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Author Topic: To CMagic-and others-- ripping LPs  (Read 1369 times)


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To CMagic-and others-- ripping LPs
« on: November 20, 2003, 01:31:11 pm »

Or LP's ??????...................

I gave a try to rip some Lps and tapes.

So far so good using MC recorder to do it. A VERY good recorder in my opinion.

But ,do you know of a program who set  Volume control in an automatic way?

One problem i have sometimes is the few seconds from stylus on the lp , start recording.Some noise of cause.

How can i delete this part of the rip?
With MC?

Now ,it hurts me to spend time ripping LPs and put it in MP3.
APE is OUT OF QUESTION== few thousands LPs.

Do you think that the higger MPC settings would be better?

I saw that the higgest MPC quality is allmost lossless=== if you convert from it to mp3 there is allmost not lost in quality.
You get allmost the same sound than CD to MP3.

It is true?

Any help very welcome-- back on the weeb in few days to mess around on Interact.......


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Re:To CMagic-and others-- ripping LPs
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2003, 02:09:12 pm »

Who is zevele?


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Re:To CMagic-and others-- ripping LPs
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2003, 02:34:58 pm »

I would go with MPC. Especially if you have live albums and are going to split side into tracks. MPC is gapless while MP3 is not and then there is of course quality difference.

However if  you know that you surely need to transcode MPC to MP3 in some point
mayby it's safer to encode to MP3s in the first place because transcoding from lossy to another lossy format is always bad choice.
I haven't  done any tests myself but have read some test results in Hydrogenaudio.

Maybe you could record short WAV and compress it to both MP3 and MPC and then transcode MPC to MP3 and try if you can hear the difference between these two MP3s

For the volume matter I don't have any comments as my LP cartridge sends volume so high
that I have minimize line in in my windows mixer so that my rcordings don't clip.

Do you mean deleting garbage from the beginning from record?
If so, you just need to select garbage in media editor with mouse and then in menu EDIT->DELETE SELECTION


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Re:To CMagic-and others-- ripping LPs
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2003, 02:38:52 pm »

Salut Zev,

content de te lire à nouveau !

I don't know about anything that auomaticaly sets the volume when recording an LP but here is what I do :

1/ I clean the LP in the best way I can
2/ I record each of the two sides as two long wav files
3/ I then use one of two utilities (STeinberg Clean or Magix audio cleanic) to reduce pops & clicks and adjust the level and sometime balance. For serious pops I sometimes need to use Cool Edit Pro.
4/ Then I edit the individual songs (cut)
5/ Finally I encode the wav files (mpc --xtreme)

the highest mpc switch (--braindead) is not losless but I think that, as its name suggest, it's really useless.
As for me and my bad hearing I can't tell the difference using --xtreme or --standard.

Bonne soirée, Yonatan, hope this helps a bit,

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than the color of his eyes.
Bob Marley (War)


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Re:To CMagic-and others-- ripping LPs
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2003, 03:44:42 pm »



Thank you.
Yes i mean the garbage from the beginning. I see that it  is easy task to remove it.

Concerning volume setting ,when you get it with MC , you get a very very good result- sound i mean-

But you have to play the loudest part of the LP to get it well set.
I ALLWAYS play my LPs from start to end ,i NEVER jump the stylus on one song only. So i really do not feel relax to have to do it.

Maniac ,maybe.. but 98% of my LPs are still mint after years of playing them.

Concerning MPC , i saw on HydrogeneAudio that the higger MPC settings are very close to a lossless sound and therefore a transcoding to any other format of inferior quality gives very good results.

Transcoding to MP3 would be for my CD/CDMP3 player ,so i can do with some not that perfect sound.

But ,as you say ,to test is the way to go.

Again ,thanks you


First ,i want to rip some of my LPs ,not all.
 Only the ones who are not out on cd. Still quite a lot.
The ones on cd , i buy some ,get some  from friends , the russian site and ,of cause ,some Hillary softwares are of great help.

Because of it ,it looks like a waste to me to rip it to mp3 LPs ,12" who are not out on cd.

In another hand ,APE or others lossless format are just to big.

Hard drives DOE NOT cost peanuts outside of USA , far from it. Beside this ,even with 500 giga of hard drive ,i'am still short  with space.

The solution can be to get a DVD writer and save LPs on DVD discs in APE and keep MP3  or other format  on the computer.

As i said ,my LPs are mint and i have a cleaning machine who makes a fantastic job. So no need 'to clean' the sound.And i really do not feel like to do it.

Until now ,i rip song by song ,using ever 'automatic split' or entering the time of the songs.
But i may try to do one large WAV and edit it .

I did some cassettes as well. This is really easy to do. Much more than LP. With Reverse set on the tape desk, you get all the tape rip with one click.

I do think that a tape to WMA9 lossless sounds better than the original tape.

When ofline i spent a lot of time in records shops and bought A LOT of records-- So to be back online would be kind of saving money............

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