Media Center 9.0.145 is available.
Some things may not work. Fixed: Display right-click playback display menu did not work for non-audio file types.
2. Changed: Added "Display Options" submenu to the "Player" menu.
3. Changed: Updated view scheme and view scheme group dialogs to have longer search boxes.
4. Changed: Composer uses the new little artist icon in the tree.
5. Changed: MP3 analysis would use "band" over "artist" if both existed in the ID3v2 tag.
6. Fixed: MP3 tagger would remove "band" when saving an "artist" to the ID3v2 tag.
7. Fixed: "Enable shell integration" option was not working properly.
8. Fixed: Auto-jump to "Media Library" when changing a search would steal the keyboard focus.
9. Fixed: Several bugs that caused sticky-view sorting to not work as expected.
10. Changed: After changing a view, if there are saved child views, MC will prompt whether you want to overwrite the child views with your changes.
11. Changed: Album grouped thumbnails only show album in the text. (not artist - album)
12. Changed: Album grouping wouldn't work well with files that didn't have an artist.
13. Changed: MP3 encoder plug-in will now detect if lame encoder installed and if not it will download it.
14. Fixed: Clean properties title case logic didn't work well with some acronyms. (ie. T.A.T.U.)
15. Changed: Clean properties case correction logic better with multi-line fields like lyrics.
16. Fixed: Saving a visualization in the root of the visualizations directory would crash MC.
17. Fixed: Changing something in visualization studio and then clicking "Save" wouldn't keep the change.
18. Fixed: Media Center was creasing while stoping video playback.
19. Fixed: Media Center was not displaying some video files with correct aspect ratio.
20. Fixed: Video playback should be more consistent.
21. Fixed: Viewing a view that had one or less files in it would trash the saved sort information.
22. Changed: Playback statistics don't count a file as "played" until it's done.
23. Fixed: Playback statistics didn't work for image files.
24. Fixed: If MC failed to play, it could stick in a "Waiting..." state until the stop button was hit.
25: NEW: Added support for various aspect ratios for video files.
26. Fixed: Media Scheduler would crash if periodic task with duration over 9 minutes were scheduled.
27. Changed: Added "My Network Places" under "My Computer" in the tree.
28. Fixed: "Locate On Disk (inside Media Center)" would hang on network files.
29. Fixed: After deleting a file from a playlist, the "seq" column would start at 0.
30. Fixed: Cloning of existing library did not work correctly.
31. Fixed: Scroll-up bug in TiVo server.
32. Fixed: TiVo server works with TiVo Beacon if it is present.
33. NEW: TiVo server will translate files to MP3 format if needed.
34. Fixed: Media Scheduler was mistakenly toggling on and off based on Options settings.