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Author Topic: Command Line Switches?  (Read 7892 times)

Jeff Scott

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Command Line Switches?
« on: June 27, 2002, 08:38:58 pm »

Looking at another option to integrate MJ8 with Max10 -- are there any other command line switches besides /PLAY?

Looking for something to allow next, previous, stop, pause, play, etc.

Or perhaps someone who knows what they are doing could create simple programs that use one of the SDKs to do this?  Something that could be run when you want to switch to the next track, etc.



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RE:Command Line Switches?
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2002, 11:57:19 am »

Maybe you saw this thread:

But maybe you're looking for shortcut keys.  What is Max10?  What are you trying to do?
Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


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RE:Command Line Switches?
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2002, 12:27:33 pm »

Here is the list, more information will be available in Developer's Zone.

mjextman.exe [filename] will play specified file.

mjextman.exe /Play [filename] will play specified file.

mjextman.exe /Append [filename] will append specified file to the currently playing list of files.

mjextman.exe /Import [filename] will import specified file into MJ library and will launch Media Jukebox.

mjextman.exe /Connect m01p://[ip address or host name] will connect to remote Media Server

mjextman.exe /SilentImport [filename] will import specified file into MJ library but will not launch Media Jukebox.

mjextman.exe /Minime will start Media Jukebox in mini-me mode

Jeff Scott

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RE:Command Line Switches?
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2002, 01:09:16 pm »

JimH -- that is the post I saw that made me think about this.

Max10 is an open source program created to replace the software that comes with the X10 mouse and MP3 remotes (  It's, in my opinion, a lot better at using the features of the X10 remotes since it understands the mode keys on these remotes.  And it's amazingly easier to use than Girder.

It has direct support for very few programs, but it can, for instance, run a program when a certain button is pressed.

I currently have this set up and running quite well on my home theater PC, but since switching from WinAmp to MJ8 I've lost the use of the remote for music.  

I have used the MJ8 X10 remote plug in, but then I lose control of the other programs running as I have to end Max10.

So one way to get Max10 to control MJ8 is to have small external programs that would use the COM interface to MJ8 to control start, play, pause, next, previous, etc.  Or, another option would be to have command line switches for the main program that does these things.

Does this make sense?  Looking at the documentation on the Developer area it looks like it's possible to make the external program -- but I don't have the PC programming ability to do so.



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RE:Command Line Switches?
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2002, 01:17:20 pm »

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center

Jeff Scott

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RE:Command Line Switches?
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2002, 01:29:31 pm »

Matt -- I have checked out Girder.  And it just isn't that easy to use.  I spent 2 hours working with it last night trying to get just MJ8 working.  It was very sporadic (play button would work one minute -- I would try to set up next and previous, then play wouldn't work).

For me, and I would guess for most people, Girder is overkill and too hard to use.   Girder does some amazing things, but all I want to do it start and stop the music!


Jeff Scott

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RE:Command Line Switches?
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2002, 01:52:35 pm »

Now that I think about it -- I would also be able to control MJ globally from my multimedia keys on my MS keyboard with these stub programs.

Another big plus (for me!).


Jeff Scott

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RE:Command Line Switches?
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2002, 09:48:59 am »

Just bumping this to see if anyone has any further suggestions.



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RE:Command Line Switches?
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2002, 11:48:18 am »

I have created a small utility called MJControl does exactly what you want.  You pass MJControl command-line options that tell it how to control MJ:

Usage: MJControl [options]

where options are:


You can download the program

Please let me know if you have any problems or need enhancements.


Jeff Scott

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RE:Command Line Switches?
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2002, 12:11:09 pm »

Todd -- Thanks, this sounds perfect!

But when I try to download it I get an error from Geocities.


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RE:Command Line Switches?
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2002, 12:35:03 pm »

You can't left-click on the link - you have to right-click and choose "Save target as"...

I concur with Jeff - thanks Todd!  This looks like it will work great for me too!  I have no problems with it - working as designed!  I'm creating shortcuts for each so I can make a toolbar for my taskbar.

The only future enhancements I have is whether controls for the track progress slider would be possible, similar to volume?  Something like "Forward 15-sec" and "Back 15-sec" and maybe "Back to track start"?  I hope I'm not being greedy...I'm not going to be disappointed if that's not possible.

Thanks again!
  Matt L

Jeff Scott

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RE:Command Line Switches?
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2002, 01:18:37 pm »

This is working great!  Thanks again!


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RE:Command Line Switches?
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2002, 01:57:51 pm »

If people would like, we could add these commands to MJExtMan.exe (the guy that delegates command line commands to MJ programs)

Let us know, and chirp in if there are any other commands you'd like to be able to access via command line.


JRiver, Inc.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center

Jeff Scott

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RE:Command Line Switches?
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2002, 01:58:26 pm »

Todd -- a couple quick questions.  

I was able to set this up on a toolbar and it works great.  But for some reason when I try to set this up in the MS Keyboard control panel it seems to ignore the command line argument.  Very strange -- all of the links seem to act as either a pause or un-pause.

Would it be possible to create a separate programs for each of the functions?  That should work with everything I would think.

Also -- the pause option doesn't seem to work.  When I do a MJControl.exe pause it doesn't do anything.  The others seems to work well though.

Thanks again!



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RE:Command Line Switches?
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2002, 03:41:21 pm »

Matt - despite that it would eliminate Todd's good work, to eliminate a step would definitely make sense.  My comments about the track progression would apply here as well, (if possible).

Jeff - the pause command worked for me on my machine (Win2K, MJ 8.0.315).  Can you copy/paste the link you're using for that command?

 - Matt L.  (NOT the one from JRiver)


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RE:Command Line Switches?
« Reply #15 on: July 02, 2002, 07:06:25 am »

I too think it would be a great idea if JRiver could include these options.

Jeff: If your program doesn't seem to recognize the parameters to MJControl, you could try creating batch files for each command and run those instead.  MJControl defaults to pause when run without any parameters because I had a similar problem.

I'd be more than happy to add other enhancements as all my program does is send window commands (WM_COMMAND) to MediaJukebox.  Perhaps someone at JRiver could send me a list of possible commands?



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RE:Command Line Switches?
« Reply #16 on: July 02, 2002, 07:51:31 am »

Here is the complete description of Media Jukebox command line parameters:

Let us know ASAP if you want anything to be added.


Jeff Scott

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RE:Command Line Switches?
« Reply #17 on: July 02, 2002, 09:01:01 am »

Todd -- thanks for the batch file idea -- I had just been creating shortcuts and modifying those.  I'll give it a try.

Nikolay -- Thanks for the offer -- what do you think of the following in addition to the ones you listed?

Visualization control:

-start display type / visualization full screen
-set the display type to x (Track Info, Visualization, etc.)
-next visualization


-Shuffle toggle
-Continuous toggle

How about a parameter for the FastForward and Rewind commands that lets you set the number of seconds to jump -- but uses 5 as a default?

Cheers and thanks,


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RE:Command Line Switches?
« Reply #18 on: July 02, 2002, 10:14:05 am »

New document is uploaded. Take a look at it:


we will not be able to do following in v8:
Visualization control:

-start display type / visualization full screen
-set the display type to x (Track Info, Visualization, etc.)
-next visualization

and the 5 seconds gap can't be changed.



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RE:Command Line Switches?
« Reply #19 on: July 02, 2002, 10:05:28 pm »

Nikolay -

I installed 8.0.317.  Per :

mjextman.exe /Append [filename] will append specified file to the currently playing list of files.

I tried this:

C:\Program Files\J River\Media Jukebox\mjextman.exe /Append "TREEPATH=Playlists\Mixes\ cmdtest"

But it doesn't append.  Instead, it kills the song that's playing, purges Playing Now, and puts the shuffled cmdtest playlist in Playing Now.

Maybe you've seen my correspondence with Matt.  I'm looking to use Media Scheduler to fire off command lines at specified times which will "switch" MJ over to a different smartlist.  To do this, I'd need to clear from Playing Now the songs below the current song, prior to performing the Append per above (if it worked for me).

If I am unable to clear the bottom of PN, I could presumably add the ~t qualifier to the command to set the length of time of each time interval.  It would appear that I could then run the command at the very beginning, say a minute apart, to "preload" PN with several appended groups.  The problem is that I'm using LastPlayed to avoid songs that have already been played.  Since my smartlists intersect, if I don't populate PN near the time of switching smartlists, the append will likely include duplicated songs.


I can give you an example of what I want to do if this isn't clear.



Listening to: 'Billion Dollar Babies' from 'Greatest Hits' by 'Alice Cooper' on Media Jukebox


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RE:Command Line Switches?
« Reply #20 on: July 02, 2002, 10:22:31 pm »

Forgot to mention this: Pls see my "Playing Now > Add to end" shuffles Playing Now? post.  These two are intertwined--I'd like to see the command-appended group be shuffled before the append, but the PN list above the append left untouched.  That seems to be how it should work (if the code allows it).


Listening to: 'Fallen Angel (Catrena's Song)' from 'The Story Teller's Island' by 'Suzanne Roensch & Nicholas Novaczyk' on Media Jukebox


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RE:Command Line Switches?
« Reply #21 on: July 05, 2002, 12:07:55 pm »

I have been playing around today trying to get the command lines to work. I have used the software that came with my x10 remote, and another that is similar to girder called PC Remote Control. I have been succesful in getting the mouse pad to work, and buttons to be recognized. What is happening is it errors when I try to use any buttons. I setup the play and stop buttons directing it to mjextman.exe, and then I paste in the command line mjextman.exe /Command Play. Then enable the remote, I can move the mouse around, but when I push play or stop it errors.

It gives me a popup window (Warning)
Media Jukebox was unable to play any of the files in the playlist.
Please make sure that the path in the Media Jukebox Library points to the right location.
Also double check to make sure that you are not unintentionally filtering these files.

The name Play comes up as if it were trying to play a file named "Play" in the playlist.

Not sure were to go from here. Had the same problem with two different programs. Both gave me this error.

Thanks for any help,



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RE:Command Line Switches?
« Reply #22 on: July 07, 2002, 09:10:46 am »

Have meening to ask for it since I bought MJB (previos ver)
Got lazy and used winamp for playing.
Works swell :-)
Looking forward to more fetures according to the remote:
Disp button may pop the songs name,
Timer may utilize the sleep timer

It was a great idea to dig in to this bbs,

Niv Vaizer

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RE:Command Line Switches?
« Reply #23 on: July 07, 2002, 04:12:58 pm »

emm TTT (to the top)


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RE:Command Line Switches?
« Reply #24 on: July 08, 2002, 08:53:12 pm »

Continuing with my discussion above.

Using MJ8.0.320, I load up a few songs in Playing Now (PN).  I get them playing.

In a DOS shell:
cd C:\Program Files\J River\Media Jukebox
mjextman.exe /Append "TREEPATH=Playlists\Mixes\ cmdtest"

(there's not really a space before cmdtest, but Interact is interpreting the ' \ c ' as ©.)

As before, it doesn't append. Instead, it kills the song that's playing, purges Playing Now, and puts the shuffled cmdtest playlist in Playing Now.

I'm looking for command line commands to allow me to:
1) clear from Playing Now the songs below the currently-playing song (or better yet, clear from PN all songs except the currently-playing song), and
2) append files from a playlist using the mjextman.exe /Append "TREEPATH... command as above, with those files being shuffled if shuffle is on.

Having these two commands would allow us to use Media Scheduler to program MJ to play different smartlists based on the time of day--and those smartlists can utilize NotLastPlayed: <999999 to avoid repeating songs.  That would be soooooooooo powerful.

If this isn't in the cards, the next best thing would be to honor the Fadeout Stop setting when the mjextman.exe /Append "TREEPATH... command is executed, to fade out the song rather than just clipping it off.



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RE:Command Line Switches?
« Reply #25 on: July 11, 2002, 07:17:14 pm »

Nikolay> Let us know ASAP if you want anything to be added.

I'm getting a clearer idea of exactly what I'd like, so I will be more explicit:

1) An mjextman.exe /Clear Playing Now except for Current Song command (you could name it a little nicer ).

2) An mjextman.exe /Append "TREEPATH... command that appends the playlist (or smartlist) to Playing Now without stopping the current song, and with those files being shuffled enroute to PN if shuffle is on.

Thanks for taking our input.


Niv Vaizer

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RE:Command Line Switches?
« Reply #26 on: July 13, 2002, 03:08:02 am »

I use it too.
Can anyone suggest a VBS script to replace calling mjextman.exe with the add extentions?


James Bailey

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RE:Command Line Switches?
« Reply #27 on: July 14, 2002, 08:42:55 am »

Requested command line option:

mjextman.exe /playlist [all|play_list_name]

where "all" would play all items in media library or "play_list_name" is a specific play list.


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RE:Command Line Switches?
« Reply #28 on: July 14, 2002, 11:32:55 am »

James -

You can do that now.  The command line options are listed at , but they aren't really all listed there.  You can use TREEPATH with the /Play option:

mjextman.exe /Play "TREEPATH=Playlists\Playlist Name Here"

I've been discussing this at length in my 'Windows Command Script' post, and you should also read the related '"Playing Now > Add to end" shuffles Playing Now?' post; I've bumped both of these for your reading convenience.

Just now, I tried this for you:

mjextman.exe /Play "TREEPATH=Media Library"

It works, so you can use it to play the entire media library, without creating a Playlist of Smartlist to contain the whole library.

What doesn't work is this:

mjextman.exe /Append "TREEPATH=Playlists\Mixes\listname"

Instead of appending, it kills the song that's playing, purges Playing Now, and puts the shuffled 'listname' playlist in Playing Now.  I'm hoping that Nikolay and friends will correct this.

Hope this helps.



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RE:Command Line Switches?
« Reply #29 on: July 15, 2002, 07:06:11 am »

What doesn't work is this:
mjextman.exe /Append "TREEPATH=Playlists\Mixes\listname"

That will be fixed in next build.



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RE:Command Line Switches?
« Reply #30 on: July 15, 2002, 11:24:53 pm »



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Re: Command Line Switches?
« Reply #31 on: January 24, 2003, 03:42:02 am »

Hi there,

One of the things I'd like to see, is a jukebox /clear mode.  One that would remove each song from the playlist as it's played.  That way people could use their own interface for adding songs to the playlist, but after each song is played it would be removed from the list.

On a side note are there any other modes for the command

mjextman.exe /clear [mode]

Besides DontRemoveCurrent ?

DontRemoveNotYetPlayed, would be nice for instance.


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Re: Command Line Switches?
« Reply #32 on: January 24, 2003, 05:09:19 am »

This is from the "Developers' Zone" pages:


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Re: Command Line Switches?
« Reply #33 on: January 24, 2003, 07:23:20 pm »

Yep, Saw that.  It's where I got the information on the /Clear command.  But what I'm looking for is true Jukebox functionality, where the song is removed from the Playing Now, as soon as it's played.  This may not be something that's currently in the command line options, but it would sure be a bonus, for me anyway.  I was trying to figure out how to get it to do it using the current commands, but as near as I can tell there's not really a way to remove specific songs from the playing now list from the command line, nor does there appear to be a way to grab status information like, current playing song, current song number, total number of songs, etc.  Things that would be useful to getting it to automatically remove the songs once they'd been played.  I've considered using HTML to write some king of scripted interface for it, but am not familiar enough yet with how that's going to work.  Though I will try.
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