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Author Topic: PixOS Inspired Suite for MC  (Read 22779 times)


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PixOS Inspired Suite for MC
« on: September 11, 2003, 10:06:08 am »

**Edited to make all of the download links easier to find - Original message in its entirety follows**

Keep in mind that none of these items are in any way officially sanctioned by with the sole exception of the mini-me skin.

Track Info Templates

PixOS Luna
PixOS Luna 2

mini-me skin


Hairstyle Skin

Coming Soon (I hope)

Playing Now Popup
(Until PlayingNow 1.2 comes out of beta, there are two versions of this skin to pick from. Be sure to download the correct one.)

PixOS Popup for Playing Now 1.1

PixOS Popup for Playing Now 1.2

PixOS Slimline for Playing Now 1.2

Installation: Just unzip to the Skins folder within the PlayingNow folder. Be sure to preserve folder names. All files should wind up in a PixOS folder within the Skins folder (ie. "C:\Program Files\James Dickson\PlayingNow 1.1\Skins\PixOS").

I've been working on some new things to go along with the PixOS Megaskin.

First of all, I have two Track Info templates. Both are based on the MJ Luna template created by theMaxx. It was always my personal favorite, so I modified it slightly to match the PixOS skin's color scheme.

I also added a script I wrote that prevents large coverart images from hogging the whole screen, while not blowing up smaller images to prevent them from becoming all distorted.

There are actually 2 versions. The first is pretty much identical to the original MJ Luna template, but the second has been rearranged a bit so that lyrics are on the main page (since that's primarily why I use TrackInfo templates).

You can take a look at PixOS Luna here and PixOS Luna 2 here

You can download them here:

PixOS Luna
PixOS Luna 2

The second thing I've been working on is a mini-me skin. I emailed Treetog and he agreed to allow me to port their PixOS WMP skin over to MC. I've still got a lot of work to do on it, but eventually, it should look like this (it has two modes):

You can download the skin (in it's most current state) here.

The final thing I have planned is a Hairstyle Skin. I haven't even begun work on it yet, though. The idea just kind of hit me this morning in the bathroom (where all my best ideas happen :P ).

So let me know what you all think...


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Re: To All You PixOS Fans
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2003, 10:26:02 am »

Hi Doof

The Track Info templates look great to me.  The only thing I would add is a display of the Comment tag.  I use King Sparta's Chart Info plugin and I like to see the chart position a song reached when I am playing it.

I wish I had the patience to learn how to do this sort of thing.  :-[



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Re: To All You PixOS Fans
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2003, 12:23:58 pm »

The Comment field is available if you click on the Notes link on the left hand side.

I played around with adding it to the Main page, and for something simple like the Chart Position, it works fine, but if you have a lot of information in Comment then it gets to be a big mess. The Notes page seems to be the best compromise. I can make the change for those who still want it, but it won't work the best for people with long comments.

If you want, I can add a modified version of PixOS Luna 2 so that Comment is displayed in place of Lyrics... PixOS Luna 3 or something. ;)


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Re: To All You PixOS Fans
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2003, 12:38:09 pm »

Don't worry on my account, I managed to add it myself.


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Re: To All You PixOS Fans
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2003, 12:59:16 am »


I absolutely love all of these!  I had never even seen the Luna Track INfos in their old version and the mini me looks great.  I will be one of the first on your download list!! ;D

"It's called No Code because it's full of code. It's misinformation." - Eddie Vedder


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Re: To All You PixOS Fans
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2003, 07:07:06 am »

Well, if you like, you can download and try out the beta. I've still got a lot of work left to do, but here's a screenshot of where it stands:

You can download it here.

Here's what I still have left to do:

    • Add in the Shuffle, Repeat, & Mute controls[/s]
      • Implement the Playlist view & button[/s]
        • Implement the Graphic Equalizer & button (minus the Presets button - since MC doesn't support this - I think the Turn Off button is doable, though)[/s]
          • Add in the Volume and Balance controls[/s]
            • Implement the Vis window and button[/s]
              • Implement the "Roll-up\Roll-back" mode switching[/s]
                • Fix the Mode, Minimize, Close, and Megaview buttons so they're not so sensitive about where the mouse cursor actually is. Currently, you have to have the mouse right on the exact pixels of the graphic, so it's kind of hard to hit sometimes.[/s]
                • Fix the display fonts. I can't for the life of me figure out what font's being used on the original, or what size etc. it is. If anybody here could help, I'd really appreciate it. Otherwise, I was going to contact Treetog again and try and get it directly from the horse's mouth. :P
                • There's some weird thing happening (I think) where it jumps to the foreground whenever it changes tracks. I haven't really tested it, so it may just be my imagination. If it is happening, I have a theory about what's causing it.[/s]

                  I think that's it... If you find any bugs in it that I haven't mentioned (or even if you can confirm the ones I have), be sure to let me know.

                  I've been updating the skin and the list of things to do above. If you see something new get crossed off the list, then you know there's a new "build" of the skin. :) I'll also try and keep the screenshot up to date.


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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #6 on: September 12, 2003, 05:31:53 pm »

    Nice skin!

    PixOS should be the default skin IMO.


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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #7 on: September 12, 2003, 08:13:08 pm »

    Nice skin!

    Yeah, Pixtudio did a really nice job with it. I wish I could make an original skin as nice. Although I have fun just porting others... I keep thinking I should pair up with a graphics guy, since I can handle the backend. We could probably make a pretty good team.

    Any volunteers?

    PixOS should be the default skin IMO.

    I agree. It's a really nice and easy to use skin. And it doesn't look like other media players out there... ;)


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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #8 on: September 12, 2003, 08:26:52 pm »

    This sure removed any doubt of which skin I like the best.  Thanks for all of your work on these - I'm really going to enjoy using them.



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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #9 on: September 12, 2003, 08:54:18 pm »

    I'm glad you like it. I'm hoping to have it mostly finished by the end of this weekend, but we'll see. I might just sneak away for a dive...

    Plus there's that Ghosts of the Abyss IMAX movie I've been meaning to see... ;)


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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #10 on: September 12, 2003, 09:18:51 pm »

    nice skin!! :)

    Couple of points - if the title is say a g or letter where part of it goes down under the level - it gets chopped off.
    Also - long albums have their names chopped with no way of seeing the extra info.
    A version with the image moved to the visualisations part of the screen would give a lot more space for the text and would allow for less CPU to be used when doing playback (no visualisations)

    I LOVE your ports though :)


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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #11 on: September 13, 2003, 06:00:50 am »

    Yeah, the font is definitely on my list of things to address. It's too big. You can see in the original that it's smaller and things fit better. Plus it also scrolls. Eventually I'll get around to really trying to figure out what font to use there.

    And the image is something that I really want to stay because if I can figure out how to do it, it's going to display cover art. The WMP version does this and I know it's possible for MC as well. I just have to figure out how it's done.


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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #12 on: September 13, 2003, 08:34:04 am »


    I know it's a hard task to make everyone happy.  That being said, if you are considering a PixOS Luna3, I'd love to have both a comments field and a notes field.  I use the notes field to store the AMG info about the album.  For now, I changed comments to notes, so theres no rush.  Thanks, again.



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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #13 on: September 13, 2003, 01:02:58 pm »

    I was actually considering that.. I was thinking of making a page where it displays Comment, Notes, and Bios. Haven't had time to sit down and do it yet, though.

    Kurt Young

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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #14 on: September 13, 2003, 01:35:33 pm »

    Doof, man,

    I also wanted to say how much I enjoy your ports.  Remind me to ask you about a new iPod mini, ;)

    I was wondering, with the discussion of Luna1, 2, and maybe 3... would it be possible to package several different "versions" of the track info template, all into one template, and add in the ability to switch "modes" via html code?

    Like, the PixOS Luna track info template would have a dropdown or some links on it that would switch it to a different view?  Make it remember which you use, even?

    I can't wait to try out the mini, sir, thanks!
     mjextman.exe /ipodsync


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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #15 on: September 13, 2003, 01:40:56 pm »

    I was actually considering that.. I was thinking of making a page where it displays Comment, Notes, and Bios. Haven't had time to sit down and do it yet, though.

    That would be great!

    Another thing - When I click on the ArtistInfo button in MC it correctly opens AMG in my default browser, Opera.  However, when I click on Artist Info in Luna it opens AMG in IE.  Can this function be changed to use the default browser?  


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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #16 on: September 14, 2003, 06:44:20 am »

    I was wondering, with the discussion of Luna1, 2, and maybe 3... would it be possible to package several different "versions" of the track info template, all into one template, and add in the ability to switch "modes" via html code?

    I'm not sure I understand. Isn't that kind of what you do when you click the Left\Right arrow buttons in Playing Now and scroll through PixOS Luna 1, PixOS Luna 2, etc?


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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #17 on: September 14, 2003, 07:36:33 am »

    Something's not quite right with the inactive transparency in your mini-me/MediaCenter.

    1) Some rounded corners are messed up (see upper-left of main section)
    2) Time display background is darker than everything else
    3) Visualization turns fuschia!  Man is that ugly :)

    This is under Windows 2000 SP4.



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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #18 on: September 14, 2003, 08:39:12 am »

    Well, while it's arguably better, my own experiment shows some of the same problems...

    Unfortunately, there's really nothing I can do about it. The problem ultimately lies with the way that MC displays transparency in mini-me. It forces all objects into a semi-transparent state, so you get to see all the places where windows and other objects overlap. If you want to see another example of this problem, switch to the SonixMedia skin and close up all of the windows (vis, eq, etc). They all hide behind the main window so when it goes transparent, you can see all of the other windows overlapping underneath.

    The fuscia color where the vis window is located is due to the fact that you need a transparent area to display visualizations in, and that fuscia color is a really nice color (from the skinners point of view!) to work with. It's a color you aren't likely to use anywhere else in the skin (one can hope!) and the hex code for it is really easy to remember (FF00FF). Seeing it during transparency is another unfortunate side effect.

    Although... I just took a look at the SonixMedia skin and noticed that it doesn't suffer the same problem... Let me look a little deeper into that and see if I can figure out how to fix it.

    I'm not sure why you're having the other problems I can see in your screenshot. It looks like the skin is being cut off from one side and being displayed on the other? Or is that just a bad screenshot?


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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #19 on: September 14, 2003, 11:22:17 am »

    I was playing with it and was able to just show the background image while transparent rather than the purple trans color. Seems to work alright expcept you can't see the vis window while "hidden"

    If you want the image, just let me know.


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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #20 on: September 14, 2003, 01:46:15 pm »

    Great job doof! I can't wait to see the hairstyle skin (BTW, did you get started on that?)

    Is it just me or is the 'rolled-up' mode just not implemented yet?


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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #21 on: September 14, 2003, 03:54:33 pm »

    Hairstyle : Haven't even started yet.

    Roll-up : It's not just you. :) The button's there, but it currently doesn't do anything. That's probably going to be the last thing I do, since it requires manipulating all of the other objects.


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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #22 on: September 14, 2003, 04:52:56 pm »

    Ok, good news!

    I fixed the fuscia vis window problem, and I fixed that other weird problem where the elapsed time showed up darker than everything else while transparent. In the process, I think I managed to optimize it a little bit so that it loads faster. At least it feels a lot faster on my system. Let me know what you think. I've updated the download link so you can try it out if you like.

    Still not sure about the rounded corners that skeeterfood mentioned. It looks fine on my system now.

    Now I can get back to work on implementing the rest of it. :)


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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #23 on: September 14, 2003, 07:17:29 pm »

    I fixed the fuscia vis window problem

    Great. It looks way better.

    I think I managed to optimize it a little bit so that it loads faster. At least it feels a lot faster on my system.

    It seems to me to be loading a little faster indeed.

    Keep up with the good job (and don't forget to get started on the hairstyle  ;) )


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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #24 on: September 15, 2003, 06:55:03 am »

    I just posted a new "build" that has the playlist functionality in place. It doesn't remember which mode (playlist or song info) you were in last yet, but it probably will. I haven't actually decided on that one yet. Do you guys think it should remember?

    It definitely will remember whether you were in EQ mode or Vis mode, and it will remember if it was rolled up or not. I just haven't decided on the playlist part yet.

    I also did a little bit of work on the fonts. And I have the play control buttons disabling themselves when appropriate. Let me know what you think.

    At this point, it looks like I really only have the EQ and roll-up modes left... Hopefully I'll be able to knock them off in the next couple of days.


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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #25 on: September 15, 2003, 03:18:24 pm »

    I'm not sure why you're having the other problems I can see in your screenshot. It looks like the skin is being cut off from one side and being displayed on the other? Or is that just a bad screenshot?

    Yeah, it's a bad screenshot.  I had the mini-me transparent over the top of this interact thread showing an image of the mini-me.  Sorry for the confusion... ::)



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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #26 on: September 15, 2003, 09:00:22 pm »

    New "build". EQ is in place and working. It needs a little clean up, though. I'll tidy it up tomorrow, and then all that's left is the rolled-up mode, and get it remembering where it's supposed to be on the screen, and which components were active.

    You may notice that it has one less button than the original WMP skin. WMP supports some video controls that are available in skins. MC doesn't support this. I was originally planning on just making that button bring up DSP Studio, but I can't find anyway to make that happen, so I just took it out.

    Let me know what you think.


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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #27 on: September 16, 2003, 03:23:46 am »

    What about displaying cover art instead of a music note? Or is it something it is already supposed to do and I didn't figure it out yet?


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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #28 on: September 16, 2003, 04:02:14 am »

    This is looking really good Doof.  Defi initely the best mini me so far.  BTW did you get to see Ghosts of the Abyss??  Is that the James Cameron one about Titanic??  If so I saw it at the Bradford Film Museum and it is excellent!!

    "It's called No Code because it's full of code. It's misinformation." - Eddie Vedder


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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #29 on: September 16, 2003, 04:39:04 am »

    What about displaying cover art instead of a music note? Or is it something it is already supposed to do and I didn't figure it out yet?

    Eventually, I'm hoping to be able to do just that. I just haven't sat down to figure out how to do it. I've taken a look at the SDK and I think I've figured it out, so hopefully soon. :) The music note is just kind of a placeholder for when there is no coverart. When you play a video file, it changes to show film and a note.

    This is looking really good Doof.  Defi initely the best mini me so far.  BTW did you get to see Ghosts of the Abyss??  Is that the James Cameron one about Titanic??  If so I saw it at the Bradford Film Museum and it is excellent!!


    It is the James Cameron one and no, I haven't been able to see it, yet. Rather than go last weekend, I was working (trying to save up enough money for another cave diving trip to Florida and buy a bunch of new gear before next summer). We're definitely going to see it this Saturday though, provided nothing freaky happens... :P


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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #30 on: September 16, 2003, 08:41:54 pm »

    Almost done! I got the roll-up mode working, the EQ's all cleaned up, and I have it mostly remembering the state it was in when you exited. The only thing I still need to do is get it to remember what windows were open when you roll it back down after it's been rolled up. Right now it's just going back to the default (Song Info and Vis).

    I just couldn't wrap my head around the if statements anymore tonight. It's time for bed.


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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #31 on: September 16, 2003, 10:29:31 pm »

    Way to go Doof  8) 8)

    Nice work indeed, thankyou for sharing it with us.



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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #32 on: September 17, 2003, 04:32:36 am »

    Is it remember screen position for you? It was all working really well for me right before I uploaded it. Then I deleted my state.xml (the file that stores all of the window positions and which windows are visible when you exit) file to make sure it was all working and then it wouldn't.

    I just made a change that appears to have it at leat remembering which windows were open, but it still won't remember where on the screen I last had it.


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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #33 on: September 17, 2003, 08:13:22 am »

    Doof - I must be doing something wrong.  I've "successfully" installed both your packages yet I don't see PixOS Luna... as a choice in my mini-me skins tab.  I've run both the install package and tried browsing-in the .zip, all to no avail.  The suspense is killing me.

    I'm using MC 9.1.252.


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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #34 on: September 17, 2003, 09:39:37 am »

    Doof - I must be doing something wrong.  I've "successfully" installed both your packages yet I don't see PixOS Luna... as a choice in my mini-me skins tab.  I've run both the install package and tried browsing-in the .zip, all to no avail.  The suspense is killing me.

    I'm using MC 9.1.252.

    On the mini-me tab of the skin chooser, it's just called "pixOS" :)

    Is it remember screen position for you? It was all working really well for me right before I uploaded it. Then I deleted my state.xml (the file that stores all of the window positions and which windows are visible when you exit) file to make sure it was all working and then it wouldn't.

    I just made a change that appears to have it at leat remembering which windows were open, but it still won't remember where on the screen I last had it.

    The build I grabbed this morning would not remember screen position or state (rolled up or not). The current release remembers state now, but only remembers screen position if I return to mega-me from a rolled up state. Going to mega-me from rolled-down state, it remembers it's state, but forgets where it was and appears in the center of the screen.



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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #35 on: September 17, 2003, 09:54:14 am »

    Doof, I was playing around with this just now, and it's vanished from view!!!

    I have MC set to minimise to tray, so, on minmising from the pixOS mini-me button, it drops to tray just fine, but won't come back out again, it's gone all shy on me LOL.

    I have to use ctrl + e to bring back mega-me, then change the mini skin. Returning to the pixOS mini-me brings back the shyness!!

    Before I go to work on it's self-esteem, here is the current contents of state.xml (which I presume controls this side of things?)...

    Code: [Select]
    <MJSState Version="1.0">
    <Top Visible="Hide" Position="876,42">
    <Item Type="0" Name="TogglePlaylist" State="1" Rect="231,23,265,57"/>
    <Item Type="0" Name="ToggleEQ" State="1" Rect="311,23,344,57"/>
    <Item Type="0" Name="ToggleVis" State="1" Rect="344,23,376,57"/>
    <Middle Visible="Hide" Position="876,112"/>
    <Playlist Visible="Hide" Position="882,106">
    <Item Type="0" Name="TrackListScrollUp" State="1" Rect="200,0,216,22"/>
    <Item Type="0" Name="TrackListScrollDown" State="1" Rect="200,105,216,127"/>
    <Item Type="1" Name="Tracklist" State="1" Rect="0,19,199,126"/>
    <Item Type="2" Name="TracklistPosition" State="1" Rect="200,24,216,103"/>
    <Visualization Visible="Hide" Position="1106,106">
    <Item Type="1" Name="Visualization" State="1" Rect="0,0,143,127"/>
    <Main Visible="Show" Position="876,42"/>
    <Bottom Visible="Hide" Position="876,240">
    <Item Type="0" Name="Mode" State="1" Rect="304,28,321,42"/>
    <Item Type="0" Name="Minimize" State="1" Rect="321,28,340,42"/>
    <Item Type="0" Name="Close" State="1" Rect="340,28,359,42"/>
    <Item Type="0" Name="Megaview" State="1" Rect="359,28,376,42"/>
    <Item Type="2" Name="Position" State="1" Rect="217,8,360,17"/>
    <EQ Visible="Hide" Position="1106,106">
    <Item Type="0" Name="EQToggle" State="1" Rect="7,17,60,37"/>
    <Item Type="2" Name="Volume" State="1" Rect="18,105,53,115"/>
    <Item Type="2" Name="Balance" State="1" Rect="94,105,129,115"/>
    <Item Type="2" Name="EqSlider01" State="1" Rect="9,46,19,88"/>
    <Item Type="2" Name="EqSlider02" State="1" Rect="22,46,32,88"/>
    <Item Type="2" Name="EqSlider03" State="1" Rect="35,46,45,88"/>
    <Item Type="2" Name="EqSlider04" State="1" Rect="48,46,58,88"/>
    <Item Type="2" Name="EqSlider05" State="1" Rect="61,46,71,88"/>
    <Item Type="2" Name="EqSlider06" State="1" Rect="74,46,84,88"/>
    <Item Type="2" Name="EqSlider07" State="1" Rect="87,46,97,88"/>
    <Item Type="2" Name="EqSlider08" State="1" Rect="100,46,110,88"/>
    <Item Type="2" Name="EqSlider09" State="1" Rect="113,46,123,88"/>
    <Item Type="2" Name="EqSlider10" State="1" Rect="126,46,136,88"/>
    <Vid Visible="Hide" Position="882,106">
    <Item Type="0" Name="Shuffle" State="1" Rect="0,106,67,121"/>
    <Item Type="0" Name="Repeat" State="1" Rect="67,106,113,121"/>
    <Item Type="0" Name="ToggleMute" State="1" Rect="161,106,199,121"/>
    <Item Type="1" Name="AV" State="1" Rect="7,26,81,100"/>
    <Item Type="3" Name="State" State="1" Rect="6,2,81,23"/>
    <Item Type="3" Name="Elapsed" State="1" Rect="87,1,197,1"/>
    <Item Type="3" Name="ArtistLabel" State="1" Rect="88,22,214,32"/>
    <Item Type="3" Name="Artist" State="1" Rect="88,34,214,46"/>
    <Item Type="3" Name="AlbumLabel" State="1" Rect="88,50,214,60"/>
    <Item Type="3" Name="Album" State="1" Rect="88,62,214,74"/>
    <Item Type="3" Name="TitleLabel" State="1" Rect="88,78,214,88"/>
    <Item Type="3" Name="Name" State="1" Rect="88,90,214,102"/>
    <PixOS Visible="Hide" Position="436,-282"/>
    <ControlsDn Visible="Hide" Position="887,52">
    <Item Type="0" Name="Previous" State="4" Rect="1,3,39,45"/>
    <Item Type="0" Name="Play" State="1" Rect="39,1,79,50"/>
    <Item Type="0" Name="Next" State="4" Rect="79,4,116,46"/>
    <Item Type="0" Name="Stop" State="4" Rect="119,4,159,46"/>
    <Address Visible="Hide" Position="876,245">
    <Item Type="0" Name="WWW" State="1" Rect="6,0,93,5"/>
    <ControlsUp Visible="Hide" Position="887,52">
    <Item Type="0" Name="Previous" State="4" Rect="1,3,39,45"/>
    <Item Type="0" Name="Play" State="1" Rect="39,1,79,50"/>
    <Item Type="0" Name="Next" State="4" Rect="79,4,116,46"/>
    <Item Type="0" Name="Stop" State="4" Rect="119,4,159,46"/>

    Update:- It's only doing this if minimised from a rolled down state, rolled up works fine.



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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #36 on: September 17, 2003, 11:13:15 am »


    the build I grabbed earlier today DOES remember the position, and stay on top transparent perfectly. This is simply just great. Only thing is, in transparency and rolled-up mode it shows up buttons (playlist, EQ, Vis) behind the progress bar. No big deal: once the mouse is over it the buttons disappear. By the way, that was the first time I tried the roll-up mode, and I just love it.

    As far as I'm concerned, I would like to be able to access a volume bar without having to use the EQ. That's all the more needed in rolled-up mode. Any chance to get that? Once we got that volume bar (cause I know you're the man and can do that in no time  ::) ) I think you should move on to have that cover art display thing settle and... on to the Hairstyle skin!

    Just roll it up baby.   ;)


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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #37 on: September 17, 2003, 12:45:13 pm »


    When I use the skin manager from a mini-me skin I seethe  PixOS Luna and PixOS Luna 2 skins .  HOWEVER, when I select either of those, I get this:

    "Loading the current mini-skin failed.  Media Jukebox will automatically revert to the default mini-skin."


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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #38 on: September 17, 2003, 01:19:39 pm »

    When I use the skin manager from a mini-me skin I seethe  PixOS Luna and PixOS Luna 2 skins .  HOWEVER, when I select either of those, I get this:

    "Loading the current mini-skin failed.  Media Jukebox will automatically revert to the default mini-skin."  

    This is because these are not mini-me skins, they are Track Info templates. In order to use them, go to Playing now, use the arrows in the lower left corner of the visualization space to cycle through the different modes (Visualization, Image, none, etc.) The one you want is 'Track info". Then use the arrows in the middle bottom of that same area to cycle through the different Track info templates. At some point you should hit PixOs Luna and PixOs Luna 2.

    If it is the mini-me PixOs skin you want this is the link:

    Just click it and the skin will install on its own. (BTW, I don't think it's normal that you can see the 2 track info templates in the skin manager, I guess you've browsed for them)

    Hope this will help.


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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #39 on: September 17, 2003, 01:35:24 pm »

    Wow, a whole flurry of discussion today, and I wasn't around for it. :P

    Ah, well...

    Marko> Delete the state.xml file and the skin will resort back to it's defaults. It's possible something got screwed up in there that's causing this. I just tried minimizing from the rolled up mode and it comes back fine for me. Try that and let me know how it works.

    mrsnarky> 10th pretty much summed up what's going on there. If the two Track Infos are showing up in Skin Manager, I'm assuming that you manually unzipped them there or something? You should be able to hit the Delete button in Skin Manager to get them to go away. Then just follow 10th's directions to see the Track Infos in Playing Now, or download the mini-me skin from the link he posted.

    I think I'm going to edit the first post in this thread to make everything easier to find. I was actually thinking about this last night.

    10th> I'll see what I can do about making those buttons disappear in rolled-up mode. Ever since skeeterfood first pointed out to me out ugly it looked when transparent, I've been on a kind of vendetta about this. You should see the hoops I had to jump through to show the player controls correctly in the different modes. :P

    As far as the volume control in rolled up mode... yes, it's possible. The only problem is that I had to attain permission from Pixtudio to port this skin to MC. I'm not sure how many liberties I'm allowed to take with the functionality of it, though. I'm going to be sending them an email asking about a couple of things anyway, so I'll ask about that, too. I just wouldn't want to piss them off in anyway since they were nice enough to let me do this.

    I'm not sure how much time I'm going to have to work on the state stuff tonight... I'll do my best, though.


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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #40 on: September 17, 2003, 01:59:59 pm »

    10th - thanks for the link.  That did the trick :D


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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #41 on: September 17, 2003, 02:10:09 pm »

    I just wouldn't want to piss them off in anyway since they were nice enough to let me do this.

    Come on, your working for them. I'm sure that with a nice mini-me/mega-me/hairstyle PixOs set you're making pretty good advertisement for the pixtudio suite (who wouldn't want to get the Windowblinds skin to match MC?)

    They should pay you, that's what I say.


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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #42 on: September 18, 2003, 09:17:21 am »

    I just posted an update. Should fix the screen position problem (thanks to DJ_Hazelwood). Let me know if it doesn't (so I can start tearing out what little hair I have left).

    Tonight I plan to get the rolled up mode playing a little more nicely. That includes getting it to remember what components are supposed to be showing, and making it a little more pretty in transparent mode.

    If I have time, I'll try tackling that coverart thing.

    And if I really have time, I'll try to get PixOS Luna 3 done, and start work on the Hairstyle skin.


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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #43 on: September 18, 2003, 09:39:23 am »

    Hey, Doof.  Very cool work.  I just got the latest.  Nice job.   Thanks!


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    Re: To All You PixOS Fans
    « Reply #44 on: September 22, 2003, 07:26:52 am »

    Just wanted to let you all know why there's been such a delay since the last release.

    The power supply in my home PC started flaking out on me last week. I've got a new one on order, but it'll be a few days before it arrives.

    So now updates on the skin, etc. for a while. Thankfully, it's mostly done anyway, with only a few minor tweaks left to do.


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    Re: PixOS mini-me Skin is Done!
    « Reply #45 on: September 25, 2003, 08:13:03 pm »

    Well, it's finally finished. Everything seems to be working great on my system, now. Thanks to a little creative use of some single pixel windows, I got everything remembering their last positions etc.

    I didn't add in the cover art thing, yet. I'm seriously in need of a break from this thing, so for now, it's not there. I'll come back to it someday, though and see what I can do.

    So download it if you like and let me know if you find anything not working. The download link is in the very first post of this thread. You may want to delete any old versions of the skin, just in case.


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    Re: PixOS mini-me Skin is Done!
    « Reply #46 on: September 25, 2003, 10:10:19 pm »

    Doof, have yerself a long cold beer and be very pleased with yourself.

    This skin will get a vote from me once the skin d'load areas are sorted out.
    The minimse etc. stuff I mentioned above are fixed here. Nice work.

    Thank you for bringing us this port, those hours spent headbanging on this were well worth it.



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    Re: PixOS mini-me Skin is Done!
    « Reply #47 on: September 27, 2003, 06:28:45 am »

    When I roll-up the mini-me skin, if I move it around on the screen I can see the 'shadow' of the un-rolled mini-me moving and vibrating.  Dunno if this is a bug.

    Nice work  :)



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    Re: PixOS mini-me Skin is Done!
    « Reply #48 on: September 27, 2003, 05:51:48 pm »

    This mini-me is very cool.  I was wondering whether it was possible to get the album art to be displayed instead of a musical note.  That would make it perfect.

    (maybe it's supposed to do that, but it doesn't do that on my system.)



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    Re: PixOS mini-me Skin is Done!
    « Reply #49 on: September 27, 2003, 06:02:21 pm »

    Doof - Great job dude.

    U did some really nice work on this :)
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