I'm getting a lot of bugs.
Just gonna name them quickly with no details cause I know your changing a LOT right now so a lot of bugs are fully expected:
- Album type sometimes shows 3 types, sometimes only shows just sing artist (incomplete), it varies with changing nothing except restarting MJ.
- Playing is often jumpy
- Updating id3 tags works sometimes, not at others
- search isn't always finding stuff
- importing never shows any tracks when clicking on details for what was imported
- title is still showing the file name itself (not including path) for a lot of my mp3's and not showing the title.
- tool tips are huge and slightly overwhelming, it's like a big yellow screen suddely covering everything. Wouldn't mind being able to customise what information shows in them or something, right now they just pop up and are scary
- get properties from file name isn't working properly (I know I'm using the correct syntax because I'm using the syntax provided half the time.
Oh yeah, and before I forget, could you please change the rating from 1-5 to 1-10 or 1-100. Just a bit of varitety and more power to us to really be able to differntiate between songs.
For send to can you also cascade the playlists so that they follow the structuring we create. And can instead of just having a memory of 1 and showing the last playlist we used, could we set the number of 'sticky' send to targets. I think I'd personally set it to arond 5.
If we could customise this so that some of them were fixed and others were just generated by the last used targets type thing then it would be perfect.
I'd make my burner a fixed one, then leave 3 more as auto ones.
A bit like the XP start menu where it remembers what you've used last and you can set how many but you can also make some items stick to the menu and others not show up.