JRemote 3.31 has a problem where its "Now Playing" info doesn't update correctly if playback is started on the server.
First, here's an image as proof:

Observe that at the top, the app has correctly identified Sonata 23 as what is currently playing. However, in the "now playing" list of tracks below (is that the right name?), it still thinks Sonata 1 is playing. The only way this is fixed is by initiating playback of something ELSE from JRemote, or force-quitting the app and restarting.
How to reproduce:
1. Launch the app
2. Start playing something, either on the app or the server, doesn't matter.
3. Observe that the playback status at the bottom of the JRemote screen becomes correct after a couple of seconds as normal
4. On JRemote, press the playback (Triangle in the circle) icon in the top-right corner of the screen.
5. Observe all the playback info, including list of tracks, is correct
6. Hit the X to go back to the main JRemote screen
7. On the server, stop playback, and start playback of something ELSE
8. On JRemote, observe that the playback status at the bottom of the JRemote screen becomes correct after a couple of seconds as normal
9. On JRemote, press the playback (Triangle in the circle) icon in the top-right corner of the screen.
10. You will see that the top of the screen shows what is actually playing, but the bottom of the screen still shows the old contents from before. This is a bug. The app is not pulling a refreshed list from the server when it should.
Since this list of now playing items is also the list of items that are tagged when you hit the "i" button in the top right, this means when this happens you can't tag the things you are listening to.
Again, if you force-quit the app, it refreshes everything correctly when it restarts. If you initiate playback only from the app, the issue does not occur. But once you've looked at the "now playing" list, the app ignores further changes to that list that occur on the server. I'm using 26.0.47, the latest pushed out through the in-app update.
I consider this a significant problem. Maintaining the accuracy of what you see on JRemote and what the server is actually doing is essential.