No, no, no. We want the bling. We need the bling. Please put spinners on MC. Lots of them. It's well known it will sound better. And by that I mean louder, which is the same thing.
OK, just a bit more serious. I wouldn't say MC UX is dated, it's just stuck in doing one thing. It's functional, it works, it's been polished in time, it's fine. And there's nothing else. There are 5 views, and only Standard view scan be used for any serious work. Standard view which is Excel with Pictures. That's it. There are no statistical views (which other software much inferior to MC in every other respect, has), there is no extensive metadata views (in non-Excel mode)... The metadata editor it also stuck in Excel mode and for any tag value that is longer than 2 words the readability decreases fast.
On a different angle. People keep using descriptions (like "dated") and you guys come and ask "dated how?", "make a suggestion". That's not how it works. "From the outside looking in, you can’t understand it. And from the inside looking out, you can’t explain it." <- That's how it works. Feeling something is "dated" (or stuck, or pink with blue bubbles) it's a feeling. Nobody will take the time to explain the feeling, especially in terms that devs will understand. "You can't skin properly the tree structure on the left, you can't change the size of the search box, there are is no allowances for values XYZ for skinning variable v0, and there is no integration with non-euclidean math. Because of these all 128 inflection points of the interface score only average on any of the 6 metrics we can grade the UX on. There! It only took me 3 months of learning skinning for MC and now I can explain what I meant in a post that I only intended to spent 30 seconds with". Nobody will take the time to do that. They just tell you how they feel when they blink and they see the thing.
Let me try to drive the point home: how may times in the last decade did somebody come out to euphorically praise the UX because it's exciting, thrilling or attractive? Functional they say. Practical. Gets the job done. And then there's the small army of people who are afraid for their lives if MC gains any kind of more complex visuals, because it will snap their minds out of "Solitaire and Desktop Tower Defense" universe.
Isn't anybody there who wants to dream orange when they fly over Mars?