I have had the same issue, exactly as reported by seamonster. I too experienced this issue with every version of Media Center, and I've used quite a few. I use a 4TB internal hard drive. All cd's were ripped to the hard drive in .wav (uncompressed) format. I'd work very hard to get every single album jacket and over time, some would be replaced by the generic quarter note icon as described by seamonster. I'd add it back, and as soon as I would click away... the album art would disappear again. One time I deleted the album from Media Center (not from the hard drive).. went to the hard drive and renamed the folder containing the audio tracks for that particular album ... went back to Media Center, ran import again. The album was re-imported and the album cover art/jacket was able to be added, and it remained. However, over time, other album art work would randomly disappear. I just gave up as the workaround didn't always work ,and was cumbersome even when it did. I consider myself lucky as it only affects approximately 1% of my 5K albums. I'm willing to test any suggestions for a fix... Thanks