For me personally with tagging:
The AW Tag Info window NEEDS to be customisable in terms of groups of fields. I end up trying to squeeze as many of my regular ones into general as I can and then toggling between that and ALL FIELDS which to be honest is VERY overwhelming. I just want to be able to create custom groups of tags for different tasks/media etc.
I've kept asking for it but no sign
I've heard a few other people mention it too. It seems like the rest just gave up using MC for tagging and decided just not to ask for it to be improved.
Also with the panes - just show all values like you had it before. All the ones in the current group go at the top with a seperator, all other ones in the db but not in the group of files go underneath.
Inline auto complete when I hit F2 to be honest is a step back for me too. All my columns are the exact size of the info, when I hit F2 the scroll bar appears and with the smaller fields esp. it just means I cant see what I'm typing and have to resize the columns.
The tagging mode where we can browse and tag is great but the fact it is automatically combined is a bit dodgy (or at least that's the feeling I get when someone new is using my computer, I'm constantly worried).
In my opinion it should be the way it is now WHEN in tagging mode, but should otherwise just be normal browsing mode with the button or F4 to toggle between them.
Also, I'd love to be able to press a button (maybe when I turn on tagging mode) and MC knows I'm about to start tagging. I then tag all my files and at the end press the button again (turn off tagging mode). At THIS point it then applies all the tag changes.
This would let me tag all my photo's (10,000 and growing of them) quickly and fast without having to wait around for changes to be applied and THEN when I'm finished just get MC to run through and apply all the changes while I walk off and have something to eat or watch TV or something. It'd mean I was wasting no time waiting for changes to be applied while I worked and it'd also mean that ALL the tag changes to files were just applied at the same time instead of the file being written to 3 or 4 times for each changed field.
Maybe as Rhino suggested have MC write a log file of all the changes to be applied and delete it as it does them. That way if MC crashed after 5000 tag changes before it applied them, as soon as it was re-opened it'd be able to pick up exactly where it left off and the 5000 tags would be still waiting to be applied. It eliminates any danger.
For me those are the biggest ones although to be honest I'd LOVE to have the location bar back with buttons on it for: Fill Track Numbers from List order, rename files from properties, fill properties from filename etc. so I could use it as a one click toolbar to do tasks quickly.
Sorry for going on about it but it's either that or I just give up using MC and use APA2 instead for my images as the tagging method right now just doesn't do it for me at all.
I'd much rather use MC thou and dont want to give up using it so thats why I ask.
Thanks for listenin,