, MadVr 0.92.17 (Beta 113), NVIDIA driver 457.09
Projector: JVC DLA-I X5500 (RS420, X570R) -
Screen: DNP Supernova 08-85
Processor: Anthem AVM 70
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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #578 on: June 02, 2020, 02:57:28 am »

That's exactly what I proposed on the first reply

So you did. Sorry I missed that. You should have stuck to you guns, because the formatting in your later expression wasn't going to work.  ;)

Yes, strange it works for us. It will be a comma or bracket or something. I tested it a bit and found if the [Date (Release),0] was empty, or the expression evaluated to zero, it gave the "0 YO" output. But I could make it evaluate to a negative age by putting a future date in the Release Date field.

Yes, the Date (release) has values in the form of: yyyy-mm-dd

The format that the Release Date is displayed doesn't make any difference. It is stored as a number by MC, and always displayed formatted in the user interface. For the movie Jaws, released on June 18, 1975, MC stores the Date Released as "27563".

That is why the raw value must be used in the expression, as defined by the ",0" in this form; [Date (Release),0].

Arcspin, test by creating Expression Columns in a View, including one for [Date (Release),0], one for Now(), and the test expression. You will soon see what is going wrong. Once you get it working, delete the unwanted Expression Columns. That is much quicker and easier than testing in the File Info Panel.
What specific version of MC you are running:MC27.0.27 @ Oct 27, 2020 and updating regularly Jim!                        MC Release Notes:
What OS(s) and Version you are running:     Windows 10 Pro 64bit Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.572).
The JRMark score of the PC with an issue:    JRMark (version 26.0.52 64 bit): 3419
Important relevant info about your environment:     
  Using the HTPC as a MC Server & a Workstation as a MC Client plus some DLNA clients.
  Running JRiver for Android, JRemote2, Gizmo, & MO 4Media on a Sony Xperia XZ Premium Android 9.
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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #579 on: June 02, 2020, 03:04:42 am »

Didn't really read anything  ;D ::) but just in case I still hit the spot: MC's Math() is crippled when it comes to calculating decimal numbers in comma-decimal countries (like Sweden is I'd guess). You have to do yet another Replace "," ==> "." for the numbers before using them in calculations.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #580 on: June 02, 2020, 03:14:43 am »

So you did. Sorry I missed that. You should have stuck to you guns, because the formatting in your later expression wasn't going to work.  ;)

But the second one does work as well (I tested it), as long as you use your local-appropriate mask for dd/mm/yyyy :)
I think I'll put my money on Lepa's answer. Though I would expect the Now() and [Date,0] to output numbers using the appropriate regional settings, and Math() to use that as well? I think I read somewhere in the Wiki that Math() would use the regional setting.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #581 on: June 02, 2020, 04:21:28 am »

Teaser: I'm building an Expression Language scratchpad:,124543.msg870064.html#msg870064


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #582 on: June 02, 2020, 10:19:52 am »

Arcspin, test by creating Expression Columns in a View, including one for [Date (Release),0], one for Now(), and the test expression. You will soon see what is going wrong. Once you get it working, delete the unwanted Expression Columns. That is much quicker and easier than testing in the File Info Panel.

I did try to make some columns as shown in the attached screenshot.
What can I make of the result?

When I hover over the rows in the column "Now()," the values keep changing, I guess it is time adding up.!?

Hardware: Intel Core i5-8600K 16GB RAM, ASUS GeForce RTX 2080 8GB DUAL OC
Software: Windows 10 Home 64-bit, version 2004, JRiver MC 29, MadVr 0.92.17 (Beta 113), NVIDIA driver 457.09
Projector: JVC DLA-I X5500 (RS420, X570R) -
Screen: DNP Supernova 08-85
Processor: Anthem AVM 70
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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #583 on: June 02, 2020, 10:27:58 am »

Arcspin, try:
Code: [Select]
Math(int((Left(Now(),5)-[Date (Release),0])/365.25)) YO


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #584 on: June 02, 2020, 10:37:02 am »

Great, now we are talking ;o)

The year is of by one year.
JAWS is 45 years old but the expression shows 44 year.

It is not the same with all movies, only some movies.

See attached screenshot where I have made columns to show this, I have also included the Date (release) column

Hardware: Intel Core i5-8600K 16GB RAM, ASUS GeForce RTX 2080 8GB DUAL OC
Software: Windows 10 Home 64-bit, version 2004, JRiver MC 29, MadVr 0.92.17 (Beta 113), NVIDIA driver 457.09
Projector: JVC DLA-I X5500 (RS420, X570R) -
Screen: DNP Supernova 08-85
Processor: Anthem AVM 70
Power amp: XTZ A2-400 for Front & Center - XTZ A2-300 for Surround & Height channels
Speakers: Arendal 1723 S Monitor for Front & Center, Linn Unik for Front Height, Rear Height, Surround & Surround back. Elipson Planet M for Top Middle.
Sub: Arendal 1723 1S


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #585 on: June 02, 2020, 10:41:25 am »

No, JAWS will be 45 years old on June 20. It's still 44.
Add the [Date (release)] column next to that expression column to check the actual birthday.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #586 on: June 02, 2020, 10:52:17 am »

Great, good catch!

Thank you all for coming together in solving this, this was truly an international effort in making Theater View even more awesome  ;) ;) ;)

Again, thanks!

Hardware: Intel Core i5-8600K 16GB RAM, ASUS GeForce RTX 2080 8GB DUAL OC
Software: Windows 10 Home 64-bit, version 2004, JRiver MC 29, MadVr 0.92.17 (Beta 113), NVIDIA driver 457.09
Projector: JVC DLA-I X5500 (RS420, X570R) -
Screen: DNP Supernova 08-85
Processor: Anthem AVM 70
Power amp: XTZ A2-400 for Front & Center - XTZ A2-300 for Surround & Height channels
Speakers: Arendal 1723 S Monitor for Front & Center, Linn Unik for Front Height, Rear Height, Surround & Surround back. Elipson Planet M for Top Middle.
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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #587 on: June 02, 2020, 05:01:18 pm »

But the second one does work as well (I tested it), as long as you use your local-appropriate mask for dd/mm/yyyy :)

Actually, the ConvertDate() function doesn't take a second parameter, so that would be ignored. Hence the expression "ConvertDate([Date (Release)], dd//MM//yyyy)" just outputs the floating point number for the [Date (Release)], which is normally formatted, and hence the full expression works. Basically, "ConvertDate([Date (Release)])" is the same as "[Date (Release), 0]". But okay, it worked.  8)

But look, trimming the decimals off the right end of Now() also works. There are so many ways to get a result. 

I'm a bit surprised that the Math(int(Now())) didn't take care of that... oh, it wasn't taking the Integer of Now(), just the full expression. Maybe if we had taken the Integer of Now() and the Realease Date as well, it would have worked. Basically, as long as there were no decimals in the maths. i.e.
Math(Int((Int(Now())-Int([Date (Release),0]))/365.25)) YO

That also works. Well, on my English system using decimal points rather than commas.
What specific version of MC you are running:MC27.0.27 @ Oct 27, 2020 and updating regularly Jim!                        MC Release Notes:
What OS(s) and Version you are running:     Windows 10 Pro 64bit Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.572).
The JRMark score of the PC with an issue:    JRMark (version 26.0.52 64 bit): 3419
Important relevant info about your environment:     
  Using the HTPC as a MC Server & a Workstation as a MC Client plus some DLNA clients.
  Running JRiver for Android, JRemote2, Gizmo, & MO 4Media on a Sony Xperia XZ Premium Android 9.
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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #588 on: June 02, 2020, 10:44:13 pm »

I tried the expression RoderickGI posted on my (swedish) system and the output is as shown in the screenshot.
Code: [Select]
Math(Int((Int(Now())-Int([Date (Release),0]))/365.25)) YO
Hardware: Intel Core i5-8600K 16GB RAM, ASUS GeForce RTX 2080 8GB DUAL OC
Software: Windows 10 Home 64-bit, version 2004, JRiver MC 29, MadVr 0.92.17 (Beta 113), NVIDIA driver 457.09
Projector: JVC DLA-I X5500 (RS420, X570R) -
Screen: DNP Supernova 08-85
Processor: Anthem AVM 70
Power amp: XTZ A2-400 for Front & Center - XTZ A2-300 for Surround & Height channels
Speakers: Arendal 1723 S Monitor for Front & Center, Linn Unik for Front Height, Rear Height, Surround & Surround back. Elipson Planet M for Top Middle.
Sub: Arendal 1723 1S


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #589 on: June 02, 2020, 10:58:38 pm »

When MC quotes the entire text of the expression that way, it indicates that it doesn't recognize it as an expression at all.

Post a screenshot of the expression editor for that column.

I copied/pasted the text from your post in to an expression column, and it worked perfectly.  If I change to the wrong radix, I get an incorrect result for the expression, but it still doesn't quote the expression as you're showing.

You could try deleting and recreating the column, pasting the expression from your post above.



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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #590 on: June 02, 2020, 11:22:38 pm »

The expression seems right to me as shown in the screenshot.
The result is the same when I made a new column with the same expression.

Hardware: Intel Core i5-8600K 16GB RAM, ASUS GeForce RTX 2080 8GB DUAL OC
Software: Windows 10 Home 64-bit, version 2004, JRiver MC 29, MadVr 0.92.17 (Beta 113), NVIDIA driver 457.09
Projector: JVC DLA-I X5500 (RS420, X570R) -
Screen: DNP Supernova 08-85
Processor: Anthem AVM 70
Power amp: XTZ A2-400 for Front & Center - XTZ A2-300 for Surround & Height channels
Speakers: Arendal 1723 S Monitor for Front & Center, Linn Unik for Front Height, Rear Height, Surround & Surround back. Elipson Planet M for Top Middle.
Sub: Arendal 1723 1S


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #591 on: June 02, 2020, 11:29:45 pm »

Yes it looks ok. I don't know why it's not recognizing it.

As an aside, it would be nice if you could resize your screenshots down 50% so they fit our screens better. Not everyone is using a 4K monitor.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #592 on: June 02, 2020, 11:38:13 pm »

I think that is his column heading Wer. He names the column with the Expression for clarity.

That is very weird Arcspin. That result is just today's date, so it looks like the Integer of the Release Date is evaluating as zero.

I set up columns with the components of the full expression. try doing the same. Do they look like mine in the image?

The expressions are:
Math(Int([Date (Release),0]))
Math(Int(Now())-Int([Date (Release),0]))
Math(int((Int(Now())-Int([Date (Release),0]))/365.25)) YO

If that still doesn't work, try without the decimal in days/year:
Math(int((Int(Now())-Int([Date (Release),0]))/365)) YO

Do you have a small monitor Wer? Those screenshots fit fine on my 2560x1600 screen!  ;D
... my very, very old 2560x1600 screen. Touch wood it keeps working for a few years more.
... yes, I'm overcompensating. Sigh.
What specific version of MC you are running:MC27.0.27 @ Oct 27, 2020 and updating regularly Jim!                        MC Release Notes:
What OS(s) and Version you are running:     Windows 10 Pro 64bit Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.572).
The JRMark score of the PC with an issue:    JRMark (version 26.0.52 64 bit): 3419
Important relevant info about your environment:     
  Using the HTPC as a MC Server & a Workstation as a MC Client plus some DLNA clients.
  Running JRiver for Android, JRemote2, Gizmo, & MO 4Media on a Sony Xperia XZ Premium Android 9.
  Playing video out to a Sony 65" TV connected via HDMI, playing digital audio out via motherboard sound card, PCIe TV tuner


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #593 on: June 02, 2020, 11:45:22 pm »

No, it does not look the same as in your screenshot.
See my screenshot.
Hardware: Intel Core i5-8600K 16GB RAM, ASUS GeForce RTX 2080 8GB DUAL OC
Software: Windows 10 Home 64-bit, version 2004, JRiver MC 29, MadVr 0.92.17 (Beta 113), NVIDIA driver 457.09
Projector: JVC DLA-I X5500 (RS420, X570R) -
Screen: DNP Supernova 08-85
Processor: Anthem AVM 70
Power amp: XTZ A2-400 for Front & Center - XTZ A2-300 for Surround & Height channels
Speakers: Arendal 1723 S Monitor for Front & Center, Linn Unik for Front Height, Rear Height, Surround & Surround back. Elipson Planet M for Top Middle.
Sub: Arendal 1723 1S


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #594 on: June 02, 2020, 11:51:45 pm »

Ok I'm of for work.

Zybex most eminent expression do work perfect.

Code: [Select]
Math(int((Left(Now(),5)-[Date (Release),0])/365.25)) YO
Hardware: Intel Core i5-8600K 16GB RAM, ASUS GeForce RTX 2080 8GB DUAL OC
Software: Windows 10 Home 64-bit, version 2004, JRiver MC 29, MadVr 0.92.17 (Beta 113), NVIDIA driver 457.09
Projector: JVC DLA-I X5500 (RS420, X570R) -
Screen: DNP Supernova 08-85
Processor: Anthem AVM 70
Power amp: XTZ A2-400 for Front & Center - XTZ A2-300 for Surround & Height channels
Speakers: Arendal 1723 S Monitor for Front & Center, Linn Unik for Front Height, Rear Height, Surround & Surround back. Elipson Planet M for Top Middle.
Sub: Arendal 1723 1S


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #595 on: June 03, 2020, 02:36:37 am »

That's a bit crazy.

It must be because all the maths in Zybex's expression is done in Floating Point, which MC would use the decimal point for, and then it gets converted to an Integer.

Whereas in mine the Now and Release Date numbers are converted to Integers, but one of them must still be in Floating-Point form, and then the difference is divided by a Floating-Point number again (365.25 or 365), and the maths fails, just outputting the first number, which represents Now.

Never mind I guess, you have a working expression.
What specific version of MC you are running:MC27.0.27 @ Oct 27, 2020 and updating regularly Jim!                        MC Release Notes:
What OS(s) and Version you are running:     Windows 10 Pro 64bit Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.572).
The JRMark score of the PC with an issue:    JRMark (version 26.0.52 64 bit): 3419
Important relevant info about your environment:     
  Using the HTPC as a MC Server & a Workstation as a MC Client plus some DLNA clients.
  Running JRiver for Android, JRemote2, Gizmo, & MO 4Media on a Sony Xperia XZ Premium Android 9.
  Playing video out to a Sony 65" TV connected via HDMI, playing digital audio out via motherboard sound card, PCIe TV tuner


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #596 on: June 03, 2020, 02:46:09 am »

Yes, I'm a happy camper.  :)

This I think we do for you wizards to better understand the ins and outs of the expression language.
Hardware: Intel Core i5-8600K 16GB RAM, ASUS GeForce RTX 2080 8GB DUAL OC
Software: Windows 10 Home 64-bit, version 2004, JRiver MC 29, MadVr 0.92.17 (Beta 113), NVIDIA driver 457.09
Projector: JVC DLA-I X5500 (RS420, X570R) -
Screen: DNP Supernova 08-85
Processor: Anthem AVM 70
Power amp: XTZ A2-400 for Front & Center - XTZ A2-300 for Surround & Height channels
Speakers: Arendal 1723 S Monitor for Front & Center, Linn Unik for Front Height, Rear Height, Surround & Surround back. Elipson Planet M for Top Middle.
Sub: Arendal 1723 1S


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #597 on: June 03, 2020, 02:50:57 am »

Do you have a small monitor Wer? Those screenshots fit fine on my 2560x1600 screen!  ;D
... my very, very old 2560x1600 screen. Touch wood it keeps working for a few years more.
... yes, I'm overcompensating. Sigh.

Yeah, I have a 30in 2560x1600 as well smart guy.  But for whatever reason I was looking at his post on a different machine with a 1920x1080 display, and they were showing too big.  But I obviously totally misread his screenshot.  Maybe the columns were off-screen, I don't know.  ::)

It's weird it's not evaluating correctly for him.  But I can muster only limited enthusiasm for chasing it if he has a different expression that works.  Matt might care, because obviously something is not evaluating correctly on his localized version, and that should be considered bad.


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #598 on: June 03, 2020, 03:52:51 pm »

Yeah, I have a 30in 2560x1600 as well smart guy.

Snap! Mine is the Dell 30" 3008WFP. I would like a bigger 4K monitor some day, but this one is still just going so strong.  :D
What specific version of MC you are running:MC27.0.27 @ Oct 27, 2020 and updating regularly Jim!                        MC Release Notes:
What OS(s) and Version you are running:     Windows 10 Pro 64bit Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.572).
The JRMark score of the PC with an issue:    JRMark (version 26.0.52 64 bit): 3419
Important relevant info about your environment:     
  Using the HTPC as a MC Server & a Workstation as a MC Client plus some DLNA clients.
  Running JRiver for Android, JRemote2, Gizmo, & MO 4Media on a Sony Xperia XZ Premium Android 9.
  Playing video out to a Sony 65" TV connected via HDMI, playing digital audio out via motherboard sound card, PCIe TV tuner


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Re: Create Custom Tooltips/TheaterView Screens Using Dolby etc. Logos
« Reply #599 on: June 07, 2020, 09:19:08 pm »

If both versions are desired, keeping them in two fields would be both easier and faster.

I wrote a regex that pulls the actors names from such a multi-part list:

([;]?\K[\w\s]+)(?=\s\[)   (Omit the "\K" if you want to keep the semicolons to insert into another list.

You can try getting this to work with MC's regex function.

Just to close the loop on some arcane knowledge...

About a month ago someone asked how to separate out actor names from the [Actors] field, when MCR writes it to include role names, as follows:
F. Murray Abraham [Antonio Salieri];Tom Hulce [Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart];Elizabeth Berridge [Constanze Mozart];Roy Dotrice [Leopold Mozart];Simon Callow [Emanuel Schikaneder];Christine Ebersole [Katerina Cavalieri];Jeffrey Jones [Emperor Joseph II];Barbara Bryne [Mrs. Weber]

It was desired to get rid of everything between the [ ] and just leave the actor's names. I posited it could be done with regular expression, and posted the above example, which is a perfectly valid working regex in the real world.

It turned out, the Regex() function in MC is unable to use that expression, and further examination revealed that the Regex() function in MC was deficient in several ways, that made it impossible to do what was requested.

So the Regex() function has now been enhanced with a new mode, -2, that allows this functionality. The Regex() function still uses a non-standard regular expression syntax, so here is the expression rewritten to run in MC:

For an MCR actors field as shown above, this will return:
F. Murray Abraham;Tom Hulce;Elizabeth Berridge;Roy Dotrice;Simon Callow;Christine Ebersole;Jeffrey Jones;Barbara Bryne

So there you go.  A month late, granted, but now it works.  ;)
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