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JRVR Video Renderer

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Decode ATMOS to LPCM + MAT 2.0??  Is that what you said?   ;D  LOL  Yea, actually that would be a useful feature to bitstream only the object based formats.


btw what is experimental about 3D LUT support? or what needs to happen to make it not experimental?

For me the first priority before all this fancy stuff would be handling of HDR over network (remotes etc). As most new releases are HDR more and more videos requires tonemap/pass through to be playable on the clients. Perhaps team also thinks this way already but thought it doesn't hurt to mention it.

There is a bunch of stuff to consider with transcoding HDR playback to other devices.  We have a mix of HDR and SDR display devices.  I'm not sure what sort of process is needed to determine the capabilities of the target device.  I'm guessing that JR's own code (MC Clients, JRemote etc) can work out that native display capabilities, but... how about Web Browsers, DLNA devices etc.  Ideally, you would want to know the capabilities of the end renderer and then push a SDR or HDR version.

A small thing (and I know it is on Hendrik's list) is that thumbnails of HDR content are wrong in MC.


--- Quote from: Hendrik on April 14, 2023, 05:44:04 am ---like this?

mpv-style custom GLSL shaders that we would use are very powerful and you get lots of control. The one above can probably be improved to actually not require the target resolution coded into it, and recently there is also new support for configurable parameters, so it would be relatively easy to create a config page for it, if this is something unique that offers rather specific advantage - for comparably little effort on our side.

--- End quote ---
fwiw I tried that in mpv and, in about 5mins, I had it quite roughly dialled in. The fiddly bit is the need to edit a text file & restart a test pattern, if it were feasible to do that in near real time (e.g. a dialog overlay with a spinner that moves a value up and down so you can watch the image distort) then that would be really nice. I wonder if, because it's a shader, it would be possible to do this outside of jrvr? something like a little util that is an offshoot of theatre view, which renders an & which has the required controls built in? Certainly that would be v neat/user friendly even if it might be more effort than it's worth.


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