What would everyone think of starting a JRiver Users Group?
Here's the idea...
Some cities have Audio Societies, or A/V Groups, where people get together and talk about their shared interest in audio, video, and the equipment and technology around it. It's a good way to meet and exchange views with people who share a common interest. But a lot of people don't live near there, or can't make it to the meetings.
But right here on the JRiver forums we have a good collection of folks. Some "Audiophiles" and some people who just enjoy music. Some are Technologists, some are ordinary users. We all obviously enjoy using MC.
So I was thinking, why not form a virtual A/V society, a JRiver User's Group. We could meet virtually, perhaps once a month, via some sort of online resource. Services like Join.Me can provide real-time audio conferencing, together with screen-sharing. We could meet in real time to talk about MC or other topics of interest. People could give presentations, or share tips and tricks. Through photos or videos on the screen-share, we could take tours of members' interesting audio or home theater systems. Etc, etc. Potential topics are limitless.
People who don't have headsets for their computer could still dial in by phone. The cost for a single small business Join.me account is negligible ($20/mo), and it's free for all the participants. Someone (JRiver perhaps) could sponsor and serve as host, but hand off to whomever was presenting for that particular meeting.
It would be a good way to meet people we've been corresponding with for years here on the forums, and share camaraderie around our mutual interests. Talking and sharing in real-time would bring a totally different level of engagement to what we do here on the forums. It might be fun.
So what do you all think?