I would just like to say that I am very grateful that J River decided to give everyone here a break if they want to upgrade to v10. I and many others really appreciate it.
But, there are some who feel like they are getting 'screwed' because they 'just bought' v9.1. I do sort of understand this mentality, and at first it does seem reasonable, but, the more I think about it, the more it bothers me. Here's why.
When 'these people' made a decision to purchase MC 9.1, they must have decided that the product was worth the money required to 'own' it. That product has not changed (well it has, but only for the better) since their purchase. They got exactly what they paid for, and more if you consider the ongoing beta testing for that version. It will continue to improve. And I feel it is a great value for the price. Right now, the way it is.
Now, the problem comes from the recent announcement that v10
BETA has begun and when the
BETA is finished and v10 is released (Jim says a few months - I would guess closer to 6) they will 'have' to pay to upgrade to the new version. This will only be after x months of having a registered v9.1 product that will probably be much better than when originally purchased. Yeah, I got lucky and was able to use my license for much longer, but that is the past and J River has learned that they cannot continue to just 'give away' their work. If 'these people' want to participate in the
BETA for v10, J River has made a very generous offer to do that for only $10. If that doesn't seem fair, then don't participate. They should keep their $10 and wait and decide if v10
FINAL RELEASE is worth the $20 upgrade investment. If not, they still have a great program that does exactly what they purchased it to do. Nobody is going to force them to upgrade.
I guess the thing to remember is that, we can't always be in the right place at the right time, and sometimes we don't get lucky. It's not like J River is taking away what they paid for, and they are getting nothing for their money. At some point in time this had to happen. Where do 'these people' expect J River to draw the line? They just can't give away every release because some people 'just bought' the latest version.
Now, Jim, can I have some money for lunch, I forgot to bring my checkbook to work today?