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Author Topic: V10 Licenses and Prices  (Read 61024 times)


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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #50 on: December 10, 2003, 09:27:32 am »

I agree with Nila. It seems bizarre that a V9 licensee can get a discounted upgrade to compensate for beta testing when a V8 licensee can't get a similar discount despite the fact they've been testing the software for much longer. At the moment I think I'll be sticking with 9.1.316 rather than shelling out $40 to beta test v10.
Just a reminder that your V8 license was good for V9 (with no additional charge).



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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #51 on: December 10, 2003, 09:53:10 am »

All due respect John, I'm still confused...

A couple of things:

1) Go to the restore page and have your restore code e-mailed to you. This tells which license you own.
It tells me v8 which I'm kinda surprised about as I thought I'd paid a reduced fee for v9 at some point but I'm sure I must have been wrong before.  Just too long ago to remember. ;)

2) If you have a V9 license, and it is correctly installed (you can run Media Center 9 and it will show as registered), then MC10 will detect this and provide the upgrade price for you. If your V9 license is not installed, then you will be charged the full price.
my v9 showed as registered.  I've no doubt about that.

3) As always, please use Internet Explorer.


I'm not sure how I can do this using the Buy button from MC if my default browser is Mozilla Firebird.

(EDIT: to add the "wait" bit)  I'm a little uncomfortable paying $39.95 for MC10 and might wait until I see a direct personal benefit.  Just checking up to make sure I'm not caught in a wormhole. :)

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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #52 on: December 10, 2003, 09:54:34 am »

Just wait a little bit please.


John Gateley

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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #53 on: December 10, 2003, 10:04:05 am »

V8 upgrade path added. MJ 8 licenses can be upgraded to MC10 for $26.98, available now at a discount: $12.99.

This will be in the next build.



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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #54 on: December 10, 2003, 10:04:43 am »

For the same period of time, we will offer the V8 upgrade at $12.99

Jim, is this still the case? I purchased 8, then the upgrade to 9, so I'm looking at $12.99 for the upgrade to 10, correct? (Please say yes!  ;D)


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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #55 on: December 10, 2003, 10:07:15 am »

V8 upgrade path added. MJ 8 licenses can be upgraded to MC10 for $26.98, available now at a discount: $12.99.

This will be in the next build.


::bowing to Jim and John::

Sounds VERY fair to me.  I'll buy this. :)

Thanks for listening!

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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #56 on: December 10, 2003, 10:24:39 am »

To understand why (or if they should be) upset, track three upgrade paths:

1)  A new user purchases v8, then upgrades to v9 (getting an actual v9 license), then upgrades to v10.
2)  A new user purchases v8, then upgrades to v9 (using the same v8 icense), then upgrades to v10 (make that, purchases v10).
3)  A new user purchases v9, then upgrades to v10.

You'll find that the total amounts paid aren't the same for each path.


P.S.  We can forget about discounting the net present value of money to simplify things.
P.P.S.  Perhaps we should avoid using beta pricing - because one could argue that getting a beta discount is a fair compensation for the users participation in the beta process.  Or maybe not...  shouldn't everyone get to participate in the beta?


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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #57 on: December 10, 2003, 10:26:50 am »

To understand why (or if they should be) upset, track three upgrade paths:

1)  A new user purchases v8, then upgrades to v9 (getting an actual v9 license), then upgrades to v10.
2)  A new user purchases v8, then upgrades to v9 (using the same v8 icense), then upgrades to v10 (make that, purchases v10).
3)  A new user purchases v9, then upgrades to v10.

You'll find that the total amounts paid aren't the same for each path.


P.S.  We can forget about discounting the net present value of money to simplify things.
P.P.S.  Perhaps we should avoid using beta pricing - because one could argue that getting a beta discount is a fair compensation for the users participation in the beta process.  Or maybe not...  shouldn't everyone get to participate in the beta?

Aw...  forget it.  Things just change too quickly aroung here!  [For the better, I might add]


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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #58 on: December 10, 2003, 10:33:55 am »

V8 upgrade path added. MJ 8 licenses can be upgraded to MC10 for $26.98, available now at a discount: $12.99.

This will be in the next build.

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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #59 on: December 10, 2003, 10:35:45 am »

What is often ignored is that we MUST make these work, and that each new variable introduces a new chance that it won't.  We'll do our best to make sure it works, but multiple discounts introduce more risk.


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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #60 on: December 10, 2003, 10:37:13 am »

I had already written (and was ready to copy/paste) an extended diatribe about this upgrade issue when I saw that it had been resolved.

So my new whine is: where is the new build so I can send these people some $$  ;D

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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #61 on: December 10, 2003, 11:11:53 am »

V8 upgrade path added. MJ 8 licenses can be upgraded to MC10 for $26.98, available now at a discount: $12.99.

This will be in the next build.


Thank you to listening to customer feedback on this issue. JRiver truly is an enlightened company in this respect. I will be purchasing my upgrade as soon as the next build is available.


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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #62 on: December 10, 2003, 12:00:40 pm »

What is often ignored is that we MUST make these work, and that each new variable introduces a new chance that it won't.  We'll do our best to make sure it works, but multiple discounts introduce more risk.

Then give me the variables - I'll help make them work 8)



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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #63 on: December 10, 2003, 12:12:31 pm »

I'm very impressed with J River's willingness to listen to customers.  I have a v8 License, and figured I would have to buck up and pay $40 to go to v10, which really is fair.  Unfortunately, nothing in life is free.

I originally bought my license 21 months ago for $25.  I have used the SH*T out of this program, and have recommended it to many people.  It is a fantastic program!  When you consider the $40 price added to my original $25, I'm looking at about $2.00 a month to enjoy MC (when you figure that v10 - including beta - will last a year).

That's a smokin deal!

Now they have offered me an upgrade path for only $27.  That amounts to $1.57 a month!

[size=8]That's a super smokin deal![/size]

And if I act now, I can do it for $13. That's $1.15 per month!

[size=12]That's just plain stealin![/size][/glow]

Thanks J River.  You guys rock!  Keep up the good work.
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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #64 on: December 10, 2003, 12:45:40 pm »

The better way to compensate users' past beta efforts is to introduce a referral program.  Doesn’t have to be a lot of dollars.  Maybe one dollar per paid referral.  Just have a referral box.  If a valid user's email is keyed, then give dollar discount to newbie and dollar to referrer.  Maybe to be used only toward ancillary purchases. JRiver would lose $2 revenue on sale, but might make this up on more paid for installs, and expanded ancillary product purchases.  Face it, we are all interested in something for nothing.  Amount doesn't really matter.  $10, $20, $30, or $40 these days is not going to buy a lot of goods or services over the course of a year.

Sheeeeeeesh, some of us big time 'installers for friends' could retire.
Maybe make it retroactive ;-)
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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #65 on: December 10, 2003, 02:56:34 pm »

I could understand $12 or $13 or $27 or even 12.mp3 or 27.ape, but what is this .98 or .99 stuff?  I thought they were in favor of more simple, elegant, and user-friendly interfaces ;-) lol!
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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #66 on: December 10, 2003, 03:04:02 pm »

V8 upgrade path added. MJ 8 licenses can be upgraded to MC10 for $26.98, available now at a discount: $12.99.

This will be in the next build.


OK where does this leave me?

I have a V8 license and did what I thaught was the right thing last night and paid the $39.98 for the V10 license. Now I find I could have gotten it for $12.99.

Comment Jim H. or John......
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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #67 on: December 10, 2003, 03:10:52 pm »

I have a V9 license (soon to be v10) so none of this V8 mess applied to me (thanks for the discount!!).

I have been an MC addict almost from the moment I installed it, and learning/commenting on Interact is a habit I couldn't kick if I wanted to.

The way that you listen to your users is very impressive.  The fact that you are willing to budge when it comes to your own pocketbooks is just amazing!

Your inclusive development  philosophy is great, the kind of thing that others might think of trying but never actually get around to doing.

You know that we are all big fans (that's why we get so picky) but this kind of flexibility and adaptability has me hooked for life.



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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #68 on: December 10, 2003, 03:35:17 pm »

V8 upgrade path added. MJ 8 licenses can be upgraded to MC10 for $26.98, available now at a discount: $12.99.

This will be in the next build.


OK where does this leave me?

I have a V8 license and did what I thaught was the right thing last night and paid the $39.98 for the V10 license. Now I find I could have gotten it for $12.99.

Comment Jim H. or John......

Were does it say that you can have it for 12.99???


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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #69 on: December 10, 2003, 03:40:37 pm »

Look at the first post Hi_There:

License policies (may be subject to change later):

V10 will be $39.98.  

A V9 license can be upgraded to V10 for $19.98.  This includes anyone who started with a V8 license and upgraded it to V9.  Either way, it will be $19.98.

For some period of time (30 days?), we will offer the V9 upgrade at half price.

A V8 license can be upgraded to V10 for $26.98.

For the same period of time, we will offer the V8 upgrade at $12.99


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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #70 on: December 10, 2003, 04:01:57 pm »

SORRY, missed that one :-[ :-[ :-[


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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #71 on: December 10, 2003, 05:04:38 pm »

OK so my restore says I had a v8 license.  Still all I see is a $39 price.  Might that be because I did a clean install of 10.0.x to try to fix my cda burn problem?  Do I maybe have to go back to 9.1?

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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #72 on: December 10, 2003, 05:16:39 pm »

Markeau.... Jim said it will be in the next build...patience.  :)
Now isn't this just typical of whereever this is?


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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #73 on: December 10, 2003, 06:13:17 pm »

Upgraded!  :)

Great use of $12.99!!

Thanks to JRiver!

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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #74 on: December 10, 2003, 08:14:36 pm »

Upgraded too!

My faith is restored ;D

kudos and good karma to all at JRiver from me and I suspect all the V8-free9 refugees!



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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #75 on: December 10, 2003, 10:13:52 pm »

i wasn't planning on buying MC10 at all, but the limited time-only $12.99 upgrade price for v8 users was too good a deal to pass up. jim and company, 13 more bucks for you guys!


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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #76 on: December 11, 2003, 12:04:31 am »

OK where does this leave me?

I have a V8 license and did what I thaught was the right thing last night and paid the $39.98 for the V10 license. Now I find I could have gotten it for $12.99.

Comment Jim H. or John......

Same here. So what can we do  ?  :'(


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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #77 on: December 11, 2003, 07:33:23 am »

OK where does this leave me?

I have a V8 license and did what I thaught was the right thing last night and paid the $39.98 for the V10 license. Now I find I could have gotten it for $12.99.

Comment Jim H. or John......

Same here. So what can we do  ?  :'(

Not sure I'm still waiting for an answer........ ?
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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #78 on: December 11, 2003, 08:53:56 am »

It's not about the 10 bucks, it's about what is fair.

I feel all purchasers of MC9.1 on or after October 7, 2003 should be entitled to a free v10 license.  This was the official release date of 9.1.  (Full disclosure: yes, I am in this boat)

From reading the posts above, it seems V8 buyers paid $25 about two years ago, got free use of V9 and can now get V10 for $13.  So, two years of use plus license for V10 for $38.

For V9.1 purchasers, $40 for two months of use.  

So, how about it?  I think recent purchasers need to be considered. Thanks.


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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #79 on: December 11, 2003, 09:12:59 am »

Hi MC,

Thank you for listening to us, your faithful users.  We have seen your product transform, and it is a very integral part of our personal life.  Coming to the forum is also a very fun activity for many of us.

Your offer is great.  I've downloaded the new version, installed, upgrade, and paid for v10.  Thank you for this great product and forum.  In return, our support, and our committed testing.  We are ready for a successful v10.

All the best, and happy holidays.  You have made us happy for 2004.  And together with many of us, THANK YOU.   ;D ;D ;D


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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #80 on: December 11, 2003, 09:19:47 am »

Thank you J River for you upgrade offers (whichever it is) !

Though I was a bit drawn back when realising I had to pay full price for V10 (from V8) when I have been a faithful user since V8, I was willing to upgrade no matter what. $39.- (CHF 60.-) is half what the end-user get charged for software development hours here in Switzerland ("hourly" rate)... do the math!

MC is the software I use most besides the OS itself ($300.-/CHF 450.-),
Office ($400.-/CHF 600.-) and EMacs (free)... do the math again! (and don't ask, software *is* awfully expensive in Switzerland)

Thank you again and keep offering us such good bargains. ;)

PS: I'm gonna get stones thrown at me for saying so, but I wonder if J River isn't just too kind with us... this entire V10-beta / upgrade-prices stuff is way more than what I would dare ask for. Cheers everyone  ;D
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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #81 on: December 11, 2003, 09:21:42 am »

It's not about the 10 bucks, it's about what is fair.

I feel all purchasers of MC9.1 on or after October 7, 2003 should be entitled to a free v10 license.  This was the official release date of 9.1.  (Full disclosure: yes, I am in this boat)

From reading the posts above, it seems V8 buyers paid $25 about two years ago, got free use of V9 and can now get V10 for $13.  So, two years of use plus license for V10 for $38.

For V9.1 purchasers, $40 for two months of use.  

So, how about it?  I think recent purchasers need to be considered. Thanks.
No changes are planned.  V10 probably won't be released for several months.  While we did do it in the past, we're not going to provide the next release at no charge any longer.


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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #82 on: December 11, 2003, 09:33:48 am »

A few people purchased MC10 at full price before we began the special upgrade price from V8 to V10.

These people should receive e-mail in a day or two concerning a partial refund.

We can't continue to do this because it requires a lot of time to do, so please be careful that you purchase the right license at the right price.


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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #83 on: December 11, 2003, 09:44:29 am »

Just figured I'd throw in my $0.02 (again).

I have no problems with your current policies, I'm glad to contribute my $10 to such a great program.

My only comment would be offering some option for people who have bought MC 9.1 and within a week or so realize that MC 10 is available.  I could see myself being very frustrated purchasing MC 9.1 and going to the forums, only to find out that for the same money, I could have purchased MC10.  I understand that you might not want to put MC 10 onto your current purchasing page, as it's still an early beta, but giving people some chance to rectify the problem within a short time period.

I know that I was frustrated when it happened to me with v8 --> v9.  i.e. I went to your site, and MC 9 wasn't mentioned on the purchase page at the time, so I got 8, only to realized that I had to upgrade to 9 and it was going to cost a couple more bucks.  At first I was very annoyed...  mostly at myself for not lookign around more.  Then I realized, just work an extra 5 minutes and I've made up the cost.  

I just don't want to have people get frustrated needlessly over this.



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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #84 on: December 11, 2003, 10:08:48 am »

A few people purchased MC10 at full price before we began the special upgrade price from V8 to V10.

These people should receive e-mail in a day or two concerning a partial refund.

We can't continue to do this because it requires a lot of time to do, so please be careful that you purchase the right license at the right price.

Thank You for listening, MC is a great product.
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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #85 on: December 11, 2003, 11:03:34 am »

A few people purchased MC10 at full price before we began the special upgrade price from V8 to V10.

These people should receive e-mail in a day or two concerning a partial refund.

We can't continue to do this because it requires a lot of time to do, so please be careful that you purchase the right license at the right price.

I'm one of this people. I've paid full price, to upgrade from V8 to V10, before you began the special price of this upgrade. I'll wait your e-mail concerning of this parcial refund. I so sorry. Please, forgive my mistake.  :-[
I apreciate your time and once again forgive me for all this trouble I've made.

Thanks JimH, and all the JRiver Staff. ;D


Paulo Eduardo de Souza ;)


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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #86 on: December 11, 2003, 11:04:23 am »

A few people purchased MC10 at full price before we began the special upgrade price from V8 to V10.

These people should receive e-mail in a day or two concerning a partial refund.

We can't continue to do this because it requires a lot of time to do, so please be careful that you purchase the right license at the right price.

Thanks too!


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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #87 on: December 11, 2003, 11:09:15 am »

My only comment would be offering some option for people who have bought MC 9.1 and within a week or so realize that MC 10 is available.  

It isn't "available" in anything like a finished form.  It's available as very early beta.  It will be several months until it is released.

We have to keep moving forward and there is a limit to the number of special cases we can handle.


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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #88 on: December 11, 2003, 12:06:00 pm »

Thanks for the quick solution to our v8 upgrade "problems". This is VERY FAIR from you, JRiver!!

Thanks again.
- Pietro (v10)


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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #89 on: December 11, 2003, 12:53:03 pm »

I would just like to say that I am very grateful that J River decided to give everyone here a break if they want to upgrade to v10.  I and many others really appreciate it.

But, there are some who feel like they are getting 'screwed' because they 'just bought' v9.1.  I do sort of understand this mentality, and at first it does seem reasonable, but, the more I think about it, the more it bothers me.  Here's why.

When 'these people' made a decision to purchase MC 9.1, they must have decided that the product was worth the money required to 'own' it.  That product has not changed (well it has, but only for the better) since their purchase.  They got exactly what they paid for, and more if you consider the ongoing beta testing for that version.  It will continue to improve.  And I feel it is a great value for the price.  Right now, the way it is.

Now, the problem comes from the recent announcement that v10 BETA has begun and when the BETA is finished and v10 is released (Jim says a few months - I would guess closer to 6) they will 'have' to pay to upgrade to the new version.  This will only be after x months of having a registered v9.1 product that will probably be much better than when originally purchased.  Yeah, I got lucky and was able to use my license for much longer, but that is the past and J River has learned that they cannot continue to just 'give away' their work.  If 'these people' want to participate in the BETA for v10, J River has made a very generous offer to do that for only $10.  If that doesn't seem fair, then don't participate.  They should keep their $10 and wait and decide if v10 FINAL RELEASE is worth the $20 upgrade investment.  If not, they still have a great program that does exactly what they purchased it to do.  Nobody is going to force them to upgrade.

I guess the thing to remember is that, we can't always be in the right place at the right time, and sometimes we don't get lucky.  It's not like J River is taking away what they paid for, and they are getting nothing for their money.  At some point in time this had to happen.  Where do 'these people' expect J River to draw the line?  They just can't give away every release because some people 'just bought' the latest version.


Now, Jim, can I have some money for lunch, I forgot to bring my checkbook to work today? :D
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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #90 on: December 11, 2003, 12:58:31 pm »


I have a problem to upgrade from MC9,

The form doesn't accept my email. I am using the as on the forum however, it is not the same as when I bought MC because I have changed my provider.

Any idea to solve this ?



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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #91 on: December 11, 2003, 01:00:21 pm »


I have a problem to upgrade from MC9,

The form doesn't accept my email. I am using the as on the forum however, it is not the same as when I bought MC because I have changed my provider.

Any idea to solve this ?


you can change your e-mail address on the restore page.
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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #92 on: December 11, 2003, 01:20:48 pm »

Try the FAQ here:

Your old e-mail from should have the Reg Code.


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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #93 on: December 11, 2003, 01:56:34 pm »

Just a suggestion...

I just upgraded to ver. 10 and it was not real clear on the steps to follow through the purchase process. I did figure it out eventually, and it did recognize my upgrade path correctly. You probably have the procedure spelled out somewhere among the posts, but the posts are becoming numerous and somewhat convoluted.

You should start a Music Center 10 forum.

Anyways, great product!

I give you credit, with all the whining about upgrades, you have maintained a very professional demeanor. I would be screaming at the screen and banging the keyboard.


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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #94 on: December 11, 2003, 05:08:11 pm »

I am sorry if this has been talked about in another thread, but I didn't see anything is this one.

Got my MC 10 license OK, however the confirmation email states that the installation key is only good for two weeks.  What's that all about?



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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #95 on: December 11, 2003, 05:22:08 pm »

Each install file is good for 2 weeks, After that if you need to restore, you can get a new one sent to you.

For more info goto the FAQ thread. (It's the third or fourth thread from the top)


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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #96 on: December 11, 2003, 05:23:43 pm »

I am sorry if this has been talked about in another thread, but I didn't see anything is this one.

Got my MC 10 license OK, however the confirmation email states that the installation key is only good for two weeks.  What's that all about?


once the program is licenses it is good

the key is good for 14 days so you can reinstall it on another PC or if something happens.

it does not mean that after 14 days the program becomes Un-registered.

details are under the FAQ
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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #97 on: December 11, 2003, 07:11:28 pm »

the confirmation email states that the installation key is only good for two weeks.

I'll bet this is a common source of confusion (I know it briefly worried me when I bought MC a few weeks ago), which could easily be avoided if JR weren't quite so terse.  Instead of

Your Installation Key, good for two weeks, is attached to this message.

they could have said something a little clearer, like

Your Installation Key is attached to this message.  You must use it within two weeks to register your copy of Media Center.  If you lose the key, or wait more than two weeks, see the FAQ (link below) about restoring your license.


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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #98 on: December 12, 2003, 06:35:12 pm »

A few people purchased MC10 at full price before we began the special upgrade price from V8 to V10.

These people should receive e-mail in a day or two concerning a partial refund.

We can't continue to do this because it requires a lot of time to do, so please be careful that you purchase the right license at the right price.

I'm one of this people. I've paid full price, to upgrade from V8 to V10, before you began the special price of this upgrade. I'll wait your e-mail concerning of this parcial refund. I so sorry. Please, forgive my mistake.  :-[
I apreciate your time and once again forgive me for all this trouble I've made.

Thanks JimH, and all the JRiver Staff. ;D


Paulo Eduardo de Souza ;)

Thank you JimH, and Ms. Ruthan Gagner, that refunded me the price difference between a new purchase of product, and the upgrade to Media Center version 10, which was what I really wanted.
JRiver staff make what they promise in time. I received the e-mail promised.
Thank you all.


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Re:V10 Licenses and Prices
« Reply #99 on: December 12, 2003, 07:13:59 pm »

I have a v8 license and payed the full $40 price for v10 and was happy to do so.  A couple days later JRiver offers a discounted v10 upgrade for v8 license holders, but I didn't worry about or mind paying the full price.  Now I have gotten an e-mail saying that I have been refunded $27 to match the price difference in the upgrade and the full price.  JRiver is easily the mostest awesomest company in the world.

Just to reiterate, I don't mind paying the $40 price for v10 if you want the $27 back.  When I bought a copy of v8 I was told that the license included the very next version when it was released, but not any subsequent versions.  I personally think that anyone complaining about not having a discounted price for upgrading from version 8 should just chill. :P

Originally posted here:;action=display;threadid=17488;start=50
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