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Author Topic: thumbnail text example and inspiration  (Read 729 times)


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thumbnail text example and inspiration
« on: May 02, 2019, 06:28:44 pm »

I have extensively customized the thumbnail text for my movie viewschemes and theater view viewschemes.  It indicates whether movie is in UHD or not.  It lists any collections that the movie belongs to.

I'm looking for inspiration on how else this type of customization may be useful for.
What else have other people used this feature for?  Please share!

This is how my customization looks:



  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: thumbnail text example and inspiration
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2019, 05:39:52 am »

The included image and the the one on the left (avatar?) for your username aren't loading.

Care to share your thumbnail expression text as well?



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Re: thumbnail text example and inspiration
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2019, 08:07:56 am »

For audio only, I have customized thumbnail text to show separate displays for classical and non-classical works. For classical, composer is used first, with artist second, whereas for non-classical artist is used and composer is not. I also have a custom field for source/format, such as CD, Vinyl, HiRez, MP3, DVD-Audio, Internet Radio.  That is displayed if it is not CD.  It also uses different font sizes, colors and bolding.  Since classical and non-classical use a different number of lines, what the last two lines show depends on the genre.  The code works for both mixed genre views and single genre views.

EDIT: Interact swallowed my bold and italics commands, so here is the code for real

Code: [Select]
If(IsEqual([Genre],Classical,8),<b><font color="0000FF">[Composer]<//font><//b>,<b><font size="115%"><font color="0000FF">[Artist]<//b><//font><//font>)
If(IsEqual([Genre],Classical,8),[Artist],if(!Isequal([Media Sub Type Audio],CD,8), <i><font color="0000FF">[Media Sub Type Audio]<//font><//i>, ))
If(IsEqual([Genre],Classical,8),if(!Isequal([Media Sub Type Audio],CD,8),<i><font color="0000FF">[Media Sub Type Audio]<//font><//i>,), )

Here is the code

If(IsEqual([Genre],Classical,8),<font color="0000FF">;[Composer]<//font><//b>,<font size="115%"><font color="0000FF">;[Artist]<///b><//font><//font>)
If(IsEqual([Genre],Classical,8),[Artist],if(!Isequal([Media Sub Type Audio],CD,8), <font color="0000FF">;[Media Sub Type Audio]<//font><//i>, ))
If(IsEqual([Genre],Classical,8),if(!Isequal([Media Sub Type Audio],CD,8),<font color="0000FF">;[Media Sub Type Audio]<//font><//i>,), )

Here is an example. It is smaller than I normally use to show the various genres. Hence the lines are more wrapped than normal.



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Re: thumbnail text example and inspiration
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2019, 03:22:24 am »

Here's  my thumbnail text for Audio (full credit to BLGentry for that one!)

Code: [Select]
[Name] (if(isequal([File Type],MP3,1),<font color="FF0000">,)[File Type]if(isequal([File Type],MP3,1),<//font>,) if(compare([Sample Rate],>,44100),<font color="00FF00">,)[Bit Depth]bit math(formatnumber([Sample Rate])/1000)kHz/<//font>) [Duration]

Prints MP3 in red if it's a MP3. If it's 'High Quality' the bits and sample rate get printed in green. Prints the duration at the end.

I like DTC's use of "<//b>"



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Re: thumbnail text example and inspiration
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2019, 07:44:47 am »

Looks like Interact swallowed my bold and italics commands when I cut and pasted them.  Here is the real code,

Code: [Select]
If(IsEqual([Genre],Classical,8),<b><font color="0000FF">[Composer]<//font><//b>,<b><font size="115%"><font color="0000FF">[Artist]<//b><//font><//font>)
If(IsEqual([Genre],Classical,8),[Artist],if(!Isequal([Media Sub Type Audio],CD,8), <i><font color="0000FF">[Media Sub Type Audio]<//font><//i>, ))
If(IsEqual([Genre],Classical,8),if(!Isequal([Media Sub Type Audio],CD,8),<i><font color="0000FF">[Media Sub Type Audio]<//font><//i>,), )

Now the <//b> commands make more sense.

Better screen shot also - bigger monitor.  Last one was done on my laptop while traveling.



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Re: thumbnail text example and inspiration
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2019, 10:31:54 am »

Ah, my bad. Your 'bold' comments make more sense now. In my haste I thought they were '<//br>' breaks, but they were broken 'bold' tags. Thank you for correcting.

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