Thanks for responding. I'm trying to get http content into MC - which would, in my opinion, go a long way towards bridging the gap with myHTPC.
When watching TV (i.e. TV Tuner -> Watch) I noticed there's an ability to toggle between TV and Web.
I'm not sure what the buttons are called along the bottom of the TV "window", but the first one is probably something like settings (it looks like a list). Left clicking on it gives the first option (Display) as a selection between TV and Web. Or, from the left, the first set of "arrow buttons" lets you switch between TV and Web.
Once "Web" is activated, the settings button now has a second option (the first is still Display) called Websites that lets you select which website is displayed. Or, from the left, the second set of "arrow buttons" lets you switch between available Websites. These are the same arrow buttons that change the TV channel, if TV is selected (vice Web).
The websites currently in the list available for selection are "
http://tv.yahoo.com", "TV Guide", and "Yahoo! TV". Both "
http://tv.yahoo.com" and "Yahoo! TV" are the same website. When these websites are displayed on the "TV", I can navigate no problem, but there seems to be no way to enter a custom address (all I can do is navitage to links within the pages).
I had asked about customizing the websites and Nikolay pointed out the registry key. Unfortunately (at least for me), the registry key has no affect on the websites listed.
This "website" feature is great! I hadn't noticed it earlier. It will let the user access http content (which to me, is just another source of "multimedia") and get all kinds of great things into MC. Me... I'm a Doppler Radar junkie. But you can also get all kinds of other weather stuff. And the sky's the limit.
I'd also suggest that the "web" media be separated from the TV... I can understand why it started there (with the TV guide websites and all), but there's more potential than just the TV guides. Of course, I'd also suggest an internal MC configuration for listing webistes, or if it's simpler, a short XML document. The registry seems a little too static.
I hoped I described/explained that well enough... if not, let me know.
Thanks again.