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Author Topic: View, save and load (the view)  (Read 482 times)


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View, save and load (the view)
« on: June 02, 2022, 04:02:42 pm »

Good day

I've a problem that comes from some years ago - and I assume I'm missing something. I want to save a view with some columns in a certain order. I change things the way I like (using an artist/album), View/Save view/some name and that's all, right? No. The name is there but everything reverts to what I don't like and changed. I tried this with different names and artists. When I load a name, the artist changes but eveythig else is the same.
I searched for this, I found the question but not an answer.
Thank you.


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Re: View, save and load (the view)
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2022, 02:12:29 am »

No. :)

"View > Load/Save view" is for saving the entire layout.
Imagine you had eight tabs open, and maybe, two views split vertically, with another copule of tabs open in the second of the split views. You could use this option to save this layout, and thus restore it with a few mouse clicks.

Your chosen columns for a given view should be automatically preserved as you add/remove them or change their displayed order.

If you need sorting preserved, then take care of that using the "Customise View" tool. Be aware that all of the default views that ship with MC are "locked". See ---> here for more info regarding that, (and that entire thread for help with the customise tool). I am honestly not sure how the 'locked' status affects your column choice, but believe that it has no affect. It will however, affect when you try to save the view after making any sorting changes. How you proceed from there is pretty intuitive, and entirely your choice.


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Re: View, save and load (the view)
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2022, 12:08:47 pm »

Thank you for your answer.

"Your chosen columns for a given view should be automatically preserved as you add/remove them or change their displayed order.".  No!

I knew views are blocked as "things" revert to the same and I don't like it.

JRiver is a great app! I use it for years but certain "small" things can be a mess!

I'll take a close look to your link.

Thanks again.
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